13th Week, Wednesday, Jul 1

Amos 5:14-15, 21-24 / Matthew 8:28-34 
Take your sacrifices away: “It is justice that I want from you.”

The God of Amos was a God of concern for the poor. He scorned those Israelites who came to offer sacrifice on religious feasts but trampled on the poor the rest of the year. God said of these people: “I hate your religious festivals; I cannot stand them! . . .Instead, let justice flow like a stream, and righteousness like a river that never goes dry.” Amos 5:21,24

Revisit the Issue of Ministries in the Church

"We need to revisit the issue of ministries in the Church"

Exclusive interview with biblical scholar Anne-Marie Pelletier, member of new papal commission on women deacons.

June 25, 2020
Anne-Marie Pelletier. (Photo by CORINNE SIMON/CIRIC)

13th Week: June 29- July 4: Reflections

29 Monday (Saints Peter & Paul the Apostles): Mt 16: 13-19: 13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do men say that the Son of man is?” 14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

13th Week, Monday, Jun 29th

Amos 2:6-11, 13-16 / Matthew 8:18-22 
Amos prophesies in Israel: “You trample on the poor!”

This week’s readings are from Amos. He’s the first of the so-called writing prophets, those whose works are recorded in books. Although Amos came from Tekoa, in the southern kingdom of Judah, he was sent by God to prophesy to the northern kingdom of Israel. Amos was ill-equipped to be a prophet. He himself said: “I am a herdsman, and I take care of fig trees. But the Lord . . . ordered me to come and prophesy to his people Israel.” Amos 7:14-15

13 Sunday A - Liturgical Prayers

1. It Is Me You Welcome2. Come In, Feel At Home 
Greeting (See Second Reading)
Consider yourselves dead to sin
but alive in Christ Jesus.
May Jesus, the Lord of life,
be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

 1. It Is Me You Welcome

Are we aware that when we receive strangers we receive the Lord himself? We have Jesus’ own words for this. In the stranger God visits us. This applies not only to us in our families, but also in our Church communities. How do we welcome “outsiders” in our churches, and people who have moved from other parishes? Do we welcome the Lord in them? Remember how the Lord welcomes us here.

12th Week, Friday, Jun 26th

2 Kings 25: 1-12 / Matthew 8: 1-4 
Babylon strikes Judah again: The city and the Temple were destroyed.

Judah’s “day of reckoning” dawned in 587 B.C. That date is branded forever on the heart of every Jew. It marks the year when Babylonian armies descended upon Jerusalem and reduced the city and the Temple to a pile of charred rubble. The people who survived the devastating defeat were led off to captivity in Babylon. There they joined many relatives and friends who had been taken captive ten years before.

Against Religious Nationalism by Joseph Lobo

In some countries a form of religious-cultural nationalism is back in vogue. Religion is exploited both to obtain popular support and to launch a political message that is identified with people’s loyalty and devotion to a nation.[1] It is taken for granted that people have in religion a common identity, origin and history, and that these support an ideological, cultural and religious homogeneity that is strengthened by geopolitical boundaries.

John the Baptist - Nativity - Jun 24th

The Lord called me: You are my servant.

This is the second of the four “servant songs” in Isaiah. (Isaiah 40-50). These songs exalt the perfect Israelite, whose suffering saves many people. (Isaiah 53: ii). In one sense, the songs apply to Israel and to all of its great leaders; but in another sense, they apply ultimately and uniquely to Jesus alone. (Acts 3:13,26)

Birth of John the Baptist - Jun 24 - Liturgy

Greeting (See the First Reading of the Vigil) 

Do not be afraid to speak, says the Lord, for I am with you to protect you.  I am putting my words into your mouth.  Say whatever I command you.  May the Lord speak through us and be always be with you. R/ And also with you.  

Sacred Heart of Jesus and Bl. Moreau

Colgate, Kraft and Heinz were almost 100% Tithers

So far over 14,600 people have viewed this post!
Did you know that many are or have been almost 100% tithers? Among the many famous ones are William Colgate, (Colgate-Palmolive), James L.  Kraft (Kraft foods), and Henry John Heinz (Ketchup).  All three of these men started out tithing 10%, and so blessed were they by the practice, that at the time of their death, they were giving away almost 100% of their income!
Colgate and his Christian track record

Kingdom of God in Matthew (A): Sundays: 10 to 34

The Sacred heart of Jesus - Jun 19 - Liturgy

God Loved Us First 

Greeting (See second reading)
 God loved us before we could love him. He sent us his Son as our Savior and let us share in his Holy Spirit. May this love always be with you. R/ And also be with you. 

11th Week, Wednesday, Jun 17th

2 Kings 2:1, 6-14 / Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 
Elijah strikes the water: He and Elisha crossed the river dry-shod.

Elijah took his cloak and struck the water. Immediately the water divided, and he and Elisha crossed the river on dry ground. This unusual action serves two purposes. First, it sets the stage for Elisha to repeat the same miracle, confirming that Elijah had passed on to him the power of prophecy.

11th Week, Tuesday, Jun 16th

1 Kings 21:17-29 / Matthew 5:43-48
Ahab’s wife leads him astray: Ahab sinned gravely against God.

A Catholic boy married a non-Catholic girl. After two years of marriage the girl enrolled in the parish RCIA program and became a Catholic. In the months and years that followed, she became deeply involved in the parish. As the boy’s wife became involved, so did the boy. Later he told some of his friends, “If it weren’t for the example and inspiration of my wife, I wouldn’t be involved at all in the Church. I’d probably not even be a Catholic anymore.”

