19th Sunday C - Be Awake and Alert

Michel de Verteuil
Textual commentsThe gospel passage for this Sunday consists of sayings of Jesus, so it would be good to look first at some general principles that must be respected in interpreting sayings.
Remember, first, that in gospel meditation a passage must be read very slowly. I mention this because the sayings of Jesus are short, and often people tend to read them quickly. This happens especially in a passage like this, where we have several sayings on one general theme. It is, however, not a logically constructed teaching, but a collection of sayings, each one different and with its own way of putting across the theme. We must therefore take them separately, letting each one in turn rest in our hearts. Each one is like a special wine, and God invites us to be connoisseurs who take time to savour each one and discover its distinctive flavour.
Secondly, the sayings of Jesus are usually metaphors, speaking to our imagination. This is another point that we are inclined to forget, because in the modern Western world teachers speak in the abstract and to the reason. We must make an effort to stir up our feelings, bringing back memories of our own deep experience, or the experience of people who have touched our lives. In this way we discover for ourselves the truth of the sayings, and within this process we experience God calling us to spiritual growth. This will take time, especially when – as we shall see in some of the sayings in this passage – the metaphor is complex and leads us in more than one direction.
Finally, the sayings of Jesus are universally true. Many people read them as true only of our relationship with God, and of spiritual growth. But they also apply to what happens to our Church communities, our village, our country, and the world. We must be open to discovering this universality, so that gradually (it always takes time) we enter into the many ways in which the saying is true.

The Metaphor of Waiting
All the sayings in this passage are about waiting. This is a difficult metaphor for us today, because in our culture we experience waiting as something negative. “I am waiting” means that I am doing nothing and furthermore that I resent it: “How could you keep me waiting?”
For the Bible, however – and this is good common sense – waiting is a creative moment, or at least can be if we enter freely into it. When I wait for others, I give them the space to be themselves, paying them the respect of letting them exercise their creativity, and I do it not with indifference or grudgingly, but with love, so that we can walk together in solidarity and mutual enrichment.
It is in this perspective that we must understand the Bible expression ‘waiting for God’, which we find, for example, in Psalm 146:
“His delight is not in horses
nor his pleasure in warrior strength.
The Lord delights in those who revere him,
in those who wait for his love.”
People sometimes imagine God sitting in heaven and looking down at his creatures. God in the Bible is not like this at all. “My Father goes on working,” St John quotes Jesus saying, “and so do I.” God is always at work in our lives, in the lives of others and in the world, and this work is always to break the rod of the oppressor and to set captives free.
G delightTo wait for God is, then, to say to him that we know he is at work, and we are prepared to let him carry our his loving purpose when and how he pleases. At times, of course, we become impatient, and even panic and cry out, “How long, O Lord!” But at other times, we feel able to make our act of adoration and tell God that we are willing to wait for him.
The moment is also creative for ourselves. When we wait, our latent tendencies to dominate and manipulate come to the surface, so that we are open to experiencing this as a moment of grace – we will go beyond these evil tendencies and enter that deep inner space where we are in trusting communion with God and with one another; free in ourselves and allowing others to be free.
As you read this passage, then, and enter into the various sayings, remember waiting experiences that were moments of grace for you or for others. The times when you were able to wait for a child or a friend, and, at some unexpected moment, they opened up to you and you entered into a new and deeper relationship with them. Perhaps you struggled for years with drinking or drugs or an unhealthy relationship; you went through agony, unable to make up your mind about moving into a new life-style; and then one day the way became perfectly clear and easy; reading this passage today, you realize what it means to wait for God’s moment. Be with people you know who are tired of waiting; read the passage in solidarity with them, letting the message flow through you so that it touches them and renews their courage.
Waiting is important in our relationship with a community too, a church community or any other. So often we try to manipulate a community rather than letting it grow organically according to its own dynamic. As you read this passage, remember great leaders you have known who have trusted the community, knew how to wait for it, according to the saying that everything happens in its own time; and so, when the moment came, the growth was solid, “the seed grew tall and strong,” as Jesus expressed it in the Parable of the Sower.
This teaching on waiting is tremendously important today, when influencing people has become a skill that can be acquired like any other; when people boast openly that given sufficient money, they can make the public buy anything, not excluding a President or Prime Minister at election time. In this cultural context, we Christians will be tempted to think that grace can also be manipulated in this way, and that if only we could buy more time on television, or if our religious magazines were more glossy, or if we could work more sensational miracles, people would be converted. These sayings remind us that the laws of spiritual growth are different, and we remember with gratitude that in this area earthly power achieves little, but there is real power in trust, care and compassion – all that is implied in waiting.
time glassOur age needs this teaching for another reason too. The Church communities of the New Testament time had little social or political influence. We tend to forget this, because the Roman Emperor became a Christian and, before long, Christianity became the official religion of the State. In the early years, however, there was no prospect whatsoever that this would ever happen. We can see why, in such a context, there was so much emphasis on a self-confident faith which would enable Christians to look calmly at the great Roman Empire and still believe that the values of Jesus Christ would triumph in the end.
The metaphor of waiting expressed perfectly this kind of faith. Can we not say that this is precisely the faith we need today – a trust in the power of our values that takes away any great need for success or quick results?
Remembering the importance of this teaching, let us now turn to the collection of sayings.
Verse 35. A friend has told you that he will take you out for a pint, but it is now very late and he hasn’t turned up. Your parents, all your brothers and sisters have gone to bed, and you are still there, dressed to go out, and the lights in the house are still on. Your mother puts her head out of her room, “You still waiting? Why don’t you go to bed?” You shake your head stubbornly, “I know he will come.” Jesus is telling us that faith in him is like that; everybody else has sold out to the prevailing value system, they have fallen asleep, as it is often expressed in the New Testament, but you continue to believe that the values of Jesus will come good. We think with gratitude of Martin Luther King saying, as he received the Noble Peace Prize, “I still believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.”
Note that the saying is in the form of a command – “see that…” – which can be interpreted in two ways. It can be read as a warning – “better be careful or you will fall away like everyone else.” But it can also be a word of encouragement – “Don’t worry about all the negative signs you see all around you; I can promise you that I am coming soon.” Either way, we see here the role of the Church or of the individual Christian to be the voice of Jesus in the World today.
Verse 36 points us in a new direction. We are waiting for a master who is away at a wedding feast. We Christians live in the real world with all its selfishness and its fragmentation; but we know that our master is celebrating a world of harmony and reconciliation, and the vision of that world gives direction and hope to our lives.
waiting for GodThe verse also evokes for us the moment of grace always coming suddenly, as we saw above; and we respond immediately or not at all:
“There is a tide in the affairs of men,
which taken at the flood leads on to fortune;
omitted, all the voyage of their life
is bound in shallows and miseries.”
Remember the times when God knocked, fresh from the celebration of harmony, and somehow or other you were able to open immediately; you were able to give up that bad habit, to forgive, to move into a new and deeper relationship. Pray for those you know who are struggling that they may continue to wait in trust, ready to open the door as soon as the Lord comes and knocks.
Verse 37 focuses on the blessedness that comes over us when we have waited long and eventually experienced the moment of grace. It is as if a great and generous master whom we admire greatly, has put on an apron, has sat us down at table and is attending to our every need. We feel perfectly secure, all our anxieties have vanished, and we know that it has not been our achievement – he who is mighty has done great things to his servant.
Verse 38 reminds us that waiting always seems long, just as the hours of the night seem longer than we had bargained for. You thought it would be for the first watch, but it isn’t; it must surely be the second then, but it isn’t; and you realize that it mightn’t be the third either. Is not the fulfillment of our deepest aspirations like that? Who was the Jesus that God sent into your life to encourage you to continue waiting?
In verse 39 the metaphor shifts again. It is the moment when a person  recognizes humbly, “he fooled me again” – the boxer became careless and let his guard drop; defenders were over-confident and let the forwards come through to score. I thought I was beyond lust and jealousy; our community was acting as if ambition, racism or snobbishness were dead among us; now we look ruefully at the wall of our house in a shambles and we reflect that if we had known at what hour the burglar would come we would not have let anyone break through it. We should not read this verse with bitterness, nor should we understand it to say that we must spend our whole lives on guard. God is inviting us to laugh at ourselves, caught out once again, and we know that a humble and contrite heart is worth more than tens of thousands of fatted lambs offered in sacrifice.
Wait for the LordThe “Son of Man” in verse 40 is a messianic term, the Saviour, the great leader whom God sends to rescue the oppressed. This verse is therefore a call to renewed hope. It is Isaiah and John the Baptist and all the prophets proclaiming to those who feel lost and abandoned not to lose heart because just at the moment when they feel most lost, the moment when they least expect it, God will intervene to save them.  Remember when you experienced the truth of this saying, the times when you were just about to despair and against all the odds, the Son of Man came. Now say this to others: “You too must stand ready.”
Thomas O’Loughlin
Introduction to the Celebration
The gospel today reminds us that we must ‘stand ready’ for the return of the Lord. We must be people who are ‘dressed for action’ and have our ‘lamps lit’ and be those who are ‘found awake’. Let us reflect on how we are often not quite up to the mark or have ‘postponed till later’ the call to witness to Jesus.

