Showing posts with label Bread of Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bread of Life. Show all posts

20 Sunday B: Living Bread for the Life of the World

 Michel DeVerteuil 
Textual Comments
This is the fourth passage from John 6 that the Church invites us to meditate on at this time of the year, and the third in which Jesus gives the people a teaching based on their experience of the miraculous feeding.

19th Sunday B: I'm the Living Bread

  Michel DeVerteuil

Textual Comments
In this passage, Jesus again draws lessons about life from the feeding of the five thousand.
I remind you that all teaching of Jesus recorded in the gospels is intended to speak to experience, and we must therefore appeal to our experience to discover its truth.

18th Sunday B: I'm the Bread of Life

 Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
In this passage, Jesus again draws lessons about life from the feeding of the five thousand.

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As we are called to Become the Bread of Life for Others

Jesus Lord, many are the ways that you have quenched the thirst and filled the hunger of your people. You wouldn’t allow the joy and honour of a family at Cana to be damaged due to a lack of wine, nor would your generosity stop short for the Samaritan woman at the well. Wasn’t it your love, Lord, crossing all borders, wasn’t it the living water filling her to the brim that made her so excited to run to the village to bring her people to you? It’s saving people that seems to satisfy your hunger for souls and not decorations, ceremonies, rituals or earthly food that your disciples were able to bring.

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As we Battle our Addictions at this time of Isolation

Lord, our God, though we have learned through your servant Augustine “our hearts are made for you and they shall not rest until they rest in you”, your created things whose only being was to serve you held us back from you and the Bread of life that your son is. Even though, Lord, you tried to break through our deafness, flash through our blindness, flavour through our taste buds, breathe through our nostrils and touch us through our bodies, we have remained cold, stubborn, insensitive and unresponsive because those things fed us in the body and gave us pleasure even as we missed your joy which was not of this world. You have made us, Lord, for happiness.

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This time of isolation and separation, we hunger and thirst for your abundant life

God of healing and transformation, at this time of isolation and separation, we hunger and thirst for your abundant life. We bring you our sorrow and ask for the bread of joy; we bring you our despair and ask for the bread of hope; we bring you our weariness and ask for the bread of inspiration. Meet us, Lord, here in this time and place of frustration. We need the bread of heaven to sustain us as we journey to find our way, that we may be one with you.

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Jesus, the Bread of Life- Prayer -4

Jesus said, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.' This is the promise of God to whom we now pray.

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to be the Bread of Life for the world.  Forgive us for elevating earthly appetites above devotion to you.  Feed us with the knowledge of Christ so that we recognize our sin and gladly repent in his name.

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The Bread from Sweat, Tears and Blood

Lord, you have designed that for every drop of sweat, a seed is taken and planted, for every drop of tear, the ground is watered and the seed is germinated and for every drop of blood that is shed, the seed of conversion is produced. Wasn’t it your design, Lord, that Stephen’s blood become the seed of Saul’s conversion? Let not, Lord, no drop of sweat, no drop of tear and no drop blood of your people be shed without making your mission in this world accomplished! Without making it your Bread of Life in this hungry, thirsty and starving world.

I am the Bread of life - Reflection

'I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.' - John 6:35-51
Bread is a wonderfully sustaining foodstuff. We could look at the individual ingredients and concoct a sermon simply on those, the yeast, the salt, the grain which yields the wheat flour, the water which binds them all together - they all can have a spiritual significance which Jesus himself used in the stories that he told. But let's look at the finished product and how we an relate that to the meaning that Jesus was inferring to the crowd who had so eagerly followed him all day, and seen him perform a culinary miracle with a few fish and some loaves of bread.

Bread of Life: Somewhere a Miracle Occurs - No. 2

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Somewhere a Miracle Occurs 

Somewhere, Lord, a miracle occurs, when a seed is sown in fertile ground, germinates, grows, ripens and in due season will be harvested. Grains of wheat.

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Jesus, the Bread of Life: I Am the Bread of Life

‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

19 Sunday B: Living Bread

Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
In this passage, Jesus again draws lessons about life from the feeding of the five thousand.
I remind you that all teaching of Jesus recorded in the gospels is intended to speak to experience, and we must therefore appeal to our experience to discover its truth. This can be difficult with passages like these: one reason is that the language is not the kind that we use ordinarily. Some expressions – such as “eternal life,” “being drawn by the Father,” “living bread,” “flesh” – you will have to bring down to earth for yourself, applying them to what you have lived yourself.

18 Sunday B: Jesus, the Bread of Life

Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
In this passage, Jesus again draws lessons about life from the feeding of the five thousand.
I remind you that all teaching of Jesus recorded in the gospels is intended to speak to experience, and we must therefore appeal to our experience to discover its truth. This can be difficult with passages like these: one reason is that the language is not the kind that we use ordinarily. Some expressions – such as “eternal life,” “being drawn by the Father,” “living bread,” “flesh” – you will have to bring down to earth for yourself, applying them to what you have lived yourself.

20 Sunday B - Living Bread for the life of the World

 Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
This is the fourth passage from John 6 that the Church invites us to meditate on at this time of the year, and the third in which Jesus gives the people a teaching based on their experience of the miraculous feeding.

19 SUNDAY B - Living Bread

Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
In this passage, Jesus again draws lessons about life from the feeding of the five thousand.
I remind you that all teaching of Jesus recorded in the gospels is intended to speak to experience, and we must therefore appeal to our experience to discover its truth. This can be difficult with passages like these: one reason is that the language is not the kind that we use ordinarily. Some expressions – such as “eternal life,” “being drawn by the Father,” “living bread,” “flesh” – you will have to bring down to earth for yourself, applying them to what you have lived yourself.

18 Sunday B Homiles--Jesus, the Bread of Life

Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
With this gospel we begin the series of teachings of Jesus which draw lessons from the miraculous feeding, all under the general theme of Jesus as Bread of Life.
The language in these passages comes across as vague and abstract, and we must make a special effort to let the passages speak to our experience as all gospel passages are meant to do.