18th Sunday B - I am the Bread of Life

17th Week, Monday, July 29: St. Martha

 Jeremiah 13:1-11 / Matthew 13:31-35: St. Martha

God talks about his people: "I made them cling to me closely."

16th Week: July 22-27:

 16th Week: July 22-27: 

July 22 Monday: Saint Mary Magdalene:

16th Week, Saturday, July 27

16th Week, Saturday, July 27

Jeremiah 7:1-11 / Matthew 13:24-30 

The Lord speaks; "Reform your ways and your deeds."

17th Sunday B - Liturgical Prayers

Greetings (see second reading)

We are gathered here together by the Holy Spirit as one body united in one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God, the Father of all. May the Lord Jesus, who has called us together, be always with you. R/ And also with you.

16th Week, Friday, July 26: Saints Joachim and Ann

16th Week, Friday, July 26; Saints Joachim and Ann

Jeremiah 3:14-17 / Matthew 13:18-23 

God speaks to the people of Jerusalem: “Return, rebellious children.”

St. James, Apostle - Jul 25

St. James, Apostle,
2 Cor 4:7-15 / Matthew 20:20-28

16th Week, Wednesday, July 24

16th Week, Wednesday, July 24

Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10 / Matthew 13:1-9 

Jeremiah protests his calling: “I am too young!”

16th Week, Tuesday, July 23

16th Week, Tuesday, July 23

Micah 7:14-15, 18-20 / Matthew 12:46-50 

God is forgiving: He casts our sins into the sea.

16th Week, Monday, July 22: St Mary Magdalene

 16th Week, Monday, July 22

Micah 6:1-4, 6-8 / Matthew 12:38-42 

The Lord instructs us: Walk humbly with your God.

15th Week, Saturday, July 20

15th Week, Saturday, July 20

Micah 2:1-5 / Matthew 12:14-21

Micah warns Judah: “What you take will be taken from you.”

15th Week, Friday, July 19

15th Week, Friday, July 19

Isaiah 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8 / Matthew 12:1-8

Hezekiah prays to God: God answered his prayer.

15th Week, Thursday, July 18

15th Week, Thursday, July 18

Isaiah 26:7-9, 12, 16-19 / Matthew 11:28-30 

Isaiah holds out hope: Those sleeping in their graves will wake up.

15th Week. Wednesday. July 17

 15th Week. Wednesday. July 17

Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16 / Matthew 11:25-27 

Isaiah rebukes Assyria: “Can an ax be greater than its user?”

17th Sunday B: Sharing our Bread and remain grateful for it


15th Week, Tuesday, July 16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel

 15th Week, Tuesday, July 16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Isaiah 7:1-9 / Matthew 11:20-24 

God speaks through Isaiah: “If your faith is firm, you’ll be firm.”

15th Week: July 15-20:

 15th Week: July 15-20:

July 15 Monday (Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church):

16th Sunday B: Be a Good Shepherd: Gathering, reporting, resting and Service

13th Week: July 1-6:

 13th Week: July 1-6:

15th Week, Monday, July 15

 15th Week, Monday, July 15

Isaiah 1:10-17 / Matthew 10:34-11:1 

Isaiah calls for reform: “Stop all this evil.”

14th Week, Saturday, July 13th

14th Week, Saturday, July 13th 

Isaiah 6:1-8 / Matthew 10:24-33 

Isaiah has a vision of God: “Holy, holy, holy!”

14th Week, Friday, July 12th

14th Week, Friday, July 12th

Hosea 14:2-10 / Matthew 10:16-23 

Hosea concludes his prophecy: Return to the Lord, your God.

14th Week, Thursday, July 11

 14th Week, Thursday, July 11

Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9 / Matthew 10:7-15 

Hosea talks about God’s love: “I was the one who taught you to walk. ”

July 4th: US Independence Day

July 4 Saturday (U. S. Independence Day reflections on next page):  USCCB video reflections:

14th Week, Wednesday, Jul 10

14th Week, Wednesday, Jul 10
Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 / Matthew 10:1-7 
Hosea prophesies disaster: The people must suffer for their sins.

14th Week, Tuesday, July 9th

14th Week, Tuesday, July 9th

Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13 / Matthew 9:32-38 

Hosea warns Israel: “Sow the wind; reap a storm.”

14th Week, Monday, Jul 8

14TH Week, Monday, July 8

Hosea2:16-18, 21022 / Matthew 9:18-26

Hosea prophesies in Israel: I will speak to Israel’s heart

13th Week, Saturday, July 6th; Saint Maria Goretti

 13th Week, Saturday, July 6th; Saint Maria Goretti

Amos 9:11-15 / Matthew 9:14-17

Amos holds out hope to IsraelGod said, "I will rescue my people."

