Epiphany - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (See second Reading)
May the star of Jesus our Lord shine on you
and on all the nations of the earth.
May you live in his light
and may the Lord Jesus be always with you.
R/ And also with you.

Epiphany - Manifestation of the Lord

Story: A husband asked his wife, "Why would God give the wise men a star to guide them?" She replied, "Because God knows men are too proud to ask directions."

Jan 1: Mary, Mother of God

 Thomas O’Loughlin
General Notes
The most basic fact about today is that it is New Year’s Day, the public holiday that marks the end of the holiday season, and the beginning of any number of other things from diaries to keeping accounts of various sorts. In everyone’s eyes it is a special day. If we think of time as made up of ‘stressed’ (= special days; special time) and ‘unstressed'(= ordinary days; everyday time) periods, then this is a ‘stressed’ day par excellence.

Holy Family - Shorter Version

Ecclesiasticus 3:2-6, 12-14 / Colossians 3:12-21 / Luke 2:41-52

Today’s feast of the Holy Family brings back for me many childhood memories, especially childhood memories about going to church.

When my siblings and I were still kids, my parents would usually bring us together as a family for Mass every Sunday.

29th December - 5th day - Thomas Becket

Fifth day within the Octave of Christmas

1 John 2:3-11 / Luke 2:22-35

On this fifth day in the octave of Christmas, the Church celebrates the optional memorial of St. Thomas Becket, bishop and martyr.

28th December, Holy Innocents, Martyrs

1 John 1:5 - 2:2 / Matthew 2:13-18

The first day of Christmas, the Church celebrated the martyrdom of St. Stephen, the first Christian to witness to Christ with his life.

27th December, St. John, Evangelist

1 John 1:1-4 / John 20:2-8

According to tradition, St. John was subjected to torture by being plunged into a pot of boiling oil but he miraculously survived, whereas the other apostles were martyred.

26th December: St. Stephen, First Martyr

Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59 . Matthew 10:17-22

We are still very much in a festive mood, with Christmas carols like "Silent Night, Holy Night" and "Joy to the world" still ringing in our heads and maybe we are still bloated from all the feasting.

Christmas - Stories and Illustrations

Collection from Fr. Tony Kadavil and Others

1) Origin of the Christmas celebration: Many scholars believe that Christmas came to be placed on December 25th in order to counteract a pagan celebration called the Birth of the Unconquered Sun, a feast established by the Roman Emperor, Aurelian, in AD 274.  Since December 25th was around the date of the winter solstice (the year’s shortest day, after which the days begin to lengthen again showing the victory of the sun over darkness), it was chosen as the date of rejoicing.  When Christianity was approved as the official religion of the Roman Empire, the Church chose this day to celebrate the birth of the true Sun – the Son of God Who conquers the power of darkness.  

Christmas 2018-Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (See Second Reading)
    In our own time God has spoken to us
    through his own Son,
    the radiant light of God's glory
    through whom he made everything.
    May this Son, Jesus the Lord, be with you. 
    R/ And also with you.

Christmas 2018

At the outset let me express my sincere and prayerful wishes of the Nativity of the Lord. May the promises of hope, joy, peace, love of his birth be fulfilled in each of us now and always.

John Littleton
Christmas has finally Come. We rejoice that the Word has become flesh, that God the Son has become human while remaining divine. There is no more waiting because the Messiah has arrived and now is the time liberation from our enslavement to sin. But this is n surprising since, in the Hebrew Scriptures ( Christians call the Old Testament), this arrival had b prophesied for many centuries before the birth of Christ.

Dec 17-22: Weekday Reflections

Dec 17 Monday: Mt 1:1-17: 1 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. 

The Dog that waited at the Road side where its Master was Killed

My MOM ....


1) My first restaurant => my mother's breast
2) My first toilet => my mother's laps
3) My first school => Mom's kitchen
4) My first teacher => my mother
5) My first doctor => it's my mom
6) My first thermometer => my mother's fingers
7) My first friend => it's my mom
 8) My first dresser => it's my mom
9) My first vehicle => my mom's back
10) My first lawyer => *it's my mom.

Thank you mom for all you did for giving me life

Long live to all mothers

A mother can easily maintain 6 children, but why is it difficult for 6 children to maintain a mother?

To all the moms of the world


In Florida , an atheist created a case against Easter and Passover Holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days.
The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring,
"Case dismissed!"

This Website: Pageviews by Countries

Interesting shift by a number of Chinese Readers.

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Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
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Pope's Stirring Homily: To be Happy

Over 8,700 viewers for this post:
Look what a homily Pope Francis gave in yesterday's mass! It's to read and reread several times ...
This is the Pope with the greatest spirituality since Peter.

"You can have flaws, be anxious, and ever angry, but do not forget that your life is the greatest enterprise in the world. Only you can stop it from going bust. Many appreciate you, admire you and love you. Remember that to be happy is not to have a sky without a storm, a road without accidents, work without fatigue, relationships without disappointments. To be happy is to find strength in forgiveness, hope in battles, security in the stage of fear, love in discord. It is not only to enjoy the smile, but also to reflect on the sadness. It is not only to celebrate the successes, but to learn lessons from the failures. It is not only to feel happy with the applause, but to be happy in anonymity. Being happy is not a fatality of destiny, but an achievement for those who can travel within themselves.

India's first Rocket was brought on a bicycle and started from a church

So far over 37,450 people have viewed this post.

India's first rocket being transported on bicycle (1963)

32 Sunday B - Liturgical Prayers

Greetings (see the Entrance Antiphon)
The Lord reassures us today:
My plans for you are peace and not disaster.
When you call to me, I will listen to you
and I will bring you home.
May the Lord of peace and hope be with you. R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant

Nov 2: All Souls Day

All Souls, 02.11.2018
Isaiah 25:6-9 / Romans 5:5-11 / John 6:37-40

One of the most emotionally charged occasions that we often come across would be at a funeral.

The death of a person, and more so a loved one, is usually accompanied with grief and sorrow and tears.

The boy's Shells

A 6 yr old boy was in the market with his 4 yr old sister. Suddenly the boy found that his sister was lagging behind.
He stopped and looked back. His sister was standing in front of a toy shop and was watching something with great interest.
The boy went back to her and asked, “Do you want something?” The sister pointed at the doll. The boy held her hand and like a responsible elder brother, gave that doll to her. The sister was very very happy…

Nov 2: All Souls Day

From Fr. Tony Kadavil:

All Souls’ Day is a day specially set apart that we may remember and pray for our dear ones who have gone for their eternal reward and who are currently in a state of ongoing purification.

Ancient belief: 1) People of all religions have believed in the immortality of the soul, and have prayed for the dead.

Nov 1: Feast of All Saints - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (Rom 1, 7)
To all of you who are God's beloved
and called to be saints,
grace and peace from God our Father
and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord's peace stay with you. R/ And also with you.

Nov 1: All Saints

Fr. Tony Kadavil:

Synopsis: All Saints Day: The feast and its objectives: All baptized Christians who have died and are now with God in glory are considered saints. All Saints Day is intended to honor the memory of countless unknown and uncanonized saints who have no feast days. Today we thank God for giving ordinary men and women a share in His holiness and Heavenly glory as a reward for their Faith. This feast is observed to teach us to honor the saints, both by imitating their lives and by seeking their intercession for us before Christ, the only mediator between God and man (I Tim. 2:5). The Church reminds us today that God's call for holiness is universal, that all of us are called to live in His love and to make His love real in the lives of those around us. Holiness is related to the word wholesomeness. We grow in holiness when we live wholesome lives of integrity truth, justice, charity, mercy and compassion sharing our blessings with others.

29 Sunday B - Liturgical Prayers

Greetings (see Second Reading)
We have here among us
a high priest capable of feeling our weaknesses
and who was tempted in every way that we are,
though he was without sin.
With his grace and mercy
may Jesus be always with you.
R/ And also with you.

Mission Sunday - Oct 21, 2018

Is 53: 10-11; Heb 4: 14-16; Mark 10: 35-45
During the American Revolution, a man in civilian clothes rode past a group of soldiers who were busy pulling out a horse carriage stuck in deep mud. Their officer was shouting instructions to them while making no attempt to help. The stranger who witnessed the scene asked the officer why he wasn't helping. With great dignity, the officer replied, "Sir, I am a Corporal!" The stranger dismounted from his horse and proceeded to help the exhausted soldiers himself.

