Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts

Fasting can ward off diabetes: Study

WASHINGTON (PTI): Fasting can reduce cholesterol levels in pre-diabetic people over extended period of time, according to a new research.
Fasting can ward off diabetes: Study
 The research on periodic fasting has identified a biological process in the body that converts bad cholesterol in fat cells to energy, thus combating diabetes risk factors.

Meal-Planning Methods for Diabetes

A builder would never start a house without a blueprint. A businessperson needs a strategy to start a successful company. In the same way, if you’ve set your sights on healthy eating and good diabetes management, you’ll need a plan to get you there.
Luckily, you don’t have to start from scratch. Doctors have developed several methods to help you plot out what to eat and when. Each meal-planning tool aims to keep your blood sugar in check and your disease under control. Talk with your diabetes care team to determine which will work best for you.

Genetic mutations discovered that could prevent type 2 diabetes

MNT FeaturedAcademic Journal
Almost 26 million children and adults in the US have diabetes, while 79 million of us have pre-diabetes. Now, researchers have identified rare mutations in a gene that they say could prevent type 2 diabetes - the most common form of the disease - even in people who have risk factors for the condition.
The international research team, led by investigators from the Broad Institute of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard, and the Massachusetts General Hospital, recently published the findings in the journal Nature Genetics.
The researchers say that if a drug can be created that mimics the protective effects of these mutations, this could open the doors to the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
To reach their findings, the investigators analyzed the genes of 150,000 individuals over five ancestry groups using next-generation sequencing.

Diabetes: 5 Signs You Might Be at Risk

By Paula Spencer Scott, senior editor

yawnIncredibly, one in four Americans over age 20 has prediabetes -- and most don't even know it. Being prediabetic means that your blood glucose levels are higher than normal but short of being classified as diabetic levels. Studies show that most people with prediabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years, unless they lose weight and make dietary and exercise changes.
Because prediabetes develops gradually over years, it's often said that there are no obvious symptoms. But it's possible to notice certain warning signs of growing insulin resistance, the inability to process the energy in food properly that's a key aspect of prediabetes, says Beth Reardon, director of nutrition for Duke Integrative Medicine at Duke University.

Paying close attention to such warning signs gives you plenty of time to make changes before the situation progresses to type 2 diabetes, she says.

Complete Diabetic Control by Laparoscopic Surgery

Complete control of Diabetes by Laparoscopic Surgery

The biggest recent advancement in the medical world is Control of Diabetes (Type 2) by Laparoscopic (Key-hole) Surgery. A team of specialists from Hyderabad led by Dr Surendra Ugale is the first in India to have performed Ileal Transposition Surgery (small intestinal switch) for control and finally cure of diabetes.

Diabetes Medicines

Diabetes treatment: Medications for type 2 diabetes

By Mayo Clinic staff
Healthy lifestyle choices — including diet, exercise and weight control — provide the foundation for managing type 2 diabetes. However, you may need medications to achieve target blood sugar (glucose) levels. Sometimes a single medication is effective. In other cases, a combination of medications works better.
The list of medications for type 2 diabetes is long and potentially confusing. Learning about these drugs — how they're taken, what they do and what side effects they may cause — will help you discuss treatment options with your doctor.

Diabetes - More Information

Diabetes is the Fastest Growing Disease in the World Today!
According to the Centers for Disease Control:
  • Diabetes is an epidemic.
  • 17 million Americans have diabetes . . .
    with 5.9 million completely unaware that they even have the disease.
  • Diabetes is the 5th leading cause of death in the United States . . .
    with over 200,000 deaths each year from diabetes-related complications. 
  • Among U.S. adults, diagnosed diabetes increased 49% from 1990 to 2000.
    Similar increases are expected in the next decade and beyond.

Cure for Type II Diabetes

The Cure for Type II Diabetes

If you are already on insulin, absolutely do not stop taking insulin, and do not stop measuring your glucose levels, without your doctor's permission.

What Causes Type II Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes can be cured!! But before understanding any cure for type 2 diabetes, it is first necessary to understand the cause of type 2 diabetes.
First of all, being overweight does NOT cause type 2 diabetes!!! Scientists generate a lot of data, but frequently have no clue how to interpret the data.
The reason there is a high statistical correlation between being overweight and having type 2 diabetes is that the same thing that causes type 2 diabetes also causes some people to be overweight. For example, bad fats (such as in margarine) are what cause type 2 diabetes, and bad fats can also cause a person to be overweight.
Thus the statistical correlation is not a "causal" relationship, but rater a "common cause" relationship. It is extremely rare when a scientist discusses "common cause" statistical correlations because they get paid to sell drugs. Let me repeat: being overweight does NOT cause type 2 diabetes.
Here is more information about what really causes type 2 diabetes:

Diabetes - A Plan for Cure

The Diabetes Cure

by Dr. Stefan Ripich, ND, CNP
and Jim Healthy


 Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. HELEN KELLER

 TOMORROW, you‘ll begin The 30-Day Diabetes Cure. I hope you‘ve found these introductory chapters helpful in understanding diabetes and what it takes to reverse it. Today, I offer an overview of my 30-day plan so you know exactly what to expect. First, let me briefly explain how I've structured The 30-Day Diabetes Cure into three distinct phases...


Diabetes - All about it

Diabetes is the Fastest Growing Disease in the World Today!

According to the Centers for Disease Control:
  • Diabetes is an epidemic.
  • 17 million Americans have diabetes . . .
    with 5.9 million completely unaware that they even have the disease.
  • Diabetes is the 5th leading cause of death in the United States . . .
    with over 200,000 deaths each year from diabetes-related complications.
  • Among U.S. adults, diagnosed diabetes increased 49% from 1990 to 2000.
    Similar increases are expected in the next decade and beyond.