13th Week, Friday, July 5th

13th Week, Friday, July 5th

Amos 8: 4-6, 9-12 / Matthew 9: 9-13

Amos foretells terrible days ahead; "People will hunger for God's Word."

13th Week, Thursday, July 4th: St. Elizabeth of Portugal

 Amos 7:10-17 / Matthew 9:1-8 

Amos is ordered out of Israel: “Go on back to Judah.”

July 3rd: St. Thomas, Apostle of India

Ephesians 2:19-22 / John 20:24-29

You are no longer strangers: You are being built into God’s temple.

13th Week, Tuesday, July 2nd

 13th Week, Tuesday, July 2nd

Amos 3:1-6; 4:11-12 / Matthew 8:23-27 

I treated you as special: “But you did not return to me.”

13th Week, Monday, July 1

13th Week, Monday, July 1

Amos 2:6-11, 13-16 / Matthew 8:18-22 

Amos prophesies in Israel: “You trample on the poor!”

Saints Peter and Paul: Feast: June 29

 Starter Story: God chooses ordinary people: Sinners who will become saints in order to understand other sinners and uplift them.

12th Week, Friday, Jun 28th; Saint Irenaeus

 2 Kings 25: 1-12 / Matthew 8: 1-4 

Babylon strikes Judah again: The city and the Temple were destroyed.

13th Sunday B: Tabitha Koum


12th Sunday: June 24-29:

12th Sunday: June 24-29:

12th Week, Thursday, June 27

12th Week, Thursday, June 27

2 Kings 24:8-17 / Matthew 7:21-29

Babylon attacked Judah for the first time: Many Jews were led into exile.

12th Week, Wednesday, June 26

12th Week, Wednesday, June 26

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 / Matthew 7:15-20   

God covenants with Abraham; A flaming torch passed by. 

12th Week, Tuesday, June 25

 12th Week, Tuesday, June 25

2 Kings 19:9-11, 14-21, 31-36 / Matthew 7:6, 12-14

Hezekiah prays: God heard his prayer.

Jun 24: Nativity of John the Baptist

The Lord called me: You are my servant.

11th Week: June 17-22:

 11th Week: June 17-22: 

11th Week, Saturday, June 22

11th Week, Saturday, June 22

2 Chronicles 24: 17-25 / Matthew 6: 24-34 

Zechariah speaks out; Zechariah was murdered by the people.

11th Week, Friday, June 21

11th Week, Friday, June 21

2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 / Matthew 6:19-23

Athaliah plots evil; God's providence frustrates her plot.

11th Week, Thursday, June 20

11th Week, Thursday, June 20

Sir/Ecclesiasticus 48:1-14 / Matthew 6:7-15

Sirach eulogizes Elijah and Elisha: Elisha worked many marvels. 

11th Week, Wednesday, June 19

11th Week, Wednesday, June 19

2 Kings 2:1, 6-14 / Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 

Elijah strikes the water: He and Elisha cross the river dry-shod.

11th Week Ordinary time, Tuesday, June 18

11th Week Ordinary time, Tuesday, June 18

1 Kings 21:17-29 / Matthew 5:43-48

Ahab’s wife leads him astray: Ahab sinned gravely against God.

11th Week, Monday, Jun 17

 11th Week, Monday, Jun 17

1 Kings 21:1-16 / Matthew 9:36-42 

Jezebel plots Naboth’s death: Witnesses lied and Naboth was killed. 

Fathers' Day: Prayers

  Praise Those Fathers

Fathers' Day - Reflections and Quotes

More Materials posted under "Fathers' Day" category - TK
Dads are different than Moms. They parent differently. They protect differently. They teach differently. Moms buy bumper pads. Dads buy Band-Aids. Moms schedule “play days.” Dads encourage “throw-downs.” Some of you are not going to be happy about this, and of course there are lots of exceptions, but overall there just do seem to be different styles inherent between Moms and Dads.  

11th Sunday B: Mustard Seed of Faith


10th Week, Saturday, Jun 15th

 1 Kings 19:19-21 / Matthew 5:33-37 

Elijah calls Elisha: Elisha follows Elijah.

10th Week, Friday, Jun 14

10th Week, Friday, Jun 14

1 Kings 19:9, 11-16 / Matthew 5:27-32 

There was a soft whisper: Elijah covered his face when he heard it. 

