Advent 4th Sunday -B: Liturgical prayers

 Greeting (See Second Reading)

Glory to God who is able to give you the strength to live according to the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This Good News is now proclaimed to all. May you accept this Good News and may the Lord Jesus be always with you. R/ And also with you.  

Introduction by the Celebrant

Servant Of The Lord

To what extent are we available to God and do we see what he wants to do in us and through us? Today we are shown the marvelous example of Mary. Even if she did not see clearly all it implied, she accepted her mission to become the mother of the Savior. Jesus wants to be born in our world through us too, with our cooperation. We too have to say our Yes to God and to his plans with us and with the world. Let us say our Yes with Jesus and Mary.  

Reliable Words From God And Mary

How reliable are our words? How often do we keep our promises? Many times in the past God had promised to bring joy and happiness and freedom to his people. He kept his word and promise in a way surpassing by far what people expected: he sent his own Son as one of us: God’s Son, yes, but also the son of a human mother. A few days from now, on Christmas, we shall celebrate how God gave us Jesus. Today we hear an angel announcing to Mary that God would keep his word through her, and Mary gave her word that she would cooperate with God's plan. Like her and with Jesus may we also say our Yes to God here in this Eucharist.  

Penitential Act

Our indifference and our refusals have been obstacles to God’s plans. Let us ask the Lord to forgive us. (pause)

Lord Jesus, with you and with Mary we want to be open to the Word of God: Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.  

Jesus Christ, with you and with Mary we are willing to face the risks of committing ourselves to God and to people: Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.  

Lord Jesus, from you and from Mary we want to learn to serve: Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.  

In your mercy, Lord, speak to us your word of forgiveness and make us respond to your words of life. Lead us to everlasting life. R/ Amen.  

Opening Prayer

Let us pray to our Father that we may be receptive to the coming of his Son  (pause)

God, who are the Most High Lord of all, you have a surprising preference for people who are small and humble and who expect everything from you. You chose Mary, the unassuming virgin from Nazareth, to become the mother of your Son Jesus. Through your Holy Spirit make us aware of the poverty of our hearts, that we may be open to you and welcome you, be ready, like Mary, to serve you and your plans, and expect everything from you. Come to us and give yourself to us through Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.  

First Reading • 2 Sam 7:1-5, 8b—12,14a,16: A House That Will Stand Forever

David proposes to build for God the house of a temple. But God chooses the house of the dynasty of David, from which a Savior would be born for his people.

Second Reading • Rom 16:25-27: God Shows Himself In Jesus Christ

With Paul, let us praise God, who remained hidden for a long time, but now, in his wisdom, has shown himself in Jesus Christ This is the Good News to be preached to all. Gospel • Lk 1:26-38:

Your Will For Me Be Done God’s plans are fulfilled where people, in all humility like Mary, receive God on his own terms.   


Let us open our hearts to the Lord Jesus that he may live in us and stay with us. Let us say: R/ Lord, make your home in us.

-Lord, feel at home in your Church, that it may be open to you in the poor and that those who seek you may find in it your forgiveness, your life, and truth and joy, we pray: R/ Lord, make your home in us.

-Lord, feel at home with priests and religious, that they may live up to the word once given to you and that they render you humble service in the people you have entrusted to their care, we pray: R/ Lord, make your home in us.

-Lord, feel at home in our world, that peoples and cultures may understand one another, seek peace together and promote justice and love, we pray: R/ Lord, make your home in us.

-Lord, feel at home in our families, unite them in fidelity and tenderness, guide parents to raise their children toward your own mature adulthood, we pray: R/ Lord, make your home in us.

–Lord, feel at home in our communities, where we welcome everyone in need, where we serve one another with joy and make you visible by our untiring love, we pray: R/ Lord, make your home in us.

Lord, it is good to be with you, to be aware that you live among us. Like Mary, may we not keep you for ourselves but take you to others, that they may know and love you, now and for ever.

R/  Amen,  

Prayer Over the Gifts

Faithful God, we are aware of our limitations and the insufficiency of these gifts we bring before you. May our very poverty dispose you to fill our empty hearts with the wisdom of your Holy Spirit and with the presence of him whom we expect with great longing, your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever. R/ Amen.  

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

Soon we will pray in the Eucharistic prayer that by the power of the Holy Spirit bread and wine may become Jesus himself. By the same Holy Spirit, may Jesus be born also in our hearts and in our world.  

Introduction to the Lord’s Prayer

By the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and we have become God’s children. Let us pray with him the prayer of Jesus to our Father in heaven: R/  Our Father...  

Deliver Us

Deliver us Lord, from our pride in our own achievements which closes us to your gifts. Keep us from building for you splendid buildings in which to confine you, that you may choose us, your people, rather than a building of stone as your home in which you want to live through him whom we expect with joy and hope, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. R/ For the kingdom...  

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High born by the power of the Holy Spirit of the virgin-mother Mary. Happy are we to receive him. R/ Lord, lam not worthy...  

Prayer after Communion

God our Father, you fill the hungry with good things and send the self-satisfied away empty. In this Eucharist you have filled us with the Word and the Bread of Life of your Son Jesus Christ. Make us hunger now for his coming in the hearts and the homes of all. Fill us with his spirit of service and self-forgetting love, that through us he may become near to people. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. R/ Amen,  

Blessing Christmas is now very near. With the Blessed Virgin Mary we wait for the Lord’s coming. With her we say: We are the Lord’s servants; we want to do his will and to give his Son for all to share. May Almighty God bless you: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.  

Go in peace and live in the joy of knowing that the Lord is near. R/ Thanks be to God.