28 Sunday B

14th October 2018, 28th Ordinary Sunday, Year B. 
Wisdom 7:7-11 / Hebrews 4:12-13 / Mark 10:17-30

By and large, we human beings are quite predictable creatures and that is because we are creatures of habit.

From what we do, to what we say, to how we think, we can be habitually predictable and predictably habitual.

Oct 7: Our Lady of the Rosary

Importance: The word Rosary means “Crown of Roses,” and each prayer in the Rosary is considered a flower presented to Mary. It is called the “Breviary of the common people” and the “Psalms of the Illiterate.” The prayers we repeat are Biblical and hence “inspired,” and the mysteries we meditate upon are taken from the lives of Jesus and Mary.  

PUNS - To Lighten up your Day


1. The meaning of opaque is unclear.
2. I wasn't going to get a brain transplant but then I changed my mind.
3. Have you ever tried to eat a clock? It's very time consuming.
4. A man tried to assault me with milk, cream and butter. How dairy!
5. I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I can't put it down.

26 Sunday B: Discipleship - Radicality

Fr. John Speekman:

Numbers 11:25-29; James 5:1-6; Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48
The world today is in trouble – big trouble - politically, economically, socially, and morally. What has gone wrong? There are no easy answers because the problems are complex but I do know that the analyses offered by the ‘experts’ are little more than descriptions of the disease – lust for power, greed for money, reliance on force, apathy fostered by materialism, disrespect for human life – a disease over which they are powerless.

25 Sunday B - Shorter Reflection

23rd September 2018, 25th Ordinary Sunday, Year B.
Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 / James 3:16 – 4:3 / Mark 9:30-37
When we were in primary school, especially in the lower primary, there were two ways to gauge our language proficiency.
One was spelling.  The teacher would dictate a word or a phrase, and we would scramble to spell it out.

Paying Attention

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes, was not above telling self- deprecating tales.*
*In one situation, he was waiting at a taxi stand outside the railway station in Paris. *
*When a taxi pulled up, he placed his suitcase in the car and took a seat next to it.

Lesson from Sunflowers

🌻Sunflowers turn according to the position of the sun, 🌞 in other words, they “chase the light.” You might already know this, but there is another fact that you probably do not know!
Have you ever wondered what happens on cloudy, rainy days when the sun is completely covered by clouds?🤔

EQuestions and Riddles

👍 👍 👍 👍
If swimming is a good exercise to stay FIT, why are whales FAT????

Prostate Gland - Men Only!!!

The Prostate Gland and its effect on us , (men only).
Read it and apply, esp the part on diet.
Useful for all MEN over-40:

25 Sunday B: Who's the Greatest?

 Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
Today’s passage is in two sections:
– a narrative which gives the context of the entire passage (verses 30-32);
– two teachings on humility, both woven into dramatic narratives (verses 33-35 and 36-37) which flow from the previous teaching.
As usual, we are free to take each section separately, or then we can see an inner logic between them.

Sept 15: Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows, Saturday, 15-09-18
Hebrews 5:7-9 / John 19:25-27 or Luke 2:33-35

We may wonder why the Church picks those moments of grief and sorrow and suffering and turns it into a celebration. Yesterday we celebrated the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Sept 14: Exaltation of the Holy Cross

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Friday, 14-09-18
Numbers 21:4-9 / Philippians 2:6-11 / John 3:13-17

This feast is called in Greek Ὕψωσις τοῦ Τιμίου Σταυροῦ (literally, "Raising Aloft of the Precious Cross"). In Latin it is called Exaltatio Sanctae Crucis (literally, "Raising Aloft of the Holy Cross").

23 Sunday B: Shorter Version

23rd Ordinary Sunday, Year B, 09.09.2018
Isaiah 35:4-7/ James 2:1-5/ Mark 7: 31-37

The mother-tongue is understood as the language that is learnt from birth.
It is also sometimes called the native language, but still the term “mother-tongue” is more endearing.
More than just a being a language that our mothers taught us, it is the language that resonates deep within us, it is the language of the heart.

Sept 18: Daily Reflections by Pune CSC Scholastics

Sept 8: Nativity of Mary

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saturday, 08-09-18
Micah 5:1-4 / Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23

Eli Lilly - After 35 Years at a Pharmaceutical Company

23 Sunday B - Liturgical Prayers

Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ,
who did all things well.
He makes the deaf hear
and the mute speak.
May he open our ears to his Word
and may he always be with you. R/ And also with you.

23 Sunday B: Ephphatha - Be Opened

 Michel DeVerteuil 
Textual Comments
We are given the context of today’s story: it took place as Jesus was “returning from the district of Tyre”. He was passing “by way of Sidon towards the Sea of Galilee” and this brought him “right through the Decapolis region”. This reminds us that we must know how to leave our ordinary surroundings so that we can meet people like this man.
Today’s gospel passage is a healing story. We must be careful to interpret these stories correctly. For example, we would be wrong to draw the conclusion that since Jesus healed miraculously, all his followers are called to do the same. That would be to misunderstand the meaning of the miracles.

22 Sunday B: Shorter One

22nd Ordinary Sunday, Year B, 02.09.2018

Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 / James 1:17-18, 21-22, 27 / Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

The word “smart” is generally used to describe the intelligence level of some people.

22 Sunday B - Liturgical Prayers

Greetings (see the Gospel)
Jesus our Lord has called us together
and he says to us today:
"Listen to me, all of you,
and try to understand."
May we hear his word
and put it into practice,
and may the Lord be always with you. R/ And also with you.

22 Sunday B - Purification Both Inside and Outside - Holiness


Michel DeVerteuil 
Textual Comments
Today’s passage contains several sayings of Jesus which are very well known; we must therefore make an effort to read the passage not as an abstract teaching but as a story, letting the message emerge from the interplay of characters.

20 Sunday B: Liturgical Prayers

God's wisdom has prepared his wine
and laid the table.
He invites us:
''Come and eat my bread,
drink the wine I have prepared!"
This is our Lord's invitation to us.
May we answer his invitation
and may he always be with you. R/ And also with you.

August 15: Assumption of Mary - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting     Glory and honor to our risen Lord, whose victory over death was shared first by her who was closest to him, his Mother, the Virgin Mary. May her Son, the Lord Jesus, be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

Assumption of Mary - Aug 15 - Independence Day


O God, our creator, you have made this world out of love and gathered us together as one family. Today we wish to thank you for Mary whom you freed from earthly bondage into your heavenly glory. Today 71 years ago you freed our Mother Land from foreign occupation. We thank you for all that is beautiful in India that we are proud of. Bless every citizen of our country that s/he may work for peace, prosperity and true freedom. Strengthen our hands that we may truly build and not destroy hearts and hopes, homes and future for your children.

19 Sunday B - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (see Second Reading)
As God’s beloved children,
follow Christ by loving as he loved you,
giving himself up
as a sacrifice to God.
May the Lord Jesus be always with you. R/ And also with you.

19 Sunday B: Living Bread

Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
In this passage, Jesus again draws lessons about life from the feeding of the five thousand.
I remind you that all teaching of Jesus recorded in the gospels is intended to speak to experience, and we must therefore appeal to our experience to discover its truth. This can be difficult with passages like these: one reason is that the language is not the kind that we use ordinarily. Some expressions – such as “eternal life,” “being drawn by the Father,” “living bread,” “flesh” – you will have to bring down to earth for yourself, applying them to what you have lived yourself.

Transfiguration - Aug 6

Opening Stories:

1) The Samurai Warrior and the Zen Master 

One day, a Samurai warrior went to a Zen master for instruction. "Please," the huge man asked in a thundering voice that was used to instant obedience, "teach me about heaven and hell."
The master scowled at the swordsman, then broke into mocking laughter. "Me, teach you about heaven and hell? I wouldn't waste a moment trying to instruct the brain of an overweight ignoramus like you! How dare you ask me for such a lofty insight?"
Well, upon hearing these words, the Samurai grew furious. No one could insult him like this and get away with it. Enraged, his face flushed and he drew his sword to chop off the teacher's head. Just as he was about to strike, the master raised his hand and calmly said "That, sir, is hell." 

18 Sunday B: Jesus, the Bread of Life

Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
In this passage, Jesus again draws lessons about life from the feeding of the five thousand.
I remind you that all teaching of Jesus recorded in the gospels is intended to speak to experience, and we must therefore appeal to our experience to discover its truth. This can be difficult with passages like these: one reason is that the language is not the kind that we use ordinarily. Some expressions – such as “eternal life,” “being drawn by the Father,” “living bread,” “flesh” – you will have to bring down to earth for yourself, applying them to what you have lived yourself.

17 Sunday B - Shorter Homily

17th Ordinary Sunday, Year B, 29.07.2018
2 Kings 4:42-44 / Ephesians 4:1-6 / John 6:1-15

Coming for Mass can be quite distracting and challenging, especially if we are hungry.

In the West where eating is like a habit and a lifestyle, to be hungry for a prolonged period of time sounds abnormal and strange.

17 Sunday B: Give them Something to Eat

 Like the crowds we have gathered here to hear the message of Jesus.
Like those crowds we have gathered here to be fed from his hands.
Like on that hillside, Jesus takes our loaf, gives thanks to the Father, and gives it to all of us who are sitting around ready to be fed by him.

16 Sunday B - Liturgical Prayers

Greetings (see second reading)
Jesus came to bring the good news of peace:
peace to those who are far away
and peace to you who are close-by.
May that peace be always with you. R/ And also with you.

16 Sunday B: Leadership: Disciples & People

 Michel DeVerteuil 
Textual Comments
Today’s passage, like those of the last two Sundays, is an account of the ministry of Jesus and contains several messages that are important for us today. We can feel free to identify with one of the three characters in the story:
–  Jesus,
–  the apostles,
–  the crowds.
Verse 30.  Jesus highlights the contrast between two aspects of teaching:
– “what we do”
– “what we teach”.
These are two distinct realities and in our teaching we should reflect on both. We need to share how we feel about things – within ourselves, with one another, and finally with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

15th Sunday B - A Shorter Reflection

15th July 2018, 15th Ordinary Sunday, Year B. 
Amos 7:12-15 / Ephesians 1:3-14 / Mark 6:7-13

Some people say that football is an amazing game. For those of us who love to watch football or play the game, we will certainly agree.

15 Sunday B: Liturgical Prayers

Greetings (see second reading)
God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
has chosen us in Christ
to live in his presence
and with him to carry out his plan
of bringing everyone together under Christ.
May the Lord's peace and grace
be always with you. R/ And also with you.

UK Professional Divers Reaching the Thai Football Team

Despite Thai Navy claiming part of the operation to reach the boys, here's the UK divers' team:

14 Sunday B - Liturgical Prayers

Greetings (see second reading)
It is when we are weak
that we are strong in the Lord.
May the strength of God's grace
be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

Risks in Faith and Carelessness with Lives

On the one hand there are people who take such tremendous risks to express their faith, and on the other hand, there are guys who destroy others' lives by sheer carelessness.

14 Sunday B: Jesus Spoke with Authority - Prophets

 Michel DeVerteuil 
Textual Comments

The gospel passage for this Sunday is St Mark’s version of Jesus’ return to his home town of Nazareth, accompanied by his disciples. He began to teach in Nazareth, and many were astonished by what they saw in him. They wondered where all this wisdom had come from. What they saw was very different from what others had seen. This man was one of them, in the deepest sense; they knew him and his family. The people of the town would not accept him; even though they had heard of his outstanding accomplishments in other places, they could not see what made him so special.

Saints Peter and Paul

Sts Peter and Paul, Year A, 29.06.2018
Acts 12:1-11/ 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18/ Matthew 16:13-19

Today the Church celebrates the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, the two great pillars of the Church.

We may think that these two saints are like two peas in a pod, and if we were to give names to a pair of twin boys, the obvious choice would be to name them Peter and Paul.
Peter and Paul may seem to give us an impression of unity, but in fact, they were more of an incompatibility.
They were more like oil and water, and their differences go deeper than that of liquid viscosity.
That fact is that initially, they would have wished the other to be dead, and they won’t even bother about attending the other’s funeral!

13 Sunday B: Liturgical Prayers

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

A. God Is Pro-Life
B. Life Is Victorious

Greetings (see second reading)

    We are gathered in the name of Jesus:
    he was rich but became poor for our sake
    to make us rich out of his poverty.
    He brought us life and healing.
    May his life and grace be always with you. R/ And also with you.