10th Week, Thursday, Jun 13: St. Anthony of Padua

10th Week, Thursday, Jun 13: St. Anthony of Padua

1 Kings 18:41-46 / Matthew 5:20-26 

Now, go and eat: Elijah sat with his head between his knees.

10th Week, Wednesday, Jun 12

 10th Week, Wednesday, Jun 12

1 Kings 18:20-39 / Matthew 5:17-19 

Elijah prays: “Answer me, Lord!”

10th Week, Tuesday, June 11; Saint Barnabas, Apostle

10th Week, Tuesday, June 11

1 Kings 17:7-16 / Matthew 5:13-16 

A poor widow feeds Elijah: Her faith and generosity were rewarded.

10th Week, Monday, Jun 10th

10TH Week, Monday: June 10th

1 Kings 17:1-6 / Matthew 5:1-12 

Elijah warns Ahab: “A drought will ravage the land.”

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Saturday, Jun 8th

The Immaculate Heart of Mary, Saturday, Jun 8th
Isaiah 61:9-11 / Luke 2:41-51

9th Week: June 3-8:

 9th Week: June 3-8:

June 3 Monday (Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs):

10th Sunday B: Evil in the World is to be Conquered


9th Week, Saturday, June 8th

 2 Timothy 4:1-8 / Mark 12:38-44; I have finished the race: I await God’s reward.

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; June 7th; Titular Feast of the Priests of Holy Cross

“My son died in 1994 but his heart only stopped beating this year”. Yes, the American little boy Nicholas’s heart was beating in someone else' body in Italy for more than 25 years after his death.

9th Week, Thursday, June 6th

 2 Timothy 2:8-15 / Mark 12:28-34 

They can chain me: But they can’t chain God’s Word.

9th Week, Wednesday, June 5th; Saint Boniface

2 Timothy 1:1-3, 6-12 / Mark 12:18-27

Keep God’s gift alive: The gift came when I laid hands on you.

9th Week, Tuesday, June 4

 2 Peter 3:11-15, 17-18 / Mark 12:13-17

We await a new creation: God’s justice will reside in the new creation.

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, Jun 3rd

2 Peter 1:2-7 / Mark 12:1-12

Peter sends greetings: May you be filled with peace.

8th Week: May 27 to June 1

 8th Week: May 27 to June 1

8th Week, Saturday, June 1

 8th Week, Saturday, June 1

Jude 17, 20-25

Remember the Apostles' words; Pray in the Holy Spirit.

Visitation of the BVM, May 31

 Visitation of the BVM, May 31

Zephaniah 3:14-18 or Romans 12:9-16 / Luke 1:39-56 

Mary sings of God's goodness; "The Lord has exalted my lowliness. "

8th Week, Thursday, May 30

8th Week, Thursday, May 30

Once you were not God's people; Now you are God's people.

1 Peter 2:2-5, 9-12

8th Week, Wednesday, May 29

 8th Week, Wednesday, May 29

We have been saved; The price of salvation was Christ's blood.

1 Peter 1:18-25

8th Week, Tuesday, May 28

 8th Week, Tuesday, May 28

1 Peter 1:10-16 / Mark 10:28-31

Recall Scripture's words; “Be holy because I am holy.”

8th Week, Monday, May 27: St Augustine of Canterbury

 8th Week, Monday, May 27

1 Peter 1:3-9 / Mark 10:17-27

You may have to suffer, But it will purify your faith.

7tth Week: May 20-25:

  7tth Week: May 20-25: 

May 20 Monday (The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church)

7th Week, Saturday, May 25

 7th Week, Saturday, May 25

James 5:13-20 / Mark 10:13-16

Remember this! Whoever converts a sinner does great work.

7th Week, Friday, May 24th

  7th Week, Friday, May 24th

James 5:9-12 / Mark 10:1-12

Use the prophets as models; Be patient!

7th Week, Thursday, May 23: Reflection & Liturgy

 7th Week, Thursday, May 23

James 5:1-6 / Mark 9:41-50

Your riches have rotted; Your gold is covered with rust.

7th Week, Wednesday, May 22

 7th Week, Wednesday, May 22

James 4:13-17 / Mark 9:38-40

Tomorrow is uncertain; “Life is brief like a puff of smoke.” 

7th Week, Tuesday, May 21; Reflection & Liturgy

James 4:1-10 / Mark 9:30-37 

Be humble! “God resists the proud.”

7th Week, Monday, May 20 - Mary, Mother of the Church: Reflection & Liturgy

 7th Week, Monday, May 20 - Reflection & Liturgy

James 3:13-18 / Mark 9:14-29 

True wisdom is from above: It is humble and filled with good sense.

Pentecost Sunday - Liturgy

  Greeting (see Sequence)

May the Spirit of the Lord make flexible what is rigid, kindle what is frigid, straighten what is wayward. With his Spirit may the Lord be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Holy Trinity Sunday

7th Week of Easter, Saturday, May 18

 7th Week of Easter, Saturday, May 18

Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 / John 21:20-25

Paul preaches in Rome: Ile taught about Jesus. 

7th Week of Easter, Friday, May 17

 7th Week of Easter, Friday, May 17

Acts 25:3-21 / John 21:15-19

Paul goes before King Agrippa; Paul claims Jesus is alive.

7th Week of Easter, Thursday, May 16

7th Week of Easter, Thursday, May 16

Acts 22:30; 23:6-11 / John 17:20-26 

The Lord speaks to Paul; "Keep up your courage!" 

7th Week of Easter, Wednesday, May 15

7th Week of Easter, Wednesday, May 15

Acts 2028-36 / John 17:11-19

Paul recalls some words of Jesus: There's more joy in giving than in getting. "

7th Week of Easter, Tuesday, May 14

 7th Week of Easter, Tuesday, May 14

Acts 20:17-27 / John 17:1-11 

Paul speaks of his death: "If only I can finish my mission.” 

7th Week of Easter, Monday, May 13

7th Week of Easter, Monday, May 13

Acts 19:1-8 / John 16:29-33 

Paul meets some incomplete Christians: He baptized them: in the name of Jesus 

Mothers' Day

# 1: Mother’s sacrificial love: On Sunday, August 16, 1987, Northwest Airlines flight 225 crashed just after taking off from the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport. One hundred fifty-five people were killed.

Mothers' Day - Prayer Service

Easter 7 Sunday B

 From the Connections:

In John’s account of the Last Supper, after his final teachings to his disciples before his passion, Jesus addresses his Father in heaven.  Today’s Gospel is from Chapter 17 of John’s Gospel, the “high priestly prayer” of Jesus in which he prays for his disciples, that they may be united in love, persevere despite the world’s “hatred” of them for the Word that they will proclaim, and be “consecrated” in the “truth.”

6th Week of Easter, Saturday, May 11

6th Week of Easter, Saturday, May 11

Acts 18:23-28 / John 16:23-28

Jesus gives final instructions; "Ask and you will receive. "

6th Week of Easter, Friday, May 10

  6th Week of Easter, Friday, May 10

Acts 18:9-18 / John 16:20-23

Jesus speaks about the future: “Your grief will become joy.”

6th Week of Easter, Saturday, May 11

 6th Week of Easter, Saturday, May 11

Acts 18:23-28 / John 16:23-28

Jesus gives final instructions; "Ask and you will receive. "

6th Week of Easter, Thursday, May 9

 Easter 6th Week, Thursday, May 9

Acts 18:1-8 / John 16:16-20 

Jesus speaks about his leaving: “In a little while and you will no longer see me” (Jn 16/16)

Easter 6th Week: May 6-11

 May 6-11: 

6th Week of Easter, Wednesday, May 8

  6th Week of Easter, Wednesday, May 8

Acts 17:15, 22 - 18:1 / John 16:12-15

 Jesus speaks more about the Spirit; "The Spirit will guide you.

Easter 5th Sunday B: Liturgy

 Greeting (see Second Reading)

Feast of Ascension

6th Week of Easter, Tuesday, May 7

6th Week of Easter, Tuesday, May 7

Acts 16:22-34 / John 16:5-11

Jesus speaks about the Spirit; "The Spirit will convict the world about sin. "

6th Week of Easter, Monday, May 6

6th Week of Easter, Monday, May 6

Acts 16:11-15 / John 15:26 - 16:4   

Jesus instructs his disciples; "You must bear witness on my behalf. "

Easter 5th Week: Apr 29-May 4

 Easter 5th Week: April 29-May 4:

April 29 Monday (Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church):

5th Week of Easter, Saturday, May 4

5th Week of Easter, Saturday, May 4

Acts 16:1-10 / John 15:18-21 

Jesus warns his disciples; ' 'They will Persecute you as they did me. "

Feasts of the Apostles Philip and James, May 3


Feasts of the Apostles Philip and James, May 3

1 Cor 15:1-8 / John 14:6-14

Jesus instructs his disciples; "I am the way, the truth, and the life. " 

5th Week of Easter, Thursday, May 2

 5th Week of Easter, Thursday, May 2

Acts 15:7-21 / John 15:9-11

Jesus talks about love; "As the Father lows me, so I love you.”

St. Joseph the Worker, May 1


Genesis 1:26 - 2:3 / Matthew 13:54-58 

Jesus identifies himself with workers: “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son?”

5th Week of Easter, Tuesday, Apr 30; St Pope Pius V

5th Week of Easter, Tuesday, Apr 30

Acts 14:19-28 / John 14:27-31

Jesus calms his disciples; "Do not be troubled or afraid. " 

5th Week of Easter, Monday, Apr 29: St Catherine of Siena

5th Week of Easter, Monday, Apr 29

Acts 14:5-18 / John 14:21-26

Jesus gives parting advice: “Keep working on love." 

Easter 5th Sunday B-Liturgical Prayers


We need not be afraid in God's presence, and whatever we ask him we shall receive that is, if we keep his commandments, that we believe in Christ and love each other. May the love and peace of Jesus be with you.

Easter 4th Week, Saturday, Apr 27

 Acts 13:44-52 / John 14:7-14 

Jesus speaks about the Father: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.”

4th Week of Easter, Friday, Apr 26

 4th Week of Easter, Friday, Apr 26

Jesus makes a promise; "I will come back. " 

4th Week of Easter, Thursday, Apr 25

 4th Week of Easter, Thursday, Apr 25

Acts 13:13-25 / John 13:16-20

Jesus teaches about service; "No slave is greater than his master." 


1 Peter 5:5-14 / Mark 16:15-20
Jesus instructs his disciples: “Proclaim the good news. ”

4th Week of Easter, Wednesday, Apr 24

4th Week of Easter, Wednesday, Apr 24

Acts 12:24 - 13:5 / John 12:14-50 

Jesus talks about his mission; "1 came into the world as light. " 

4th Week of Easter, Tuesday, Apr 23

 4th Week of Easter, Tuesday, Apr 23

Acts 11:19-26 / John 10:22-30 

Jesus speaks about discipleship: "My sheep hear my voice and follow me. " 

4th Week of Easter, Monday, Apr 22

4th Week of Easter, Monday, Apr 22

Acts 11:1-18 / John 10:1-10

Jesus talks about life; "I came to give you life in all its fullness." 

Easter 4th Week: April 22-27

 Easter 4th Week: April 22-27:

 April 22 Monday: Jn 10:1-10: 1

3rd Week of Easter, Saturday, Apr 20

 3rd Week of Easter, Saturday, Apr 20

Acts 9:31-42 / John 6:60-69

Many people leave Jesus; Peter stayed with Jesus. 

3rd Week of Easter, Friday, Apr 19

  3rd Week of Easter, Friday, Apr 19

Acts 9:1-20 / John 6:52-59

 Jesus speaks about his body and blood; "My flesh is true food; my body is true drink. "

3rd Week of Easter, Thursday, Apr 18

3rd Week of Easter, Thursday, Apr 18

Acts 8:26-48 / John 6:44-51

Jesus talks about the Father; "Only the Son has seen the Father." 

Easter 4th Sunday B: Jesus, the Good Shepherd


3rd Week of Easter, Wednesday, April 17

3rd Week of Easter, Wednesday, April 17

Acts 8:1-8 / John 6:35-40 

Jesus speaks about eternal life; "Whoever believes in me will have eternal life. " 

3rd Week of Easter, Tuesday, Apr 16

  3rd Week of Easter, Tuesday, Apr 16

Acts 7:51 - 8:1 / John 6:30-35

Jesus speaks about the Eucharist; "I am the bread of life. " 

Easter 3rd Sunday - Emmaus B- Liturgicl Prayers

Greeting (see First Reading)

3rd Week of Easter, Monday, April 15

3rd Week of Easter, Monday, April 15

Acts 6:8-15 / John 6:22-29

Stephen is arrested; Stephen was the Church's first martyr.

Easter 2nd Week: Apr 8-13

Easter 2nd Week: Apr 8-13


2nd Week of Easter, Saturday, April 13

 2nd Week of Easter, Saturday, April 13

Acts 6:1-7 / John 6:16-21

The disciples run into trouble; The Lord was with them in their trouble. 

2nd Week of Easter, Friday, April 12

 2nd Week of Easter, Friday, April 12

Acts 5:34-42 / John 6:1-15

Jesus feeds 5,000 people; He multiplied five loaves. 

2nd Week of Easter, Thursday, April 11

2nd Week of Easter, Thursday, April 11

Acts 5:27-33 / John 3:31-36 

Jesus speaks about eternal life; Whoever believes has eternal life.

