Showing posts with label Ministries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ministries. Show all posts

Revisit the Issue of Ministries in the Church

"We need to revisit the issue of ministries in the Church"

Exclusive interview with biblical scholar Anne-Marie Pelletier, member of new papal commission on women deacons.

June 25, 2020
Anne-Marie Pelletier. (Photo by CORINNE SIMON/CIRIC)

10 Steps To A Balanced Ministry

By James Smith

Ministry is an occupation where balance is often hard to find.  While others punch a clock and work only one job, the minister is often times required to wear multiple hats and even work a secular job as well.    Here are 10 points to consider to discover balance for your life and ministry.

Stay focused
Your dedication to what God has called you to do will require stringent concentration.  There are going to be many opportunities for you to become distracted.  Stay Focused.  Remain prayerful and know that God has called you to a work because of your uniqueness and giftedness.

Holy Cross SI Ministries

Ministries and Ministry Locations of Province of SI: