Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts

25th Sunday A: The Labourers in the Vineyard and their Master

Gospel reading: Matthew 20:1-16

workers1Michel DeVerteuil 
General Comments
We have another parable this Sunday, one that many people find particularly difficult to interpret.
As I said in last week’s meditation guidelines, method is always the root problem with interpreting parables, and to adopt the right method we must have a right understanding of what a parable is. It is not the kind of story where we identify “good guys” and “bad guys” and then draw the conclusion that we must imitate the good and avoid being like the bad.

Pope: Five "pillars" for development: Justice for all

There is neither real promotion of the common good nor real human development when there is ignorance of the fundamental pillars that govern a nation, its non-material goods:

1) life, which is a gift of God, a value always to be protected and promoted;

2) the family, the foundation of coexistence and a remedy against social fragmentation;

3) integral education, which cannot be reduced to the mere transmission of information for purposes of generating profit;

4) health, which must seek the integral well-being of the person, including the spiritual dimension, essential for human balance and healthy coexistence;

5) security, in the conviction that violence can be overcome only by changing human hearts.

Finally, Francis encouraged the youth, and everyone, to persevere in the fight for justice.