January 7: Friday after Epiphany

January 7: Friday after Epiphany

1 John 5:5-13 / Luke 5:12-16

Jesus is the Son of God; Water, blood, and Spirit testify to Jesus.

New Year: Prayer Service

Prayer Service
Light and peace in Jesus Christ!
Thanks be to God! 

I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.(Revelation 1:8)


January 3-8: After Epiphany

 3 Monday (The Most Holy Name of Jesus): 

The context: Today’s Gospel describes the beginning of Jesus’ mission of preaching and healing in Galilee, an ideal spot because it was the most fertile land in Palestine and well-populated with 204 villages around the Sea of Galilee housing Jews and Gentiles. The Jews there largely belonged to the tribes of Asher, Naphtali, and Zebulon. The people were open to new ideas because they had been exposed to various religious beliefs and the culture of traders from all over the known world.

January 6; Thursday after Epiphany

January 6; Thursday after Epiphany

1 John 4:19 - 5:4 / Luke 4:14-22     

How can we be sure we love God? Whoever loves God must also love others.

January 5th; Wednesday after Epiphany

January 5th; Wednesday after Epiphany

1 John 4:11-18 / Mark 6:45-52    

Love casts out fear; Have courage on judgment day.

January 4: Tuesday after Epiphany

January 4: Tuesday after Epiphany

1 John 4:7-10 / Mark 6:34-44

God is love; Whoever loves knows God.

3rd January, Monday after Epiphany

 3rd January, Monday after Epiphany

Do not trust every spirit; Test each spirit to see if it is of God.

1 John 3: 22-4:6; mt 4:12-17;23-25

Jan 1: Mary, Mother of God - Liturgical Prayers

A. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Option 1) 
God sent his Son, born of a woman,
to enable us to become God's children.
Through the Spirit of the Son we can cry out to God:
"Father, my Father!"
May Jesus, this Son, be always with you.
R/ And also with you.

Octave of Christmas, 29th December, St. Thomas Becket

 Octave of Christmas, 29th December, St. Thomas Becket

1 John 2:3-11 / Luke 2:22-35

The light is shining; If we don't love, we are in darkness

Holy Family - Liturgical Prayers

We are already the children of God;
we need not be afraid in his presence.
May the Lord Jesus be always with you.
R/ And also with you.

Feast of the Holy Family

A little boy greets his father as he returns from work with a question: “Daddy, how much do you make an hour?” The father is surprised and says:

Advent, 24th December, Friday

 Advent, 24th December, Friday

2 Sam 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 / Luke 1:67-79     

Nathan prophesies about David; "Your kingdom will last forever.”

Advent, 23rd December, Thursday

 Advent, 23rd December, Thursday

Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24 / Luke 1:57-66    

I will send my messenger; "He will prepare the way for me.”

Christmas: Stories

 Christmas Stories from Father Tony Kadavil

1) Origin of the Christmas celebration: Many scholars believe that Christmas came to be placed on December 25th in order to counteract a pagan celebration called the Birth of the Unconquered Sun. The Romans called their winter holiday

Christmas - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (See Second Reading)

    In our own time God has spoken to us
    through his own Son,
    the radiant light of God's glory
    through whom he made everything.
    May this Son, Jesus the Lord, be with you. 
    R/ And also with you.

Advent, 22nd December, Wednesday

 Advent, 22nd December, Wednesday

1 Sam 1:24-28 / Luke 1:46-56 

Hannah takes Samuel to the Temple; Hannah dedicated Samuel to God.

Advent 4th Week: Dec 20-24

 Advent 4th Week: Dec 20-24

Dec 20 Monday: 

The context: Today’s Gospel describes the story of the Annunciation, explaining how God began to keep the promise

Advent, 21st December, Tuesday

Advent, 21st December, Tuesday

Zephaniah 3:14-18 / Luke 1:39-45     

The time is near; My lover comes leaping over the hills.

Advent, 20th December, Monday

Advent, 20th December, Monday

Isaiah 7:10-14 / Luke 1:26-38

Isaiah prophesies; A virgin shall bear a son.

Advent 18th December, Saturday

 Advent 18th December, Saturday

Jeremiah 23:5-8 / Matthew 1:18-24       

Jeremiah prophesies: A descendant of David will rule as king.

Advent 4 Sunday C - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (See the Gospel)
Blessed are they who believe with Mary
that the Lord will fulfill his promises.
The Lord be with you. R/ And also with you.

Advent 4 Sunday C: Mary and Elizabeth


 Michel de Verteuil

General comments
Each year the gospel passage for this Sunday is a story of Mary’s pregnancy, and for this year it is the visitation.

Advent, 17th December, Friday

 17th December, Friday

Genesis 49:2, 8-10 / Matthew 1:1-7

Jacob prophesies; Judah will hold the Royal Scepter.

Advent 3 Sunday - Gaudete - Rejoice

Michel de Verteuil

General Comments
On the third Sunday of Advent St Luke gives us a glimpse into the personality of that wonderful person, John the Baptist. In your meditation, let him remind you of great people you have known.

Advent 3 Sunday C - Liturgical Prayers

Greetings (See Second Reading)
There is no need to worry,
for the Lord wants you to be happy,
and he is near to you.
May his peace and joy be with you always. 
R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant

Advent 3rd Week: Dec 13-18

 Dec 13 Monday (St. Lucy, Virgin, Martyr) 

The context: After casting out the animal-merchants and moneychangers from the Temple immediately after the Palm Sunday procession,

3rd Week of Advent, Thursday, Dec 16

 3rd Week of Advent, Thursday, Dec 16

Isaiah 54:1-10 / Luke 7:24-30

Isaiah talks about God's mercy; "I will take you back with love."

3rd Week of Advent, Tuesday, Dec 14

 3rd Week of Advent, Tuesday, Dec 14

Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13 / Matthew 21:28-32

Zephaniah’s prophesies; I will prepare a humble people.

2nd Week of Advent, Saturday, Dec 11

2nd Week of Advent, Saturday, Dec 11

Ecclesiasticus 48: 1-4, 9-11 / Matthew 17: 10-13

Great are you, Elijah:  You are destined to return.

2nd Week of Advent, Friday, Dec 10

 2nd Week of Advent, Friday, Dec 10

Isaiah 48:17-19 / Matthew 11:16-19

I am your God; I will show you the path to follow.

Advent 2nd Week: Dec 6-11

 Dec 6 Monday (St. Nicholas, Bishop) 

The context: Beyond showing his authority over temptation,

Dec 8: Immaculate Conception of Mary

 Fr. Tony Kadavil:

Mary’s prophecy, given in her Magnificat, “Behold all generations will call me blessed,” was fulfilled when the Catholic Church declared four dogmas of Faith about her:

Advent 2 Sunday C - Liturgical Prayers

Greetings (See Second Reading)
May our love for one another
prepare us for the Day of the Lord,
when Jesus Christ returns.
May his grace and love be always with you.
R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant