5 Sunday A: Liturgical Prayers

Greeting The Lord Jesus, the light of the world, gathers us together.  May our faces reflect his light and may he always be with you.

4th Week, Saturday, Feb 4: St. John de Brito

4th Week, Saturday, Feb 4; St. John de Brito

Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21 / Mark 6:30-34

To Christ be glory forever: He brings out in you what is pleasing.

4th Week, Friday, Feb 3; St. Blaise

4th Week, Friday, Feb 3; St. Blaise

Hebrews 13:1-8 / Mark 6:14-29 

Imitate your forefathers; Love your fellow Hebrews.

5th Sunday A: Be Salt and Light


Presentation of the Lord - Feb 2

John Littleton

4th Week, Wednesday, Feb 1st

4th Week, Wednesday, Feb 1st

Hebrews 12:4-7, 11-15 / Mark 6:1-6

 Don’t give up: Don’t lose heart.

4th Week, Tuesday, Jan 31st; St. John Bosco

 4th Week, Tuesday, Jan 31st

Hebrews 12:1-4 / Mark 5:21-43

Keep your eyes on Jesus; Persevere as Jesus persevered.

4th Week, Monday, Jan 30th

4th Week, Monday, Jan 30

Hebrews 11:32-40 / Mark 5:1-20 

These heroes suffered much; A dream born of faith sustained them.

4 Sunday A - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (See Second Reading)

God has chosen what is weak and has made Jesus Christ our wisdom and our virtue, our holiness and our freedom.  May the Lord Jesus be always with you. 

3rd Week, Jan 23-28

 23 Monday (Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr- USA)

Saint Marianne Cope, Virgin -USA):  

Day of Prayer for the Legal white or violet Protection of Unborn Children (USA): 

3rd Week, Saturday, Jan 28; St. Thomas Aquinas

3rd Week, Saturday, Jan 28

Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 / Mark 4:35-41 

Imitate your forefathers; Be strong in faith!

3rd Week, Friday, Jan 27: St. Agnela Merici

3rd Week, Friday, Jan 27

Hebrews 10:32-39 / Mark 4:26-34 

Don’t give up; Be patient!

Jan 25: Conversion of St. Paul: Reflection & Liturgy

 Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22 / Mark 16:15-18 

Jesus instructs his disciples“Proclaim the good news.” 

3rd Week, Tuesday, Jan 24th; St. Francis de Sales

 3rd Week, Tuesday, Jan 24th

Hebrews 10:1-10 / Mark 3:31-35

Jesus speaks; "I come to do your will, O God." 

3rd Week, Monday, Jan 23rd

3rd Week, Monday, Jan 23rd

Hebrews 9:15, 24-28 / Mark 3:22-30

Christ will come again; He will bring salvation to all. 

3 Sunday A - Liturgical Prayers

 A Light Has Dawned 


May Christ, the true light of the world, always brighten and inspire our lives. May our faces reflect his warmth and love, and may the Lord always be with you. R/ And also with you.

2nd Week, Saturday, Jan 21, St. Agnes

Hebrews 9:2-3, 11-14 / Mark 3:20-21 

Jesus is our new high priest; By his blood, we have been cleansed.

2nd Week, Friday, Jan 20; St. Sebastian, Bl Basil Moreau

Hebrews 8:6-13 / Mark 3:13-19 

We are under the new covenant; God forgives our past.


1. Basil Anthony Moreau (1799-1873): LIFE HISTORY
3. Stories
4. 7 Sorrows of Mary
5. Video links


2nd Week, Thursday, Jan 19

 Hebrews 7:25 - 8:6 / Mark 3:7-12

Jesus reigns in heaven; He intercedes for us before God.

Christian Unity Week: Jan 18-25

 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023

Photo: Mazur/

Be-Longing: Praying for Unity amidst Injustice.

Daily Homilies: Directions-1


2nd Week, Wednesday, Jan 18: St. Margaret of Hungary

Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17 / Mark 3:1-6

Abraham meets Melchizedek; Abraham gave him a tenth of his booty.

3rd Sunday A: Be a Light in Darkness


2nd Week: Jan 16-21

 Jan 16 Monday:

2nd Week, Tuesday, January 17: St. Anthony the Great

 Hebrews 6:10-20 / Mark 2:23-28 

Take heart; God will not forget your work and love.

2nd Week, Monday, Jan 16: St. Joseph Vaz

Hebrews 5:1-10 / Mark 2:18-22

 Jesus takes flesh; He suffered as we suffer.



 Lord, though you know me better than I know myself that I am growing older or maybe someday be old. Keep me from the unfortunate habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion.

1st Week, Saturday, Jan 14: St. Devasahayam Pillai

Hebrews 4:12-16 / Mark 2:13-17 

We have a great high priest; He was tempted but did not sin. 

2 Sunday A: Liturgical Prayers

 A. Witness to Jesus Christ

B. Jesus, Lamb of God 

 Readings: Is 49:3,5-6; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 

1 Cor 1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34 

1st Week, Friday, Jan 13

 Hebrews 4:1-5, 11 / Mark 2:1-12

Be on guard; Strive to enter God's rest: heaven. 

1St Week: Jan 9-14

 Jan 9 Monday: (The Baptism of the Lord)

(Is42:1-4, 6-7; Acts 10: 34-38; Mt 3:13-17)

1st Week, Thursday, Jan 12

Hebrews 3:7-14 / Mark 1:40-45

Remain faithful to God; Encourage one another. 

2 Sunday A - John the Baptist

Gospel reading: John 1:29-34

Baptism of the Lord - Liturgical Prayers


Today Jesus was baptized in the Jordan;
 the Father recognized him as his beloved Son;
 the Holy Spirit prepared him for his mission of service
 May the Lord’s Spirit of sonship and service
 be always with you.

Epiphany: Liturgical Prayers

Epiphany of the Lord

 1. Light Revealed to the Nations

2. A Savior for All the World
3. The Guiding Star for All Nations

1. Light Revealed to the Nations

Jan 2-7: Christmas Season

 Christmas Season: Jan 2-7

 Jan 2 Monday (Saints Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops)

7th January, Saturday: Christmas Season

 7th January, Saturday

1 John 5:14-21 / John 2:1-11

Jesus responds to Mary's request; "They have no wine."

Brother Andre Bessette - 7 Crosses, Biography & Mass


Epiphany of the Lord: Jan 6/8


Once upon a time there lived in Bethlehem a woman named Babushka.