Easter 3rd Sunday: Journey to Emmaus


2nd Week of Easter, Wednesday, April 10

2nd Week of Easter, Wednesday, April 10

Acts 5:17-26 / John 3:16-21 

Jesus continues his instruction; "Whoever believes will not see death. " 

2nd Week of Easter, Tuesday, April 9

 2nd Week of Easter, Tuesday, April 9

Acts 4:32-37 / John 3:7-15

Jesus continues his instruction; "We must be born of the spirit. " 

2nd Week of Easter, Monday, April 8

2nd Week of Easter, Monday, April 8

Acts 4:23-31 / John 3:1-8

Jesus speaks about spiritual birth; "You must be born from above. "

Divine Mercy Sunday - 2nd Sunday of Easter

Saturday within Octave of Easter, April 6

Saturday within Octave of Easter, April 6

Acts 4:13-21 / Mark 16:9-15  

Jesus instructs his disciples; "Proclaim the gospel to all creatures. " 

Friday within Easter Octave, April 5

Friday within Easter Octave, April 5

Acts 4:1-12 / John 21:1-14

They catch 153 fish; The net didn't break.

Thursday within the Octave of Easter, April 4

 Thursday within the Octave of Easter, April 4

Acts 3:11-26 / Luke 24:35-48

Jesus instructs his disciples; You are to be my witnesses. 

Wednesday within Octave of Easter, April 3

Wednesday within Octave of Easter, April 3

Acts 3:1-10 / Luke 24:13-45

Two disciples welcome a stranger; The stranger turned out to be Jesus. 

Tuesday Within Easter Octave, April 2

Tuesday Within Easter Octave, April 2

Acts 2:36-41 / John 20:11-18

Jesus speaks to Mary of Magdala; "Stop holding on to me."

Monday within Easter Octave, April 1

 Monday within Easter Octave, April 1

Acts 2:14, 22-33 / Matthew 28:8-15 

Guards say Jesus' body was stolen; This story still circulates. 

Easter Sunday


Easter Vigil: Reflections

Holy Thursday - Liturgical Prayers

A. This Is I for You
“This is my body, which is for you,” says the Lord. “Do this as a memorial of me.” May the Lord Jesus be always with you.
B. You Must Wash Each Other's Feet
“If I, the Lord and Teacher,” says the Lord, “have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.

Good Friday


The Way of the Cross (The Stations of the Cross)

 The Way of the Cross (The Stations of the Cross)

Holy Thursday - Adoration Prayers

Use appropriate Hymns at the beginning and in between

Into our broken world you came, Lord Jesus. You embraced our darkness, even though you are pure light.

Maundy Thursday


Holy Week, Wednesday, March 27

Holy Week, Wednesday, March 27

Isaiah 50:4-9 / Matthew 26:14-25 

Jesus speaks about his betrayer; Judas said, "Surely it is not I?" 

Tuesday of Holy Week, March 26

 Tuesday of Holy Week, March 26

Isaiah 49:1-6 / John 13:21-33, 36-38

Jesus talks about betrayal; The disciples were amazed at Jesus' words. 

Monday of Holy Week, March 25

 Monday of Holy Week, March 25

Isaiah 42:1-7 / John 12:1-11 

 Judas criticizes Mary; "Why was this oil not sold?"

Palm Sunday B - Liturgical Prayers


3rd Week of Lent, Saturday, March 9

3rd Week of Lent, Saturday, March 9

Hosea 5:15 -6:6 / Luke 18:9-14 

Jesus rebukes the self-righteous; "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled. " 

3rd Week of Lent, Friday, March 8

3rd Week of Lent, Friday, March 8

Hosea 14:2-10 / Mark 12:28-34

Jesus talks about love; "Love your neighbor as yourself. " 

3rd Week of Lent, Thursday, March 7

3rd Week of Lent, Thursday, March 7

Jeremiah 7:23-28 / Luke 11:14-23

People misjudge Jesus; "He drives out devils by Beelzebul."

3rd Week of Lent, Wednesday, March 6

3rd Week of Lent, Wednesday, March 6

Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9 / Matthew 5:17-19 

Jesus instructs his disciples: ' 'Whoever teaches others the law is great. " 

3rd Week of Lent, Tuesday, Mar 5

 3rd Week of Lent, Tuesday, Mar 5

Daniel 3:25, 34-43 / Matthew 18:21-35 

Jesus speaks about forgiveness; "Forgive seventy-seven times."

3rd Week of Lent, Monday, Mar 4

3rd Week of Lent, Monday, Mar 4

2 Kings 5:1-15 / Luke 4:24-30

Jesus repeats an old teaching: God is the God of all people. 

