Quiz from Common Parlance
1. WHY
Why do
men's clothes have buttons on the right while women's clothes have buttons on
the left?
buttons were invented, they were very expensive and worn primarily by the rich.
Since most people are right-handed, it is easier to push buttons on the right
through holes on the left.
wealthy women were dressed by maids, dressmakers put the buttons on the maid's
right! And that's where women's buttons have remained
since. |
Early Morning 3.5 Minutes: Avoid Heart Attacks
those who get up at night from sleep to urinate or early morning : Each
individual must take note of the 3 x 1/2 minute syndrome. Why is it important? 3
x 1/2 minutes will greatly reduce the number of sudden deaths at
Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dec. 12
The Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dec. 18
The Espousals of the Virgin Mary, Jan. 23
Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feb. 2
Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate (Our Lady of Lourdes), Feb. 11
The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, March 25
The Immaculate
Conception, Dec. 8Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dec. 12
The Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dec. 18
The Espousals of the Virgin Mary, Jan. 23
Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feb. 2
Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate (Our Lady of Lourdes), Feb. 11
The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, March 25
Lent 3 Sunday C: Will you Produce Fruit like a Fig Tree or as a Martyr?
Michel de Verteuil
General Comments
Verses 1 to 5 are in two groups – 1 to 3 and then 4 to 5; they are practically identical, so that reading them together has a cumulative effect on us. Each is based on a tragic incident: Pilate murdering a group of Galileans as they were offering sacrifice in the temple, and a tower falling and killing eighteen people.
From What's APP: Small things kill most
Buffalos kill 7
people every year.
Lions kill 500 people every year
Hippos kill 800 people every year.
Spiders kill 5000 in people every year.
Scorpions kill 7000 people every year.
Snakes kill 10000 people every year.
Lions kill 500 people every year
Hippos kill 800 people every year.
Spiders kill 5000 in people every year.
Scorpions kill 7000 people every year.
Snakes kill 10000 people every year.
An Amazing Story - Paderewski & Hoover
This is a fantastic story. Some of you may have read it before, but
it is still relevant in today’s world where this kindness is repeated over
and over again in many forms, some of them very small. It’s the kindness that really matters and brings about results.
This is a true story that had happened in 1892 at Stanford University. It's moral is still relevant today.
A young, 18 year old student was struggling to pay his fees. He was
an orphan, and not knowing where to turn for money, he came up with
a bright idea. A friend and he decided to host a musical concert on
campus to raise money for their education.
They reached out to the great pianist Ignacy J. Paderewski. His
manager demanded a guaranteed fee of $2,000 for the piano recital. A
deal was struck. And the boys began to work to make the concert a
and over again in many forms, some of them very small. It’s the kindness that really matters and brings about results.
This is a true story that had happened in 1892 at Stanford University. It's moral is still relevant today.
A young, 18 year old student was struggling to pay his fees. He was
an orphan, and not knowing where to turn for money, he came up with
a bright idea. A friend and he decided to host a musical concert on
campus to raise money for their education.
They reached out to the great pianist Ignacy J. Paderewski. His
manager demanded a guaranteed fee of $2,000 for the piano recital. A
deal was struck. And the boys began to work to make the concert a
Lent 2 Sunday C - Transfiguration
Michel de Verteuil
General Comments
Though we usually refer to this incident as the Transfiguration, Jesus’ appearing in glory was only the first stage of the experience the apostles had with him on the mountain. In your meditation then, feel free to enter the story at any stage, and even to remain with any part of the story that touches you, although you might also want to identify with the entire experience taken as a whole.
Lent 1 Sunday C - Temptations
Gospel reading: Luke 4:1-13
Michel DeVerteuil
General comments
The story of Jesus’ temptation reveals to us the deepest thing about him: he had total trust in his heavenly Father. This is why the incident is placed at the very beginning of his public life. The evangelists are telling us that he chose this path and he would remain faithful to it through all the ups and downs of his ministry.
Telling the story in the form of ‘temptations’ does two things:
Michel DeVerteuil
General comments
The story of Jesus’ temptation reveals to us the deepest thing about him: he had total trust in his heavenly Father. This is why the incident is placed at the very beginning of his public life. The evangelists are telling us that he chose this path and he would remain faithful to it through all the ups and downs of his ministry.
Telling the story in the form of ‘temptations’ does two things:
Lent 1 Sunday C - Liturgy
Greetings (See Second Reading)
May the Word of God be near you,
on your lips and in your heart.
May your lips confess here
that Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
May his grace be always with you.
R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant
A. Jesus Went Through Our Temptations
People of God, you who are tempted to let consumers' goods make you their slave and prisoner, Jesus refused to be fascinated by them and he wants us to hunger for people, for prayer and for God. People of God, you who are tempted to impress people and to control them, Jesus came to bring the power of love and he tells you to serve God in people. People of God, you who are tempted to create your own idols and to make yourself the center of the world, Jesus wants us with him to worship only God. With him who overcame our temptations we confidently enter this Lent.
Ash Wednesday
1. From Fr. Tony Kadavil’s Collection
Ash Wednesday (dies cinerum) is the Church’s Yom
Kippur or the “Day of Atonement.” Its very name comes from the Jewish
practice of doing penance wearing “sackcloth and ashes.” In the early
Church, Christians who had committed serious sins were instructed to do public
penance wearing sackcloth and ashes. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of
full fast and abstinence. Fasting is prescribed to reinforce our penitential
prayer during the Lenten season. The prophet Joel, in the first reading,
insists that we should experience a complete conversion of heart and not simply
sorrow for our sins. Saint Paul in the second reading advises us “to become
reconciled to God.” Today’s gospel instructs us to assimilate the true spirit
of fasting and prayer.
5 Sunday C: You'll be Catchers of People
Michel DeVerteuil
General comments
The miraculous catch of fish was a historical event in the life of Jesus, but also a symbol of the deep conversion experiences which God grants us from time to time and which set us on a new course in our lives. These experiences usually occur at times when we feel we are stagnating – as spouses, parents, friends, church leaders, ministers, or managers in the work place.
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