Gospel Notes

owlWhile this material is not found only in Luke, it is so transformed by him that it can be treated as if it were found only in his gospel. Verse 35 marks the beginning of a section on watchfulness and faithfulness so that the disciples are ready for the moment when ‘the Son of Man’ returns. However, the internal elements seem to concern those who are the servants and stewards of the community: if they do their task well and persevere in it, then they will be rewarded with a reversal of roles. Having been servants of the master’s table, then they will be given seats and waited upon by the master. Meanwhile, they must be careful in how they carry out their tasks for they do not know when he will return.
We can read this gospel in two ways. First, it can be read as a general warning ‘to be alert’ for the Lord’s return — a theme found in many places in the gospels. Second, as a warning intended primarily for those with special positions in the churches where Luke preached that they be good servants of those churches.

Homily Notes
1. This is one of those Sundays when the readings are not really suitable for exposition in a homily of between five and ten minutes. That does no mean that there is not much that could be preached upon in them; rather it is a case that to give a homily that would offer something to an average congregation, while building directly on the readings, would probably need longer than is usually available. So one way around this is to link the gospel to another text which can be expounded in the space of five-ten minutes.
Jesus Knocks2. The gospel says we have to be ready for the Son of Man to come again among us? So who are we who must stand ready, with our lamps lit? An answer is provided in Preface of Sundays in Ordinary Time I:
We are the people freed from sin by Christ’s cross and resur­rection. We ‘stand ready’ every time we celebrate this paschal mystery, as we are doing now.
We are the people who have been called to the life of glory, we are united with Christ Jesus in baptism.
We have become a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart.
3. And if this is who we are, then standing ready means that we have certain tasks entrusted to us. Everywhere we must proclaim God’s mighty works. Why? Because we have been called out of darkness into the won­derful light of God.

Sean Goan
Gospel notes
Gift of faithThe idea that the kingdom of God is both a gift and a challenge is very present in the extract from the gospel that is put before us today. The encouraging opening words inspire confidence in the hearers as Jesus reminds his ‘little flock’ that there is no need for fear because the kingdom has been given. So if the disciples are not to fear, what should they do? Jesus answers this question in a most challenging way by telling them to think differently about the world and their place in it. They should not be concerned about wealth or the exercise of power; rather they should busy themselves doing what the Lord asks of them as any good servant would do. Jesus puts it to his disciples very sternly — much has been given you, so much will be expected from you. This is not to inspire fear but to inspire reflection on how gifted we truly are.

put your handBoth today’s readings highlight the meaning of faith, and stress that it has more to do with trusting in God than it has with believing certain truths. On the night of Passover the Israelites, who were a powerless band of runaway slaves, were escaping from the greatest empire in the world. They were heading out into the wilderness not knowing their final destination.
Equally Abraham and Sarah were asked to set out for a land they did not know and to leave everything with which they were familiar.
In following Christ, we too are asked to take God’s hand and to follow a path which is often at odds with the values of the world in which we live. We are to be Christ’s instruments as he reaches out to those most in need.
4. Donal Neary S.J.
Gospel reflections

Looking after his business
When you go away and want someone to mind the house, you plan well and invest in someone safe. We often need that. Who will monitor the alarm and keep an eye on the house?
body_of_christ 3Same with Jesus… the people of the gospel are the ones who look after his business while he is away! God invests in us. He wants us to do our best in minding his house. His community and Church are the people to whom he entrusts his life’s work.
We spread the kingdom in simple ways every day – care, hospitality, work for justice, compassion, with the gifts and talents we have. He has given us the gifts – we are to use them in his service. We do our best and God, the architect, is continually building with us.
He is the extra presence around in his Spirit. So when we do things in his service, he is the inspirer. But he leaves a lot to us.
And then when in his service he feeds us. He works with us and for us. The slave/master relationship is turned upside down. People would never expect that the master would serve the meal – like at the washing of the feet. We are nourished and renewed.
There is a need now for volunteer help within the Church -we need it now and will in the future. Formation is needed for people who can hand on faith when the parish may be called onto do more, and to do what the Catholic school has done until now.
The kingdom is spread through the work of the Church, and we are this Church, this body of Christ. We are the true blessed sacraments of Jesus Christ.
From the Connections:

