23rd Ordinary Sunday, Year B, 09.09.2018
Isaiah 35:4-7/ James 2:1-5/ Mark 7: 31-37
The mother-tongue is understood as the language that is learnt from birth.
It is also sometimes called the native language, but still the term “mother-tongue” is more endearing.
More than just a being a language that our mothers taught us, it is the language that resonates deep within us, it is the language of the heart.
Isaiah 35:4-7/ James 2:1-5/ Mark 7: 31-37
The mother-tongue is understood as the language that is learnt from birth.
It is also sometimes called the native language, but still the term “mother-tongue” is more endearing.
More than just a being a language that our mothers taught us, it is the language that resonates deep within us, it is the language of the heart.