18th Week, Tuesday, August 2nd

 18th Week, Tuesday, August 2nd

Jeremiah 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Matthew 14:22-36

God speaks to his people; "I will restore my people."

19th Sunday C - Be Awake and Alert

Michel de Verteuil
Textual comments

18th Week, Monday, Aug 1

 18th Week, Monday

Jeremiah 28:1-17 / Matthew 14:13-21

Two prophets: One was false; the other, true. 

18 Sunday C - Liturgical Prayers


There is only Christ: he is everything and he is in everything. He has brought us back to true life. May his grace and peace be with you. R/ And also with you. 

17th Week, Saturday, July 30

 17th Week, Saturday, July 30

Jeremiah 26:11-16, 24 / Matthew 14:1-12

God speaks through Jeremiah: "Reform your ways!"

St. Martha, July 29

 St. Martha, July 29

1 John 4:7-16 / John 11:19-27 or Luke 10:38-42   

17th Week, Thursday, July 28: St. Alphonsa

 17th Week, Thursday, July 28: St. Alphonsa

Jeremiah 18:1-6 / Matthew 13:47-53

We are clay in God's hands: He fashions us like a potter. 

17th Week, Wednesday, July 27

 17th Week, July 27

Jeremiah 15: 10, 16-21 / Matthew 13: 44-46  

Jeremiah is crushed and depressed; God promised to help him.

17th Week, Tuesday, July 26: Saints Joachim and Anne

17th Week, Tuesday, July 26: Saints Joachim and Anne

Jeremiah 14:17-22 / Matthew 13:36-43 

A disaster strikes Judah: The people wondered if God still loved them.

17 Sunday C - Liturgical Prayers


Those are sons and daughters of God who are led by the Spirit of God. We have received a Spirit who makes us God's children and who make us cry out: Father! May this Spirit be always with you. R/ And also with you.

17 Sunday C - Teach us to Pray

16th Week, Saturday, July 23

 16th Week, Saturday, July 23

Jeremiah 7:1-11 / Matthew 13:24-30

 The Lord speaks; "Reform your ways and your deeds."

16th Week, Thursday, July 21

 16th Week, Thursday, July 21

Jeremiah 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13 / Matthew 13:10-17

My people have sinned: “They have forsaken me, their living water.”

16th Week, Monday, July 18th

 16th Week, Monday, July 18th

Micah 6:1-4, 6-8 / Matthew 12:38-42 

The Lord instructs us: Walk humbly with your God.

16t Week: July 11-16:

 16t Week: July 11-16: 

 July 11 Monday: St. Benedict, Abbot:

16 Sunday C - Liturgical Prayers


To us is proclaimed in this assembly the mystery of God. That mystery is Christ among us. He speaks his word of wisdom to us. May we listen to his words and may Christ our Lord be with you.  R/ And also with you.

16 Sunday C: Mary and Martha: Contemplation and Action

Jesus & Martha

15th Sunday C - Liturgical Prayers

To us is proclaimed in this assembly
the mystery of God.

15th Week, Saturday, July 16: Feast of OL of Mount Carmel

 15th Week, Saturday, July 16; Mount Carmel

Micah 2:1-5 / Matthew 12:14-21

Micah warns Judah: “What you take will be taken from you.”

15th Week, Friday, July 15

15th Week, Friday, July 15

Isaiah 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8 / Matthew 12:1-8

Hezekiah prays to God: God answered his prayer.

15th Week, Thursday, July 14

15th Week, Thursday, July 14

Isaiah 26:7-9, 12, 16-19 / Matthew 11:28-30 

Isaiah holds out hope: Those sleeping in their graves will wake up.

15th Week. Wednesday. July 13

 15th Week. Wednesday. July 13

Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16 / Matthew 11:25-27 

Isaiah rebukes Assyria: “Can an ax be greater than its user?”

15th Week, Tuesday, July 12

 15th Week, Tuesday, July 12

Isaiah 7:1-9 / Matthew 11:20-24 

God speaks through Isaiah: “If your faith is firm, you’ll be firm.”

15th Week, Monday, July 11

 15th Week, Monday, July 11

Isaiah 1:10-17 / Matthew 10:34-11:1 

Isaiah calls for reform: “Stop all this evil.”

14th Week, Saturday, Jul 9

Isaiah 6:1-8 / Matthew 10:24-33 
Isaiah has a vision of God: “Holy, holy, holy!”

14th Week, Friday, Jul 8

 Hosea 14:2-10 / Matthew 10:16-23 

Hosea concludes his prophecy: Return to the Lord, your God.

14th Week, Thursday, Jul 7

Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9 / Matthew 10:7-15 
Hosea talks about God’s love: “I was the one who taught you to walk. ”

14th Week: July 4-9:

 14th Week: July 4-9: 

July 4 Monday:

14 Sunday C - Liturgical Prayers

Greetings (See Second Reading)
Peace and mercy to all
who become new in Christ.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
R/ And also with you.