January 2nd: Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen
1 John 2:22-28 / John 1:19-28
Some priests question John: “Are you the Messiah, Elijah, or a prophet?”
January 2nd: Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen
1 John 2:22-28 / John 1:19-28
Some priests question John: “Are you the Messiah, Elijah, or a prophet?”
Dec 26 Tuesday: St. Stephen: For a brief biography, click on https://www.franciscanmedia.org/saint-of-the-day/saint-stephen/Matthew 10: 17-22: Mt 10:17-22:
Octave of Christmas, 29th December, St. Thomas Becket
1 John 2:3-11 / Luke 2:22-35
Christmas Octave: 28th December, Holy Innocents, Martyrs
1 John 1:5 - 2:2 / Matthew 2:13-18
We have been redeemed; Jesus' blood purifies us
St. John, Apostle & Evangelist, December 27
1 John 1:1-4 / John 20:2-8
✠ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. All Amen. The Lord be with you. All And also with you.
Advent, 23rd December, Saturday
2 Sam 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 / Luke 1:67-79
Advent, 22nd December, Friday
1 Sam 1:24-28 / Luke 1:46-56
Advent, 21st December, Thursday
Zephaniah 3:14-18 / Luke 1:39-45
The time is near; My lover comes leaping over the hills.
Advent, 20th December, Wednesday
Isaiah 7:10-14 / Luke 1:26-38
Isaiah prophesies; A virgin shall bear a son.
Jeremiah 23:5-8 / Matthew 1:18-24
Jeremiah prophesies: A descendant of David will rule as king.
Sunday, December 17 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT (B) Exult For Joy
The One You Do Not Know
2nd Week of Advent, Friday, Dec 15
Isaiah 48:17-19 / Matthew 11:16-19
I am your God; I will show you the path to follow.
2nd Week of Advent, Thursday, Dec 14
Isaiah 41:13-20 / Matthew 11:11-15
I am the Lord your God; I will turn deserts into marshes.
2nd Week of Advent, Tuesday, Dec 12
Isaiah 40:1-11 / Matthew 18:12-14
God is indeed coming; He will gather the lambs in his arms.
2nd Week of Advent, Monday, Dec 11
Isaiah 35:1-10 / Luke 5:17-26
Our God is coming; He will save us.
Popular imagination has added an interesting slant to the story of the woman taken in adultery.
Isaiah 26:1-6 / Matthew 7:21, 24-27
There will be a day of reckoning: He humbles those who are proud.
1st Week of Advent, Tuesday, Dec 5
Isaiah 11:1-10 / Luke 10:21-24
The Spirit rests upon him; He will defend the rights of the helpless.