Lent 4th Sunday B: Jesus Meets Nicodemus

Lent 2nd Sunday B: Liturgical prayers

Greeting (see Second Reading)

“The crucified Christ is the power and the wisdom of God.” May he never be an obstacle or scandal to us. The Lord Jesus be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Stations of the Cross #4: With People Living in Poverty Around the World

 Stations of the Cross -4

With People Living in Poverty Around the World

Lent 2nd Week: Feb 26- March 2:

Lent 2nd Week: Feb 26- March 2: 

Feb 26 Monday:

2nd Week of Lent, Saturday, Mar 2

 2nd Week of Lent, Saturday, Mar 2

Micah 7:14-15, 18-20 / Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 

Jesus teaches about forgiveness; "A man had two sons . . . " 

2nd Week of Lent, Friday, Mar 1

 2nd Week of Lent, Friday, Mar 1

Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28 / Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46 

Jesus teaches the people; "Hear another Parable"

2nd Week of Lent, Thursday, Feb 29

Lent, 2nd Week, Thursday, Feb 29
Jeremiah 17:5-10 / Luke 16:19-31 
Jesus talks about concern for the poor: He represents something totally new. He is the owner’s (God’s) own son.

2nd Week of Lent, Wednesday, Feb 28

 2nd Week of Lent, Wednesday, Feb 28

Jeremiah 18:18-20 / Matthew 20:17-28

Jesus talks about greatness; "The greatest is the one who serves"

2nd Week of Lent, Tuesday, Feb 27

2nd Week of Lent, Tuesday, Feb 27

Isaiah 1:10, 16-20 / Matthew 23:1-12

Jesus rebukes the Pharisees; "They widen their phylacteries. "

2nd Week of Lent, Monday, Feb 26

 2nd Week of Lent, Monday, Feb 26

Daniel 9:4-10 / Luke 6:36-38
Jesus teaches his disciples; ' 'Stop judging and you will not be judged. "

Lent 2nd Sunday B: Trsnsfiguration

1st Week of Lent, Saturday, Feb 24

1st Week of Lent, Saturday, Feb 24

Deut 26:16-19 / Matthew 5:43-48 

Jesus teaches about love; "Pray for your Persecutors. " 

Stations of The Cross: For Our Times: #1

Stations of The Cross: For Our Times

 A stanza of any suitable hymn may be sung. 


Lent 1st Sunday B: Liturgical Prayers

  Greeting (see the Gospel)

1st Week of Lent, Saturday, Feb 24

1st Week of Lent, Saturday, Feb 24

Deut 26:16-19 / Matthew 5:43-48 

Jesus teaches about love; "Pray for your Persecutors. " 

1st Week of Lent, Friday, Feb 23; Saint Polycarp

1st Week of Lent, Friday, Feb 23

Ezekiel 18:21-28 / Matthew 5:20-26

Jesus teaches about anger; "The angry Person is liable to judgment. 

6th Week: Feb 12-13 and Lent: Feb 14-17

6th Week: Feb 12-13 and Lent: Feb 14-17

Chair of St. Peter, February 22

Chair of St. Peter, February 22

1 Peter 5:1-4 / Matthew 16:13-19

Peter's Chair; “Who do you say lam?

1st Week of Lent, Thursday, Feb 22nd

1st Week of Lent, Thursday, Feb 22nd

Esther 4:10-12,17-19 / Matthew 7:7-12

Jesus talks about prayer; ' 'Ask and it will be given to you. "

1st Week of Lent, Wednesday, Feb 21st

 1st Week of Lent, Wednesday, Feb 21st

Jonah 3:1-10 / Luke 11:29-32

People asked Jesus for a sign; "No sign will be given. "

1st Week of Lent, Tuesday, Feb 20th

1st Week of Lent, Tuesday, Feb 20th

Isaiah 55:10-11 / Matthew 6:7-15 

Jesus teaches about prayer; "This is how you are to pray. "

Lent 1st Week, Monday, Feb 19th: Francisco and Jacinta Marto

Lent 1st Week, Monday, Feb 19th: Reflection & Liturgy

Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18 / Matthew 25:31-46

Jesus talks about judgment; "I was hungry and you gave    me   food,"

Lent 1st Sunday B: Temptations of Jesus

Saturday after Ash Wednesday, Feb 17: 7 Servite Founders

Saturday after Ash Wednesday, Feb 17

Isaiah 58: 9-14 / Luke 5: 27-32

Jesus talks about his mission: " "I came for those who need help.

Friday after Ash Wednesday, Feb 16

Friday after Ash Wednesday, Feb 16

Isaiah 58:1-9 / Matthew 9:14-15

Jesus talks about fasting: "My disciples will fast after I go.”

