Showing posts with label Saints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saints. Show all posts

17th Week, Monday, July 29: St. Martha

 Jeremiah 13:1-11 / Matthew 13:31-35: St. Martha

God talks about his people: "I made them cling to me closely."

16th Week, Monday, July 22: St Mary Magdalene

 16th Week, Monday, July 22

Micah 6:1-4, 6-8 / Matthew 12:38-42 

The Lord instructs us: Walk humbly with your God.

July 3rd: St. Thomas, Apostle of India

Ephesians 2:19-22 / John 20:24-29

You are no longer strangers: You are being built into God’s temple.

10th Week, Thursday, Jun 13: St. Anthony of Padua

10th Week, Thursday, Jun 13: St. Anthony of Padua

1 Kings 18:41-46 / Matthew 5:20-26 

Now, go and eat: Elijah sat with his head between his knees.

9th Week, Wednesday, June 5th; Saint Boniface

2 Timothy 1:1-3, 6-12 / Mark 12:18-27

Keep God’s gift alive: The gift came when I laid hands on you.

8th Week, Monday, May 27: St Augustine of Canterbury

 8th Week, Monday, May 27

1 Peter 1:3-9 / Mark 10:17-27

You may have to suffer, But it will purify your faith.

6th Week of Easter, Friday, May 10

  6th Week of Easter, Friday, May 10

Acts 18:9-18 / John 16:20-23

Jesus speaks about the future: “Your grief will become joy.”

5th Week of Easter, Tuesday, Apr 30; St Pope Pius V

5th Week of Easter, Tuesday, Apr 30

Acts 14:19-28 / John 14:27-31

Jesus calms his disciples; "Do not be troubled or afraid. " 

5th Week of Easter, Monday, Apr 29: St Catherine of Siena

5th Week of Easter, Monday, Apr 29

Acts 14:5-18 / John 14:21-26

Jesus gives parting advice: “Keep working on love." 

1st Week of Lent, Friday, Feb 23; Saint Polycarp

1st Week of Lent, Friday, Feb 23

Ezekiel 18:21-28 / Matthew 5:20-26

Jesus teaches about anger; "The angry Person is liable to judgment. 

Chair of St. Peter, February 22

Chair of St. Peter, February 22

1 Peter 5:1-4 / Matthew 16:13-19

Peter's Chair; “Who do you say lam?

Lent 1st Week, Monday, Feb 19th: Francisco and Jacinta Marto

Lent 1st Week, Monday, Feb 19th: Reflection & Liturgy

Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18 / Matthew 25:31-46

Jesus talks about judgment; "I was hungry and you gave    me   food,"

5th Week, Friday, Feb 9: Miguel Febres Cordero

1 Kings 11:29-32; 12:19 / Mark 7:31-37

The twelve tribes split: Solomon’s sins affected the people.

5th Week, Tuesday, Feb 6th: St Paul Miki and Companions

1 Kings 8:22-23, 27-30 / Mark 7:1-13
Solomon prays to God:  “Listen to my prayer!”

Jan 27: 3rd Week, Saturday: St. Angela Merici

  2 Sam 12:1-7, 10-17 / Mark 4:35-41 

Nathan confronts David: David acknowledges his sin.

Jan 26: Saints Timothy and Titus

2 Tim 1:1-8 or Titus 1:1-5 / Luke 10:1-9 

Jan 25: Conversion of St. Paul: Reflection & Liturgy

 Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22 / Mark 16:15-18 

Jesus instructs his disciples“Proclaim the good news.” 

3rd Week: Jan 22-27:

 3rd Week: Jan 22-27:

Jan 22 Monday: (Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children): Mk 3:22-30: 

6th January, Saturday: Saint Andre Bessette

6th January, Saturday

1 John 5:5-13 / Mark 1:6-11

Jesus is baptized; "You are my beloved Son."