Three short parables about the treasures of the reign of God are the central images of today’s Gospel:
Church workDeath comes to us like a “thief” in the night, Jesus tells his listeners; therefore, we must always be ready to meet the Lord and enter his “kingdom” with “belts tightened” and through works of charity.  The first generations of Christians read this parable as an indication that Christ would return in their lifetimes, in the middle of the great Paschal night.
Jesus frequently speaks of the coming reign of his Father as a wedding feast to which all of the faithful are invited.  Luke includes the image in his Gospel, as well, with an interesting twist:  Those who have embraced the spirit of servanthood taught by Jesus the Master will be served by the Master himself at his table in heaven.  Jesus targets the parable to the leaders of the Jewish establishment who have used their positions to advance their own prestige and wealth at the expense of the people they were appointed to serve.  While God casts out the exploiters from his kingdom, the faithful leader-servants will be served by the Messiah himself at God’s great banquet.
The third parable is Luke’s version of Jesus’ story of the watchful steward who faithfully conducts the responsibilities entrusted to him by his master.   This life on earth is a time that has been entrusted to us by God be about the business of preparing for the life of the world to come.
While we pay little or no attention to the reality that one day we will die and carry on as if we will live forever, the fact is that life is fragile and fleeting.  If we have truly embraced the spirit of the Gospel, we are always conscious of the brevity of this life and live our days in joyful anticipation of the next.
God has entrusted to each one of us with our own gifts, talents and blessings not for our own uses and aims but to selflessly and lovingly use them for the benefit of others, without counting the cost or demanding a return.  The faithful disciple will lovingly use whatever he or she possesses to bring God's reign of hope, justice and compassion to reality in this time and place of ours.
Leadership is not a matter of exerting power to intimidate or enrich one's own situation; leadership is the ability to inspire and enable others to do what is right, just and good.  Christ-like leadership is, first and foremost, is centered in an attitude of service to those we lead.

Playing the integrity card
A corporate insurance agent had just a signed a new client.  As he was completing the new policy agreement, the client asked the agent to backdate the effective date on the policy.  The client wanted the policy to cover a claim that had occurred a few days earlier.  This small act of dishonesty could save the new client several hundred dollars — a lot to the client, but really not too much to the huge insurance company backing the policy.
The insurance agent had prepared himself for this moment and simply said, “Well, then, when will be the right time for me to lie to you?”
The agent was about to pack up his briefcase, but the client stopped him.  The client didn’t receive the coverage for the claim — but he didn’t walk away from his new agent.  He went on to spend nearly one million dollars over the next several years.
Why not dump someone who wouldn’t do even a “small” favor?  Despite his embarrassment, the client realized that his agent’s integrity and trust were much more valuable.
[From The Integrity Advantage by Adrian Gostick and Dana Telford.]
Such integrity and trust are the qualities of the “faithful and prudent servant,” the “master” who remains watchful and prepared, the wise disciple who understands the “master’s will” and acts accordingly.  In baptism, we are called to mirror the servanthood of Jesus by the integrity of our lives; by the realization that what we possess, what we have been given by God, has been entrusted to us not for ourselves but for the creation of God’s kingdom in our time and place.  The faithful servant/master/disciple will lovingly use whatever he or she possesses to bring God’s reign of hope, justice and reconciliation to reality in this time and place of ours.  Jesus promises that those who keep the kingdom of God before them in all of their relationships, who lead and influence others by the example of their own humble service, who place the common good before their own interests, will find places of honor at the Master’s table at the banquet of heaven.

From Fr. Jude Botelho:

 The Book of Sirach written a little less than two hundred years before Christ’s time, reminds its readers that God is no respecter of personages, he listens to the humble and the poor. In a corrupt and unjust society as the one that existed in ancient times and still exists today, the situation of the poor was seen as totally helpless. Without financial backing and social influence the poor would never get justice when they were wronged. Keeping this situation in mind, the author says God will come to the rescue of the poor, he will punish the guilty and vindicate the poor, humbling their oppressors. In the words of the response psalm: ‘When the poor man called the Lord heard him.’

