4th Week of Easter: May 1st to 6th

 May 1 Monday: Feast of St. Joseph the Worker:

Easter 5th Sunday A - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (See Second Reading)
  You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a people set apart to praise God. May Jesus, our Lord and Savior, be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Easter 4th Week, Saturday, May 6th

Acts 13:44-52 / John 14:7-14 
Jesus speaks about the Father: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.”

4th Week of Easter, Friday, May 5

   4th Week of Easter, Friday, May 5

Jesus makes a promise; "I will come back. " 

4th Week of Easter, Thursday, May 4

4th Week of Easter, Thursday, May 4

Acts 13:13-25 / John 13:16-20

Jesus teaches about service; "No slave is greater than his master." 

4th Week of Easter, Tuesday, May 2: Saint Athanasius

 4th Week of Easter, Tuesday, May 2: Saint Athanasius

Acts 11:19-26 / John 10:22-30 

Jesus speaks about discipleship: "My sheep hear my voice and follow me. " 

3rd Week of Easter, Saturday, Apr 29, St. Catherine of Siena

  3rd Week of Easter, Saturday, Apr 29

Acts 9:31-42 / John 6:60-69

Many people leave Jesus; Peter stayed with Jesus. 

3rd Week of Easter, Friday, Apr 28

 3rd Week of Easter, Friday, Apr 28

Acts 9:1-20 / John 6:52-59

 Jesus speaks about his body and blood; "My flesh is true food; my body is true drink. "

3rd Week of Easter, Thursday, Apr 27

   3rd Week of Easter, Thursday, Apr 27

Acts 8:26-48 / John 6:44-51

Jesus talks about the Father; "Only the Son has seen the Father." 

3rd Week of Easter, Wednesday, April 26th

   3rd Week of Easter, Wednesday, April 26th

Acts 8:1-8 / John 6:35-40 

Jesus speaks about eternal life; "Whoever believes in me will have eternal life. " 

Easter 5th Sunday A - Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life

The Peacemakers

Easter 3rd Week: Apr 24-29

 April 24 Monday: (St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest, Martyr):

3rd Week of Easter, Tuesday, Apr 25th

  3rd Week of Easter, Tuesday, Apr 25th

Acts 7:51 - 8:1 / John 6:30-35

Jesus speaks about the Eucharist; "I am the bread of life. " 

3rd Week of Easter, Monday, April 24

   3rd Week of Easter, Monday, April 24

Acts 6:8-15 / John 6:22-29

Stephen is arrested; Stephen was the Church's first martyr.

Easter 3 Sunday A - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting We have been set free in the precious blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. God raised him from the dead and through him we have faith and hope. May Jesus the Lord be always with you. Introduction by the Celebrant (Two Options)

2nd Week of Easter, Saturday, April 22

  2nd Week of Easter, Saturday, April 22

Acts 6:1-7 / John 6:16-21

The disciples run into trouble; The Lord was with them in their trouble. 

2nd Week of Easter, Friday, April 21

2nd Week of Easter, Friday, April 21

Acts 5:34-42 / John 6:1-15

Jesus feeds 5,000 people; He multiplied five loaves. 

2nd Week of Easter, Thursday, April 20

2nd Week of Easter, Thursday, April 20

Acts 5:27-33 / John 3:31-36 

Jesus speaks about eternal life; Whoever believes has eternal life.

2nd Week of Easter, Wednesday, April 19

 2nd Week of Easter, Wednesday, April 19

Acts 5:17-26 / John 3:16-21 

Jesus continues his instruction; "Whoever believes will not see death. " 

Easter 3rd Sunday A: Emmaus Journey

2nd Week of Easter, Tuesday, April 18

2nd Week of Easter, Tuesday, April 18

Acts 4:32-37 / John 3:7-15

Jesus continues his instruction; "We must be born of the spirit. " 

Easter 2nd Week: Apr 17-22

 April 17 Monday: 

Easter Octave: Apr 10-15

 April 10 Monday: 

The context: Today’s Gospel describes how the two Marys who had been at the foot of the cross

Friday within Easter Octave, April 14

 Friday within Easter Octave, April 14

Acts 4:1-12 / John 21:1-14

They catch 153 fish; The net didn't break.

Tuesday Within Easter Octave, April 11

 Tuesday Within Easter Octave, April 11

Acts 2:36-41 / John 20:11-18

Jesus speaks to Mary of Magdala; "Stop holding on to me."