Thursday after Ash Wednesday, Feb 15

Thursday after Ash Wednesday, Feb 15th

Deuteronomy 30:15-20 / Luke 9:22-25

Jesus talks about the cross: "Pick it up daily and follow me"

Ash Wednesday: Feb 14th


Ash Wednesday: Feb 14th

Blessing of Ashes

6th Week, Tuesday, Feb 13th - Reflection & Liturgy

James 1:12-18 / Mark 8:14-21
James talks about temptation: Temptation precedes sin.

6th Week, Monday: Feb 12th: Reflection & Liturgy

James 1:1-11 / Mark 8:11-13
James talks about death: Death comes to all, rich and poor alike.

5th Week, Saturday, Feb 10th: Saint Scholastica

1 Kings 12:26-32; 13:33-34 / Mark 8:1-10
Jeroboam fears tribal reunion: He thwarted worship in Jerusalem.

5th Week, Friday, Feb 9: Miguel Febres Cordero

1 Kings 11:29-32; 12:19 / Mark 7:31-37

The twelve tribes split: Solomon’s sins affected the people.

5th Week, Thursday, Feb 8: Josephine Bakhita; Reflection & Liturgy

1 Kings 11:4-13 / Mark 7:24-30

 Solomon’s wives influence him: They turned his heart from God.

5th Week, Wednesday: Feb 7th: St. Gonsalo Garcia (India)

1 Kings 10:1-10 / Mark 7:14-23 
The Queen speaks about Solomon: “Your people are fortunate to have you.”

5th Sunday B - Liturgical Prayers

 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Healing for the Broken-hearted

5th Week, Tuesday, Feb 6th: St Paul Miki and Companions

1 Kings 8:22-23, 27-30 / Mark 7:1-13
Solomon prays to God:  “Listen to my prayer!”

5th Week, Monday, Feb 5th: Reflection & Liturgy; St. Agatha

1 Kings 8:1-7, 9-13 / Mark 6:53-56

The ark is placed in the Temple: A cloud filled the Temple.

4th Week, Saturday, Feb 3rd: St. Blaise; Reflection & Liturgy

 1 Kings 3:4-13 / Mark 6:30-34

God offers to bless Solomon: Solomon asked for an understanding heart.

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - Liturgy

February 2


Feb 2: Presentation of the Lord


John Littleton

4th Week: Jan 29- Feb 3:

Jan 29- Feb 3: 

Jan 29 Monday: Mk 5:1-20: 

4th Week, Thursday, Feb 1st: Reflection & Liturgy

4th Week, Thursday, Feb 1st

1 Kings 2:1-4, 10-12 / Mark 6:7-13

David gave advice to Solomon: David dies

4th Week Wednesday -Jan 31: St John Bosco; Reflection & Liturgy

4th Week, Wednesday
2 Sam 24:2, 9-17 / Mark 6:1-6

5th Sunday B: Jesus, the Healer, is here

4th Week, Tuesday: Jan 30th - Reflection & Liturgy

2 Sam 18:9-10, 14, 24-25, 30 - 19:3 / Mark 5:21-43

Absalom is killed: David mourns his son.

Jan 29th: 4th Week, Monday, : Reflection and Liturgy

4th Week, Monday, Jan 29th: Reflection and Liturgy
2 Sam 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13 / Mark 5:1-20
Shimei curses David: David ignores the curse.

Jan 26th: Indian Republic Day: Prayer Service


(You may want to add hymns, reflections, prayers for the nation and the leaders and martyred soldiers in between)

Jan 27: 3rd Week, Saturday: St. Angela Merici

  2 Sam 12:1-7, 10-17 / Mark 4:35-41 

Nathan confronts David: David acknowledges his sin.

Jan 26: Saints Timothy and Titus

2 Tim 1:1-8 or Titus 1:1-5 / Luke 10:1-9 

Jan 25: Conversion of St. Paul: Reflection & Liturgy

 Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22 / Mark 16:15-18 

Jesus instructs his disciples“Proclaim the good news.” 

3rd Week, Wednesday: Reflection & Liturgy; St Francis de Sales

2 Sam 7:4-17 / Mark 4:1-21

4th Sunday B: Authority and its Exercise for the Mission

3rd Week: Jan 22-27:

 3rd Week: Jan 22-27:

Jan 22 Monday: (Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children): Mk 3:22-30: 

3rd Week, Tuesday: Reflection & Liturgy; St Emerentiana

2 Sam 6:12-15, 17-19 / Mark 3:31-35
David brings the ark to Jerusalem: Everyone rejoiced.