Note: Though
worry and stress are not the same and many people have greater pressure to handle in daily life and yet are not highly stressed, because of a simple formula:
S=P>R. Stress is equal to
Pressure greater than your
Resources. Prayer, family, relaxation, fulfilling hobbies, etc can be your resources that can handle your stress. As much as we need some amount of anxiety to be prepared for life and do a good job, we need some amount of stress (Eustress is positive stress,

Distress is negative stress) to face the daily chores and issues and do a good job. The weight of a key in your hand may be 25 grams, but
how long you hold it in your hand determines stress. So it's not the type of stress that matters, but how long you are nursing it in your heart and mind without dealing with it causes stress and damage to your body and mind.
Read the materials of Life-work Balance in this blog
- Tony Kayala, c.s.c.
Many Americans report extreme stress levels (8, 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale) and many say their stress levels have increased in the past year
- Stress plays a major role in the health of your immune system, and can impact your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, brain chemistry, blood sugar levels, and hormonal balance
- Actively managing your stress levels with exercise, staying positive, connecting with others, engaging in hobbies, and spending time in nature are crucial for optimal health