January 7: Friday after Epiphany
1 John 5:5-13 / Luke 5:12-16
January 7: Friday after Epiphany
1 John 5:5-13 / Luke 5:12-16
3 Monday (The Most Holy Name of Jesus):
The context: Today’s Gospel describes the beginning of Jesus’ mission of preaching and healing in Galilee, an ideal spot because it was the most fertile land in Palestine and well-populated with 204 villages around the Sea of Galilee housing Jews and Gentiles. The Jews there largely belonged to the tribes of Asher, Naphtali, and Zebulon. The people were open to new ideas because they had been exposed to various religious beliefs and the culture of traders from all over the known world.
January 6; Thursday after Epiphany
1 John 4:19 - 5:4 / Luke 4:14-22
January 5th; Wednesday after Epiphany
1 John 4:11-18 / Mark 6:45-52
January 4: Tuesday after Epiphany
1 John 4:7-10 / Mark 6:34-44
God is love; Whoever loves knows God.
3rd January, Monday after Epiphany
Do not trust every spirit; Test each spirit to see if it is of God.
1 John 3: 22-4:6; mt 4:12-17;23-25
A. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Option 1)
God sent his Son, born of a woman,
to enable us to become God's children.
Through the Spirit of the Son we can cry out to God:
"Father, my Father!"
May Jesus, this Son, be always with you.
R/ And also with you.
Octave of Christmas, 29th December, St. Thomas Becket
1 John 2:3-11 / Luke 2:22-35
We are already the children of God;
we need not be afraid in his presence.
May the Lord Jesus be always with you.
R/ And also with you.
Advent, 24th December, Friday
2 Sam 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 / Luke 1:67-79
Advent, 23rd December, Thursday
Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24 / Luke 1:57-66
I will send my messenger; "He will prepare the way for me.”
Christmas Stories from Father Tony Kadavil
1) Origin of the Christmas celebration: Many scholars believe that Christmas came to be placed on December 25th in order to counteract a pagan celebration called the Birth of the Unconquered Sun. The Romans called their winter holiday
Greeting (See Second Reading)
In our
own time God has spoken to us
through his own Son,
the radiant light of God's glory
through whom he made everything.
May this Son, Jesus the Lord, be with you.
R/ And also with you.
Advent, 22nd December, Wednesday
1 Sam 1:24-28 / Luke 1:46-56
Hannah takes Samuel to the Temple; Hannah dedicated Samuel to God.
Advent 4th Week: Dec 20-24
Dec 20 Monday:
The context: Today’s Gospel describes the story of the Annunciation, explaining how God began to keep the promise
Advent, 21st December, Tuesday
Zephaniah 3:14-18 / Luke 1:39-45
The time is near; My lover comes leaping over the hills.
Advent, 20th December, Monday
Isaiah 7:10-14 / Luke 1:26-38
Isaiah prophesies; A virgin shall bear a son.
Advent 18th December, Saturday
Jeremiah 23:5-8 / Matthew 1:18-24
Jeremiah prophesies: A descendant of David will rule as king.
Michel de Verteuil
General comments17th December, Friday
Genesis 49:2, 8-10 / Matthew 1:1-7
Jacob prophesies; Judah will hold the Royal Scepter.
Michel de Verteuil
General CommentsDec 13 Monday (St. Lucy, Virgin, Martyr)
The context: After casting out the animal-merchants and moneychangers from the Temple immediately after the Palm Sunday procession,
3rd Week of Advent, Thursday, Dec 16
Isaiah 54:1-10 / Luke 7:24-30
Isaiah talks about God's mercy; "I will take you back with love."
3rd Week of Advent, Tuesday, Dec 14
Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13 / Matthew 21:28-32
Zephaniah’s prophesies; I will prepare a humble people.
2nd Week of Advent, Saturday, Dec 11
Ecclesiasticus 48: 1-4, 9-11 / Matthew 17: 10-13
Great are you, Elijah: You are destined to return.
2nd Week of Advent, Friday, Dec 10
Isaiah 48:17-19 / Matthew 11:16-19
I am your God; I will show you the path to follow.
Dec 6 Monday (St. Nicholas, Bishop)
Fr. Tony Kadavil:
Mary’s prophecy, given in her Magnificat, “Behold all generations will call me blessed,” was fulfilled when the Catholic Church declared four dogmas of Faith about her:
May our love for one another
prepare us for the Day of the Lord,
when Jesus Christ returns.
May his grace and love be always with you.
R/ And also with you.
St. Francis Xavier, Patron of Missions and Missionaries, Dec 3
1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 / Mark 16:15-20
Today the Church celebrates the feast of St Francis Xavier, the Co-patron of India and of all missions and missionaries all over the world.
1st Week: Nov 29-Dec 4:
Nov 29 Monday:
Context: Jesus’ healing of the centurion’s slave, described in today’s Gospel, shows us how God listens to our Faith-filled prayers and meets our needs. Centurions were reliable, commanding, brave captains in charge of 100 soldiers. They were used to giving and receiving commands.
34th Week, Thursday, Nov 30
Daniel 6:12-28 / Luke 21:20-28
Daniel is thrown into the lions' den; God rescued Daniel.
33rd Week, Saturday, Nov 20
1 Maccabees 6:3-13 / Luke 20:27-40
Antiochus dies grief-stricken; He paid dearly for his sins against Israel.
33rd Week, Friday, Nov 19
1 Maccabees 4:36-37, 52-59 / Luke 19:45-48
Judas goes to Jerusalem; He purified and rededicated the Temple.
33rd Week: Nov 15-20:
Nov 15 Monday (St. Albert the Great, Bishop, Doctor of the Church):
33rd Week, Wednesday, Nov 17
2 Maccabees 7:1, 20-31 / Luke 19:11-28
Seven brothers are martyred; Their mother exhorted them to persevere.
33rd Week, Tuesday, Nov 16
2 Maccabees 6:18-31 / Luke 19:1-10
Old Eleazar is martyred; He left an example to the young.
32nd Week, Saturday, Nov 13
Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9 / Luke 18:1-8
The sea becomes a dry road; Israel saw what God did and rejoiced.
32nd Week, Thursday, Nov 11
Wisdom 7:22-8:1 / Luke 17:20-25
32nd Week: Nov 8-13:
Nov 8 Monday:
The context: In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus gives us two warnings: 1) We should not give scandal to anyone. 2) We need to practice unconditional forgiveness. Jesus also stresses our need for trusting Faith in God’s power if we are to avoid giving scandal and to practice forgiveness.
31st Week, Thursday, Nov 4
Romans 14:7-12 / Luke 15:1-10
Our lives belong to God; We'll have to give an account to him.
31st Week: Nov 1-6:
Nov 1 Monday (All Saints Day): Mt 5:1-12: (Not a Holy Day of Obligation in the USA) The feast and its objectives: All baptized Christians who have died and are now with God in glory are considered saints.
Give praise to the Lord
who gives bread to the hungry
and raises up those who are bowed down.
It is he who protects the stranger
and upholds the widow and orphan.
May this loving God be with you always. R/ And also with you.
A. In the Hands of God
Jesus here among us offered himself for us.
He is living for ever
to intercede for all of us who come to him.
May his grace and peace be always with you.
R/ And also with you.
30th Week, Wednesday, Oct 27
Romans 8:26-30 / Luke 13:22-30
Paul talks about the Spirit; The Spirit helps us in our weakness.
The feast and its objectives: All baptized Christians who have died and are now with God in glory are considered saints. All Saints Day is intended to honor the memory of countless unknown and uncanonized saints who have no feast days.
30th Week: Oct 25-30:
Oct 25 Monday:
The context: Today’s Gospel tells us how Jesus healed a woman in the synagogue who had been suffering for 18 years from what seems to have been curvature of the spine.
30th Week, Tuesday, Oct 26
Romans 8:18-25 / Luke 13:18-21
Paul talks about future glory; Nothing matches the glory that awaits us.
We are gathered in the name of Jesus,
of whom the Father said:
"You are my Son,
today I have become your father."
May the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus
be always with you.
R/ And also with you.
29th Week, Saturday, Oct 23
Romans 8:1-11 / Luke 13:1-9
Evil no longer enslaves you; Christ's spirit dwells in you.
29th Week: Oct 18-23:
18th Monday (St. Luke, Evangelist)
Resume: St. Luke was a Syrian by race, born in Antioch as a Gentile. He became a Christian and follower of St. Paul.
29th Week, Thursday, Oct 21
Romans 6:19-23 / Luke 12:49-53
Paul exhorts the Romans; Turn to Christ as you once turned to sin.
29th Week, Tuesday, Oct 19
Romans 5:12, 15, 17-21 / Luke 12:35-38
Paul talks about sin; Through one man sin entered the world.
28th Week, Saturday, Oct 16
Romans 4:13, 16-18 / Luke 12:8:12
Abraham is our father; He saw hope where others didn't see it.
28th Week, Friday, Oct 15
Romans 4:1-8 / Luke 12:1-7
Paul talks about Abraham; Abraham's faith was his glory.
28th Week, Wednesday, Oct 13
Romans 2:1-11 / Luke 11:42-46
Paul discusses Christian responsibility; We are accountable to God.
The Word of God is alive and active;
it can judge our secret emotions and thoughts.
It is the Lord Jesus who speaks this word to us.
May he always be with you.
R/ And also with you.
28th Week, Monday, Oct 11: St. John XXIII
Romans 1:1-7 / Luke 11:29-32
Paul discusses his calling; God called me to preach to the Gentiles.
27th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, Oct 5
Jonah 3:1-10 /
Luke 10:38-42
God calls Jonah again: This time Jonah obeyed.
27th Week: Oct 4-9:
Oct 4 Monday (St. Francis of Assisi)
(Mt 11:25-30): St. Francis of Assisi is the best known and the most loved thirteenth century Italian saint.
Respect Life Sunday (OCT 3, 2021)
Facts on attacks on human life: a) Abortion: The number of unborn children slaughtered in the wombs of their mothers in the last 25 years is 1200 million in the world and 37 million in the USA. (4400 per day in the US).
Sept 27 Monday (St. Vincent de Paul, Priest)
The context: Today’s Gospel describes Jesus’ criterion for greatness with advice to be accepting of others who do good in ways different from ours.
Guardian Angels, Oct 2
Exodus 23:20-23 / Matthew 18:1-5, 10
According to Christian tradition, every one of us has a guardian angel who accompanies us from the moment we’re born until the moment of our death, and stays at our side at every moment of our life. The idea of a spirit, of a supernatural entity that follows and supervises every human being, was already present in other religions and in Greek philosophy.
66:10-14/ Matthew 18:1-5
God makes a promise to Israel; "You will rejoice.”
26th Week, Thursday, Oct 5, St. Faustina
Nehemiah 8:1-12 / Luke 10:1-12
Ezra reads God's law to the people; The people answered, "Amen!"
There is a variety of gifts,
but they come from the same Spirit,
all sorts of service, but to the same Lord,
many forms of work, but all of them, in all people,
the work of the same God.
In each one the Spirit manifests himself
for the good of all.
May the Lord Jesus give you this Spirit
and always be with you. R/ And also with you.
26th Week, Monday, Sept 27
Zechariah 8:1-8 / Luke 9:46-50
God makes a promise; “I will rescue my people.”
25th Week, Saturday, Sept 25
Zechariah 2:5-9, 14-15 / Luke 9:43-45
God speaks through Zechariah; I am coming to dwell among you.
25th Week, Friday, Sept 24
Haggai 1:15 - 2:9 / Luke 9:18-22
25th Week, Thursday, Sept 23
Haggai 1:1-8 / Luke 9:7-9
25th Week, Wednesday, Sept 22
Ezra 9:5-9 / Luke 9:1-6
Ezra prays to God; We sinned, but you forgave us.
25th Week: Sept 20-25:
Sept 20 Monday (St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Priest and Paul Chong Ha-sang, and companion Martyrs):
Greeting (see Responsorial Psalm)
We have God for our help.
The Lord upholds our life.
May the Lord Jesus be always with you. R/ And also with you.
Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13 / Matthew 9:9-13
There is one Lord over all: Preserve your unity.
John Howard Griffin dyed his skin black, shaved his head, and posed as a black man in the South in the pre-civil-rights days. One day he asked for a Catholic church. He was told that the nearest "colored Catholic church" was on Drysades Street.
Thousands flee Myanmar’s conflict-stricken Chin state Military airstrikes, shelling force people to seek refuge at nearby villages |
24th Week: Sept 13-18:
24th Week, Friday, Sept 22
1 Tim 6:2-12 / Luke 8:1-3
Paul talks about temptation; Love of money is the root of evil.
24th Week, Thursday, Sept 16
1 Tim 4:12-16 / Luke 7:36-50
Paul exhorts Timothy; Be an example of faith and love.
We have God for our help.
The Lord upholds our life.
May the Lord Jesus be always with you. R/ And also with you.
23rd Week: Sept 6-11:
Sept 6 Monday: (Labor Day in the U. S. –homily below):
Context: After the sad experience in Nazareth, Jesus used the city of Capernaum on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, the center of the fishing business, as a base for a teaching, healing, and preaching ministery. The people were impressed by the authority with which Jesus taught.
23rd Week, Friday, Sept 10
1 Tim 1:1-2, 12-14 / Luke 6:39-42
I was an arrogant blasphemer; But God forgave me.
23rd Week, Thursday, Sept 9
Colossians 3:12-17 / Luke 6:27-38
Bear with one another; Forgive as the Lord forgives you.
23rd Week, Tuesday, Sept 7
Colossians 2:6-15 / Luke 6:12-19
Live in Christ; Abound with thanksgiving.
23rd Week, Monday, Sept 6
Colossians 1:24 - 2:3 / Luke 6:6-11
Paul suffers for the Colossians; I suffer gladly
We trust in the Lord
who keeps us from lasting death,
who stands by our side
in sorrow and distress,
and keeps our feet from stumbling.
The Lord be always with you. R/ And also with you.
22nd Week, Saturday, Sept 4
Colossians 1:21-23 / Luke 6:1-5
Sin alienates us from God: Christ reconciled us back to God.
22nd Week, Friday, Sept 3
Colossians 1:15-20 / Luke 5:33-39
Christ is the visible likeness of God; God's fullness resides in Jesus
22nd Week: Aug 30- Sept 4:
Aug 30 Monday:
Today’s Gospel presents the reaction of Jesus’ fellow- townsmen, to the “Inaugural Address” offered them at a synagogue in Nazareth when Jesus visited the town as a rabbi with a band of disciples. The reading shows us how Jesus faced scepticism and criticism with prophetic courage.
Colossians 1:1-8 / Luke 4:38-44
Paul rejoices in the Colossians; Their faith is bearing fruit.
1 Thessalonians 4:9-12: Mt 25:14-30
Paul encourages the people to make even greater progress.
21st Week: Aug 23-28:
Aug 23 Monday (St. Rose of Lima, Virgin):
The context: It is the third day of the original “Holy Week” in Jerusalem, a day of controversy and personal attacks. The Master is under fire, and challenges the religious leaders of Israel, pronouncing the first three of the eight woes Jesus would levy levies against the religious leaders, calling them hypocrites and publicly humiliating them.
21st Week, Monday, August 23
1 Thes 1:2-5, 8-10 / Matthew 23:13-22
Paul rejoices over the Thessalonians; They turned to God.
Ruth 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17 / Matthew 23:1-12
God raises up a leader for Israel; He chose Jephthah, an outcast
20th Week, Tuesday, Aug 17
6:11-24 / Matthew 19:23-30
Gideon protests; God's call to him; He said, "lam the lowest of the low. "
20th Week, Monday, August 16
2:11-19 / Matthew 19:16-22
Israel sins against God; They worshiped false gods.
19th Week: August 9-14
Aug 9 Monday (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross,
Virgin, Martyr)
The context: The first part of today’s Gospel gives Jesus’ second prediction of His sufferings, death and Resurrection. The second part is Jesus’ explanation of why He pays the Temple tax.
August 14: Fr. Maximillian Kolbe; 19th Week, Saturday,
Joshua 24:14-29 / Matthew 19:13-15
Joshua confronts the people; "Decide whom you will serve."
19th Week, Friday, August 13
24:1-13 / Matthew 19:3-12
God looks after his people; "I saved you. "
19th Week, Thursday, August 12
3:7-11, 13-17 / Matthew 18:21 - 19:1
The Israelites cross over the Jordan; The waters backed up.
19th Week, Wednesday, August 11
34:1-12 / Matthew 18:15-20
Moses dies; "You shall not enter the land. "
Week, Monday, August 14
10:12-22 / Matthew 17:22-27
Moses exhorts the Israelites; “Befriend the alien.”
18th Week, Saturday, August 7
Deut 6:4-13 / Matthew 17:14-20
Moses recites the Shema Israel; "Love the Lord with all your heart."