Sermons for Mother's Day:
Romans 16:13 -
Mother's Day
John 15:9-17 -
Whistling Jesus - by Leonard Sweet
I must candidly confess
that when I was in seminary the 16th chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans
didn't do much for me. It struck me as being boring nothing more than a long
presentation of people's names, most of whom I could not pronounce; I usually
skimmed over that part so I could get to what I considered to be the real
Gospel. Over the years I have greatly changed my attitude about this particular
chapter and I have discovered that there is much more to it than I had first
imagined. For example, it is interesting to note that of the twenty-six people
who Paul singles out for his personal greeting, six were women. Now that strikes
me as being rather interesting, since Paul has frequently gotten a bum rap for
being a male chauvinist. I think it also shows us the tremendous influence that
women had in the early church. In the male oriented first century Palestine, it
is telling that Paul could not describe the church without mentioning the
significant role of women.