Stations of the Cross - 1: For our Times

Stations of The Cross: For Our Times

 A stanza of any suitable hymn may be sung. 


We gather on this day as Christians united in prayer. In the midst of our busy lives we pause to pray as we reflect on the suffering journey of Christ. 

Saturday after Ash Wednesday, March 5th

 Saturday after Ash Wednesday, March 5th

Isaiah 58: 9-14 / Luke 5: 27-32

Jesus talks about his mission: " "I came for those who need help.

Friday after Ash Wednesday, March 4th

  Friday after Ash Wednesday, March 4th

Isaiah 58:1-9 / Matthew 9:14-15

Jesus talks about fasting: "My disciples will fast after I go.”

Thursday after Ash Wednesday, March 3rd: Reflection and Liturgy

Thursday after Ash Wednesday, March 3rd

Deuteronomy 30:15-20 / Luke 9:22-25

Jesus talks about the cross: "Pick it up daily and follow me"

Lent - Reflections

 Lent is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and taking stock. Lent originated in the very earliest days of the Church as a preparatory time for Easter, when the faithful rededicated themselves and when converts were instructed in the faith and prepared for baptism.

Lent 1st Sunday C: Temptations

 Gospel Reading: Luke 4:1-13

Michel DeVerteuil 
General comments

8 Sunday C - Liturgical Prayers

 Greeting (See Second Reading)

Let us thank God for giving the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Risen Lord Jesus be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Ash Wednesday - Liturgy

 1. "I Will Serve"


The peace and reconciliation of the merciful Father be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

8th Week, Tuesday, March 1

  8th Week, Tuesday, March 1

1 Peter 1:10-16 / Mark 10:28-31

Recall Scripture's words; “Be holy because I am holy.”

7 Sunday C: Liturgical Prayers

The Spirit of the Lord
makes flexible what is rigid,
kindles what is frigid,
and straightens what is wayward.
May the Lord give you this Spirit
and be always with you.

R/ And also with you.

8 Sunday C - Authenticity as a Disciple


Gospel text     Luke 6:39-45

Textual Comments
This passage can be read in the context of last week’s reading, as four parables, four concrete applications of the two central principles stated in last week’s passage – loving our enemies and sharing our possession with the poor:

7th Week: Feb 21-26

 7th Week: Feb 21-26

Feb 21 Monday: (St. Peter Damien, Bishop): 

7th Week, Saturday, Feb 26th

 7th Week, Saturday, Feb 26th

James 5:13-20 / Mark 10:13-16

Remember this! Whoever converts a sinner does great work.

7th Week, Friday, Feb 25th

 7th Week, Friday, Feb 25th

James 5:9-12 / Mark 10:1-12

Use the prophets as models; Be patient!

6Th Week: Feb 14-19

 6Th Week: Feb 14-19: 

 Feb 14 Monday: (St. Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop): 

7 Sunday C: True Christian Love - Radicality

From Fr. Tony Kadavil:
Introduction: The readings today are linked together by one main theme:  the power of Christian love, when exercised in unconditional forgiveness. 

7th Week, Wednesday, Feb 23: POLYCARP OF SMYRNA

 7th Week, Wednesday, Feb 23: POLYCARP OF SMYRNA

James 4:13-17 / Mark 9:38-40

Tomorrow is uncertain; “Life is brief like a puff of smoke.” 

6th Week, Saturday, Feb 19th: Reflection & Liturgy

 6th Week, Saturday, Feb 19th

James 3:1-10 / Mark 9:2-13

James talks about our speech; We ought not to curse our brothers.

6th Week, Friday, Feb 18th- Reflection & Liturgy

6th Week, Friday, Feb18th- Reflection & Liturgy
James 2:14-24, 26 / Mark 8:34 - 9:1 
James talks about helping people: Faith without words is dead.

6th Week, Wednesday, Feb 16th - Reflection & Liturgy

6th Week, Wednesday, Feb 16th - Reflection & Liturgy
James 1:19-27 / Mark 8:22-26
James talks about action: Be doers of the Word, not just hearers of it.

5th Week, Friday: Feb 11th - Reflection & Liturgy

1 Kings 11:29-32; 12:19 / Mark 7:31-37

The twelve tribes split: Solomon’s sins affected the people.

5th Week: Feb 7-12

 5th Week, Feb 7-12: 

Feb 7, Monday: The context: Gennesaret was a tract of land four miles long on the western border of the Sea of Galilee, lying between current day Tabgha and ancient Magdala. Known as the “Paradise of Galilee,” the land was rich soil for farmers to grow walnuts, dates, olives, figs, and grapes and it was a fishing center as well.

6 Sunday C: Happy Are you --- Beatitudes

 From The Connections:

Gospel reading  Luke 6:17, 20-26

Michel DeVerteuil 
General comments