Jan 1: Mary, Mother of God - Liturgical Prayers

 Greeting (See second Reading)
God sent his Son, born of a woman,
to enable us to become God's children.
Through the Spirit of the Son we can cry out to God:
"Father, my Father!"
May Jesus, this Son, be always with you.
R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

Christmas 2017

Michel DeVerteuil
General Comments

This well-known story is very rich so we will focus on some aspects only, staying with Mary’s perspective, especially in verses 6 to 7, and 16 to 20.

Advent Sunday 4 B -Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (see Second Reading)
Glory to God who is able to give you
the strength to live according to the Good News
about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
This Good News is now proclaimed to all.
May you accept this Good News
and may the Lord Jesus be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Advent Sunday 4 B: Annunciation: Behold ...

TK Notes:
A. Any one who is into counseling knows that people come to you because of some anxiety or fear they face in life due to  a)  a relationship, b) a decision/choice or c) faith/ideology issue. They are all trying to find a way to cope with that situation. Mary too comes with, "How's this possible?"
B. Essentially, a counselor helps the counselee to cope with or face or remove that anxiety/fear.
a. Theologically: explains the meaning/purpose of the experience: The Holy Spirit will come down on you. You are going to conceive a child who will be Emmanuel. He is going to save Israel.
b. Sociologically: I'll be with you; I'll accompany you. Even your cousin Elizabeth....
c. Psychologically: Do not be afraid, Mary .....
We touch the heart by addressing the mind/ spirit and providing support.
C. If that's so, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord." Acceptance, conquering the fear and doubt.
People undertake difficult tasks and responsibilities in life if you follow these steps.
We move from "How's it possible?" to "Behold the handmaiden of the Lord" when God enters into our life.

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Monkeys and Monkey Tricks

Advent 3 B - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (see second reading)
May the God of peace make you perfect and holy,
and keep you sound and blameless
for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rejoice, for the Lord is with you.
R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant