Showing posts with label Body and Blood of Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body and Blood of Christ. Show all posts

Corpus Christi Sunday - Liturgical Prayers


The Lord Jesus is here among us, he has brought us together. He speaks to us today; he gives himself to us to eat and to drink. May he always be with you R/ And also with you.

Corpus Christi: Body and Blood of Christ

Understand the difference: Transubstantiation; Tran-signification; trans-finalization; Catholic belief in Real Presence and transubstantiation (Term from St. Thomas Aquinas). 
Why bread and wine:
  1. Creator God is also the provider God, provide food and sustenance to the creation (also protector and the facilitator): in the desert: manna and water. Parents who bring up children have also similar responsibility.

Corpus Christi - Liturgical Prayers

The Solemnity
of the Most Holy BODY and BLOOD of CHRIST

A. One Bread, One Body
B. This Is I For You
    Jesus tells us here:
    "I am the living bread from heaven.
    Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever;
    and the bread that I shall give
    is my flesh for the life of the world."
    May the Lord Jesus give us this bread always
    and always stay with you.
    R/ And also with you.

Corpus Christi - Body and Blood of Christ

Understand the difference: Transubstantiation; Tran-signification; trans-finalization; Catholic belief in Real Presence and transubstantiation (Term from St. Thomas Aquinas).
Why bread and wine:
  1. Creator God is also the provider God, provide food and sustenance to the creation (also protector and the facilitator): in the desert: manna and water. Parents who bring up children have also similar responsibility.

This is real "Body" of Christ Example

For Kerala a Muslim man, a Catholic priest brings the gift of life

Shaju Philip : Thiruvananthapuram

Fr  Sebastian (L), RASAD MUHAMMAD

Diagnosed with chronic kidney disease a year-and-a-half ago, 30-year-old Rasad Muhammad's hope of living had sunk with each passing day as a donor remained elusive. Until last month, when his saviour appeared suddenly — in the form of a Christian priest he had never met before.
Father Kidangathazhe Sebastian, 41, will donate one of his kidneys to Rasad so he can live. Preparations are under way, and the transplant surgery is likely to be performed next month.

Body and Blood of Christ 2013 - Homilies and Stories

Corpus Christi – 2013

Thomas O’Loughlin
Introduction to the Celebration 

Since the very first days of the church — before St Paul had set out on his journeys or any of the gospels were written — our brothers and sisters have been gathering every week for this sacred meal. But when we routinely do anything, we often lose sight of just how wonderful it is. So today we are reflecting on just how wonderful it is to be called by the Lord to gather in his presence, to be his guests at his table, and to eat and drink from his wonderful bounty. In this banquet we become one with Christ, and are transformed into being his Body, and his Blood flows in all our veins giving us the strength to be his witnesses in the world and the life that never ends.

Corpus Christi - Liturgy -Prayers

Feast of Corpus Christi – 2012-Prayers


 Christ has come, and in his own blood he took us up in God's love in a new and lasting covenant. May he keep us united with God and be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Do you know how the apostles died?

1 Matthew
Suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia , killed by a sword.

2 Mark
Died in Alexandria , Egypt , after being dragged by horses through the streets until he was dead.
3 Luke
Was hanged in Greece as a result of his tremendous preaching to the lost.