Celebrant - 8 Tips

11th Week -2Y - Jun 15-20

June 15 Monday: Mt 5:38-42: “You have heard that it was said, `An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; 40 and if anyone would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; 41 and if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to him who begs from you, and do not refuse him who would borrow from you. USCCB video reflections:
The context: During their captivity in Egypt, the Jews became familiar with the crude tribal law of retaliation called Lex Talionis (=Tit-for-Tat) given by the ancient lawmaker Hammurabi during the period 2285-2242 BC. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus rejects even the concession of milder retaliation allowed by Moses. In its place, Jesus gives his new law of love and grace — and no retaliation.

10th Week, Saturday, Jun 13+ St. Anthony of Padua

1 Kings 19:19-21 / Matthew 5:33-37 
Elijah calls Elisha: Elisha followed Elijah.

Catherine Marshall’s book A Man Called Peter tells the story of her husband, who was the famous chaplain of Congress. It was made into a highly successful movie. One day, after the movie’s release, Catherine received an unusual letter from a young assistant sports editor of a newspaper. He told her that it was while watching the movie of Peter’s life that he felt God’s call to the ministry. The young man responded and was now happily studying in a seminary. It was under a similar unusual circumstance that Elisha experienced God’s call, said yes to it, and succeeded Elijah as God’s prophet to Israel.

Pentecost - Quick Reflection

Corpus Christi - Quick Reflection

Religious Community Life

Christian Community

From Lofty dreams to Brutal deaths

Slaughter of Bangladeshis seeking a better life highlights the scourge of human trafficking

From lofty dreams to brutal deaths
Migrants from Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan wait to be taken to Spanish NGO Maydayterraneo's boat during the rescue of 65 migrants in the Mediterranean Sea off the Libyan coast on Feb. 10. (Photo: AFP)

Corpus Christi: Body and Blood of Christ

Understand the difference: Transubstantiation; Tran-signification; trans-finalization; Catholic belief in Real Presence and transubstantiation (Term from St. Thomas Aquinas). 
Why bread and wine:
  1. Creator God is also the provider God, provide food and sustenance to the creation (also protector and the facilitator): in the desert: manna and water. Parents who bring up children have also similar responsibility.

Corpus Christi - Liturgical Prayers

The Solemnity
of the Most Holy BODY and BLOOD of CHRIST

A. One Bread, One Body
B. This Is I For You
    Jesus tells us here:
    "I am the living bread from heaven.
    Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever;
    and the bread that I shall give
    is my flesh for the life of the world."
    May the Lord Jesus give us this bread always
    and always stay with you.
    R/ And also with you.

Nigerian Catholics in Strong Affirmation - I believe

June 8-13: 10th Week – Year 2

June 8 Monday: Mt 5:1-12: 1 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down his disciples came to him. 2 And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. 5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. 6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. 7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. 8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. 10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 “Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven. USCCB video reflections: 

Stories-For-Homilies: Cycle A: Trinity to Christ King

9th Week, Saturday, Jun 6th

2 Timothy 4:1-8 / Mark 12:38-44
I have finished the race: I await God’s reward.

In his book Light from the Ancient Past, Jack Finegan cites a 4,000-year-old Egyptian writing. Called the “Prayer of Ani,” it is addressed to the 42 gods who must decide Ani’s fate after death. Excerpts from Ani’s prayer read: “I have not stolen. . . .I have not played the hypocrite. . . .I have not told falsehoods. . . .I gave bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, clothed the naked. . . .Enter no complaint against me.”

9th Week, Friday, Jun 5th

2 Timothy 3:10-17 / Mark 12:35-37 
You know the Scriptures: They are inspired by God.

How did God inspire the Scriptures? Some suggest that God dictated to the biblical writers, as a boss dictates to a private secretary. Others suggest the biblical writers were inspired religiously, as songwriters are inspired musically. Most people hold a middle position. They hold that God enlightened the writers in such a way that they wrote all and only what God wanted them to write. God is therefore the primary author; the biblical writers are secondary authors. The important thing, however, is not how the biblical writers were inspired, but that they were.

9th Week, Thursday, Jun 4th

2 Timothy 2:8-15 / Mark 12:28-34 
They can chain me: But they can’t chain God’s Word.

Marjorie Lawrence was one of the great operatic stars of our time. At the height of her career, she was struck down with polio. It left her a helpless invalid, unable to walk or to stand. Up to this point in her life, neither she nor her husband was religious. Nevertheless, they began to read the Bible together for strength. For the first time in their lives, they discovered the power of God’s Word. Marjorie said, “There were parts of the Scriptures that seemed to have been written just for me.”

9th Week, Wednesday, Jun 3rd

2 Timothy 1:1-3, 6-12 / Mark 12:18-27
Keep God’s gift alive: The gift came when I laid hands on you.

Timothy was dedicated to God’s service when church leaders laid hands on him. This ancient gesture is still used in the liturgy of the Church today. It is a powerful visual symbol that something is being communicated from the person laying on the hands to the person upon whom the hands are laid.

Holy Trinity - A: Liturgical Prayers

Greetings     The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    the love of the Father
    and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
    be with you all.
    R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant
    A. Experience God with the Heart

    At this celebration of the Blessed Trinity, perhaps we ask ourselves how we can understand this one God with three faces, the Trinity. Our human mind is too small to grasp this mystery. But the Bible, already in the Old Testament, shows us that wisdom is not mere knowledge but the art of life, understanding with the heart as we reflect on our experience. And that experience tells us: God is love, and comes to us in many ways, with fatherly and motherly concern and care, with forgiveness and life brought us by Jesus, with courage and joy, hope and light poured out on us by the Holy Spirit. May we grow in this experience in this eucharist.

Jun '20: Reflections from Pune CSC Scholastics