13th Week: July 3-8

 July 3-8: 

13th Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, July 8

 13th Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, July 8

Genesis 27:1-5, 15-29 / Matthew 9:14-17

Jacob steals Esau's blessing Saturday: Are you really my son Esau?” 

13th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, July 7

 13th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, July 7

Genesis 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67 / Matthew 9:9-13

Isaac marries Rebekah; His love for Rebekah healed Isaac.

13th Week, Thursday, July 6: St Maria Goretti

13th Week, Thursday, July 6

Genesis 22:1-19 / Matthew 9:1-8

God tests Abraham; Offer Isaac in sacrifice.

13th Week, Wednesday, July 5; St Anthony Zaccaria

 13th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, July 5

Genesis 21:5, 8-20 / Matthew 8:28-34

Isaac is born to Sarah; "Isaac is your true heir.” 

14th Sunday A: My Yoke is Easy!

13th Week, Tuesday, July 4th: St. Elizabeth of Portugal

13th Week, Tuesday, July 4th: St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Genesis 19:15-29 / Matthew 8:23-27

God punishes two cities: Fire destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. 

13th Sunday A: Liturgy

 1. It Is Me You Welcome

2. Come In, Feel At Home 

12th Week, Saturday, Jul 1: Saint Junípero Serra

  12th Week, Saturday, Jul 1

Genesis 18:1-15 / Matthew 8:5-17 

Sarah laughs; "Is anything too marvellous for God?" 

12th Week, Friday, Jun 30: First Martyrs of the Church

12th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, Jun 30

Genesis 17:1, 9-11, 15-22 / Matthew 8:1-4

Your wife will bear a son; Abraham responded with laughter

June 29: Saints Peter and Paul

Starter Story: God chooses ordinary people: Sinners who will become saints in order to understand other sinners and uplift them.

12th Week, Wednesday, June 28: St. Irenaeus

  12th Week,  Wednesday, June 28

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 / Matthew 7:15-20   

God covenants with Abraham; A flaming torch passed by. 

12th Week, Tuesday, June 27: St. Cyril of Alexandria

  12th Week, Tuesday, June 27

Genesis 13:2, 5-18 / Matthew 7:26, 12-14

Abraham and Lot separate; "If you prefer to go left, I'll go right."

12th Week: June 26 — July 1

 June 26 — July 1: 

13th Sunday A: Radicality of Discipleship

Gospel reading: Matthew 10:37-42

12th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, June 26

 12th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, June 26

Genesis 12:1-9 / Matthew 7:1-5

God calls Abraham; "Go forth to a new land!" 

12 Sunday A - Liturgical Prayers

1. No Room for Fear
2. Witness, Speak Up!

June 24: St. John the Baptist

  The Lord called me: You are my servant.

11th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, June 23

   11th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, June 23

2 Cor 11:18, 21-30 / Matthew 6:19-23

My life speaks for itself; I suffer gladly for the gospel. 

11th Week, Thursday, June 22: Saints John Fisher and Thomas More

  11th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, June 22

2 Cor 11:1-11 / Matthew 6:7-15

Beware of false prophets; They teach a different gospel. 

11th Week, Wednesday, June 21: St. Aloysius Gonzaga

 11th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, June 21

2 Cor 9:6-11 / Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

God loves a cheerful giver; As you sow, you reap. 

11th Week, Tuesday, June 20: St. Silverius

  11th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, June 20

2 Cor 8:1-9 / Matthew 5:43-48 

Jesus gives generously to us; Macedonia's poor gave as Jesus did.

11th Week, Monday, June 19: St. Romuald

 11th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, June 19

2 Cor 6:1-10 / Matthew 5:38-42  

We are God's ministers; We seem to have nothing but have all.

11th Sunday A: Jun 18th; Be a Shepherd for the Lord's Sheep

Reading I: Ex 19: 2-6

Immaculate Heart of Mary: June 17th


Sacred Heart of Jesus: June 16th: Titular Feast of Holy Cross Priests

“My son died in 1994 but his heart only stopped beating this year”. Yes, the American little boy Nicholas’s heart was beating in someone else' body in Italy for more than 25 years after his death.

10th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, June 15

 10th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, June 15

2 Cor 3:15 - 4:1, 3-6 / Matthew 5:20-26

God's light shines in us; We must radiate God's light to others. 

St. Elizabeth of Hungary lived in the 13th century.

Corpus Christi Sunday - Liturgical Prayers


The Lord Jesus is here among us, he has brought us together. He speaks to us today; he gives himself to us to eat and to drink. May he always be with you R/ And also with you.

10th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, June 14

 10th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, June 14

2 Cor 3:4-11 / Matthew 5:17-19

God deserves the credit; He made us his ministers. 

10th Week, Tuesday, June 13: St. Anthony of Padua

  10th Week, Tuesday, June 13

2 Cor 1:18-22 / Matthew 5:13-16

God is trustworthy; He has sealed us. 

10th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, June 12

 10th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, June 12

2 Cor 1:1-7 / Matthew 5:1-12

God comforts for a reason; God helps us so that we may help others. 

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, June 10

 9th Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, June 10

Tobit 12:1, 5-13, 20 / Mark 12:38-44 

Tobit learns who Raphael is: He exhorted Tobit and Tobiah to praise God.

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, June 9: Saint Ephrem

 9th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, June 9

Tobit 11:5-17 / Mark 12:35-37

Tobit's blindness is cured; Tobit gave thanks to God.

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, June 8:Bl Mariam Thresia Chiramel

  9th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, June 8

Tobit 6:10-11; 7:1, 9-14; 8:4-9 / Mark 11:5-17

Tobiah and Sarah pray together: They asked God to bless their marriage. 

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, June 7

 9th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, June 7

Tobit 3:1-11, 16-17 / Mark 12:18-27 

Tobit prays to God; God heard Tobit's Prayer. 

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, June 6

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, June 6

Tobit 2:9-14 / Mark 12:13-17

Tobit and his wife quarrel; Tobit misjudged his wife.

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, June 5th: St. Boniface

Tobit is deported to AssyriaHe remained faithful to God.

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, June 5th

Tobit 1:3; 2:1-8 / Mark 12:1-12

Holy Trinity Sunday - Liturgical Prayers


The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.     R/ And also with you.

Corpus Christi - Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