Saturday within Octave of Easter, April 6
Friday within Easter Octave, April 5
Friday within Easter Octave, April 5
Acts 4:1-12 / John 21:1-14
They catch 153 fish; The net didn't break.
Thursday within the Octave of Easter, April 4
Thursday within the Octave of Easter, April 4
Acts 3:11-26 / Luke 24:35-48
Jesus instructs his disciples; You are to be my witnesses.
Wednesday within Octave of Easter, April 3
Wednesday within Octave of Easter, April 3
Acts 3:1-10 / Luke 24:13-45
Two disciples welcome a stranger; The stranger turned out to be Jesus.
Tuesday Within Easter Octave, April 2
Tuesday Within Easter Octave, April 2
Acts 2:36-41 / John 20:11-18
Jesus speaks to Mary of Magdala; "Stop holding on to me."
Monday within Easter Octave, April 1
Monday within Easter Octave, April 1
Acts 2:14, 22-33 / Matthew 28:8-15
Guards say Jesus' body was stolen; This story still circulates.
Easter Octave: Apr 10-15
April 10 Monday:
The context: Today’s Gospel describes how the two Marys who had been at the foot of the cross
Friday within Easter Octave, April 14
Friday within Easter Octave, April 14
4:1-12 / John 21:1-14
They catch 153 fish; The net didn't break.
Tuesday Within Easter Octave, April 11
Tuesday Within Easter Octave, April 11
Acts 2:36-41 / John 20:11-18
Jesus speaks to Mary of Magdala; "Stop holding on to me."
Saturday within Octave of Easter, April 23
Saturday within Octave of Easter, April 23
Acts 4:13-21 / Mark 16:9-15
Jesus instructs his disciples; "Proclaim the gospel to all creatures. "
Thursday within the Octave of Easter, April 21
Thursday within the Octave of Easter, April 21
Acts 3:11-26 / Luke 24:35-48
Jesus instructs his disciples; You are to be my witnesses.
Tuesday Within Easter Octave, April 19
Tuesday Within Easter Octave, April 19
Acts 2:36-41
/ John 20:11-18
Jesus speaks to Mary of Magdala; "Stop holding on to me."
Saturday within Octave of Easter, April 10
Saturday within Octave of Easter, April 10
Acts 4:13-21 / Mark 16:9-15
Jesus instructs his disciples; "Proclaim the gospel to all creatures. "
The capital of Texas is named after Stephen Austin, an early pioneer who founded numerous settlements in Texas. Austin didn't like preachers and tried to keep them out of his towns.
Thursday within the Octave of Easter, April 8
Thursday within the Octave of Easter, April 8
Acts 3:11-26
/ Luke 24:35-48
Jesus instructs his disciples; You are to be my witnesses.
underscores three things in this reading.
the reality of
the resurrection,
the necessity of
the cross, and
(3) the urgency of the task of preaching the Good News to all nations.
Easter Octave: April 5-10, 2021:
Easter Octave: April 5-10, 2021:
5 Monday: Mt 28:8-15:
The context: Today’s Gospel describes how the two Marys who had been at the foot of the cross – Mary Magdalene and “the other Mary” (sister or cousin of Jesus’ mother) – went to the tomb of Jesus early on Sunday morning. They were shocked at seeing an open tomb without Jesus’ body in it. As they ran back with fear and joy to report the news to the apostles, the risen Jesus greeted them and told them to inform the apostles that he would meet them in Galilee. The guards, too, went to the chief priests to report the Resurrection of Jesus. But they were promptly silenced by the Temple authorities who bribed them to spread the false news that Jesus’ body had been stolen by his disciples.
Wednesday within Octave of Easter, April 7
Wednesday within Octave of Easter, April 7
Acts 3:1-10
/ Luke 24:13-45
Two disciples welcome a stranger; The stranger turned out to be Jesus.
The Emmaus episode dramatizes three of the ways that people encountered the risen Jesus: in the broken brother, the broken word, and the broken bread.