Enneagram: one
IN GENERALIf you are ONE, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:
J Idealistic J Principled J Orderly
J Diligent J Honest J Conscientious
J Fair J Dependable J Ehical
However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:
L Uptight L Critical L Impatient
L Judgmental L Inflexible L Controlling
L Moralistic L Puritanical L Dogmatic
As a Perfectionist you strive so hard to make everything and everyone as good as possible that you have become deeply angry at any imperfection. But you are so oblivious to your anger that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.
Enneagram: TWO
In General
If you are TWO, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:
☺ Caring ☺ Considerate ☺ Generous
☺ Sympathetic ☺ Supportive ☺ Self-Sacrificing
☺ Helpful ☺ Adaptable ☺ Loving
However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:
L Dependent LNeedy L Possessive
L Flattering L Interfering LManipulative
L Hysterical L Seductive L Self-Important
As a Helperyou strive so hard to attend to other people's needs that you neglect your own and even pride yourself in having none. But you are so oblivious to your pride that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.
Enneagram: THREE
In General
If you are a THREE, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:
☺ Adaptable ☺ Energetic ☺ Self‑Confident
☺ Outgoing ☺ Efficient ☺ Pragmatic
☺ Industrious ☺ Optimistic ☺ Goal‑Oriented
However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:
L Devious L Vain L Image-Conscious
L Pretentious LCalculating L Manipulative
L Misleading L Narcissistic L Callous
As an Achiever you are so competitive and image‑conscious that you are prepared to deceive others in order to win or promote yourself. But you are so oblivious to your deceit that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.
Enneagram: four
In General
If you area FOUR, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:
☺ Intuitive ☺ Creative ☺ Sensitive
☺ Expressive ☺ Cultured ☺ Stylish
☺ Original ☺ Artistic ☺ Empathic
However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:
LMoody L Possessive L Self‑Conscious
L Obstinate L Critical L Spiteful
L Hypersensitive L Depressive L Masochistic
As an Artist you strive so hard for originality and uniqueness that you become envious of other people's gifts and abilities. But you are so oblivious to your envy that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.
Enneagram: FIVEIn General
If you are a FIVE, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:
☺ Observant ☺ Perceptive ☺ Reflective
☺ Self‑Contained ☺ Analytical ☺ Detached
☺ Wise ☺ Objective ☺ Sensitive
However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:
L Withdrawn L Cerebral L Stingy
L Arrogant L Superior L Remote
L Non‑Assertive L Unfeeling LUninvolved
As an Observer you strive so hard for meaningful information that, when you get it, you hoard it rather than part with it. But you are so oblivious to your avarice that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.
Enneagram: SIX
If you are a SIX, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:
J Loyal J Dutiful J Hospitable
J Caring J Idealistic J Prudent
J Respectful JTrustworthy J Courageous
However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:
L Fearful L Timid L Suspicious
L Indecisive L Defensive L Anxious
L Authoritarian L Aggressive L Paranoid
As a Supporter you strive so hard to belong that you become fearful of not honoring your commitments. But you are so oblivious to your fear that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.
Enneagram: SEVENIN GENERALIf you are a SEVEN, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:
J Optimistic J Fun‑Loving J GregariousJCreative J Joyful J ChildlikeJ Imaginative J Adventurous J ResilientHowever, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:
L Escapist L Distracted L Superficial L Unreliable L Hedonistic L Undisciplined L Narcissistic L Addictive L ManicAs an Optimist you strive so hard to be happy and avoid pain that you become addicted to pleasure‑seeking. But you are so oblivious to your gluttony that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.Enneagram: EIGHTIN GENERALIf you an EIGHT, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:J Resourceful J Earthy JSelf‑ConfidentJ Energetic J Direct J FearlessJ Just J Powerful J PassionateHowever, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:
L Aggressive L Domineering L Insensitive
L Possessive L Confrontational L Controlling
L Intimidating L Vindictive L Punitive
As a Leader you strive so hard to control and experience life to the full that your passion becomes overwhelming. But you are so oblivious to your list that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.
Enneagram: NINE
If you are a NINE, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:
J Peaceful J Calm J Accommodating
J Unpretentious J Reassuring J Tolerant
J Gentle J Patient J Imperturbable
However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:
L Indolent L Forgetful L Indecisive
L Apathetic L Oblivious L Obstinate
LObsessive L Addictive L Nihilistic
As a Mediator you strive so hard to avoid conflict that you become unassertive and self‑forgetful. But you are so oblivious to your sloth that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.