No respecter of the privileged
Before Mahatma Gandhi led India in its struggle for independence he practiced law in South Africa. Becoming aware of the injustices there he managed to persuade the Indian community to offer passive resistance to the government policy of discrimination. One incident which impressed itself on his mind was when he was obliged to step into the gutter so that a group of white passers-by would not be contaminated. Reflecting on the experience afterwards he wrote: “It has always been a mystery to me how men feel themselves honoured by the humiliation of their fellow human beings.” Gandhi made the remark not in anger but in surprise. –In the language of the first reading, Gandhi believed in a God who was no respecter of the privileged to the detriment of the poor.
Denis McBride in “Seasons of the Word”

In the second reading from St. Paul’s letter to Timothy, Paul humbly confesses that like a good athlete of Christ, he has pushed himself and run the race, faithful to the end. He is sure of his reward from God, who alone has given him strength and never abandoned him. He sees his approaching death as the climax of the ’prayer of thanksgiving’, which he has offered up to the Lord all his life long.

Living on Purpose
They said he had died! One morning in 1888 Alfred Nobel the inventor of dynamite, who had amassed a fortune manufacturing and selling weapons of destruction, awoke to read his own obituary in the newspaper. Actually it was his brother who had died, but a reporter mistakenly wrote Alfred’s obituary. For the first time Alfred saw himself as the world saw him: ‘the dynamite king’ and nothing more. Nothing was mentioned about his efforts at breaking down barriers between people and ideas. He was simply a merchant of death, and he would be remembered for that alone. Alfred was horrified. He determined that the world would know the true purpose of his life. So he wrote his last will and testament and left his fortune to establish the most valued of all prizes: the Nobel Peace Prize. Now the world has forgotten his dynamite legacy.
Frank Michalic in ‘1000 Stories You can use’

In today’s Gospel Jesus told the vivid story of two men who went to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee the other a publican. The prayer of one was heard but the other was rejected. One presumed he was praying while he was actually only talking to himself and boasting about his achievements. In his prayer, while comparing himself to the publican, he exalted himself and judged and despised the other. In so doing he felt he was qualified to judge others because of his ‘religious’ activities but in judging others he had closed his heart and closed himself from God. His was no prayer and what he said and did was unacceptable to God. The Pharisee represents those who take pride in themselves and in their religious practices and exalt themselves at the expense of others. The Pharisee tried to justify himself whereas only God can justify us. The publican, on the other hand, was acutely aware of his unworthiness and sinfulness and dared not come close to God. From a distance, not even daring to raise his eyes to heaven, he confesses his sinfulness and says, “God be merciful to me a sinner.” The publican, who represented people who are despised by religious people, did not defend his actions, but humbly confessed his sins, and asked for mercy. This man’s prayer was heard and he went home justified before God. Jesus concluded his story stating that those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Only when we see and acknowledge our own need, our weakness and our sinfulness is God ready to help us.

Prayer for faith
Dorothy Day died in November 1980 at the age of 84. Reporting on her death, the New York Times called her the most influential person in the history of American Catholicism. Since her death there has been a movement to canonize her for her personal life and her work among the New York’s City poor and destitute. In her book From Union Square to Rome she describes her conversion to Christ. One of her first attractions came in her childhood. One day she discovered the mother of one of her girlfriends kneeling in prayer. The sight of this kneeling woman moved her deeply. She never forgot it. In the same book she tells how, in the days before her conversion, she often spent the entire night in a tavern. Then she would go to the early morning mass at St. Joseph’s Church on Sixth Avenue. What attracted her to St. Joseph’s were the people kneeling in prayer. She writes: “I longed for their faith…. So I used to go in and kneel in a back pew.” Eventually Dorothy Day received the gift of faith and entered the Church.
Mark Link in ‘Sunday Homilies’

“Jesus in today’s gospel has two extremes of the religious society of his day, two attitudes before God. This concerns me this Sunday. In which do I see myself, the Pharisee or the publican? First the Pharisee, with his magnificent ‘prayer of thanks’: “I thank you God……..” He asks nothing for himself, and we should judge him no hypocrite: what he says, he does, and perfectly. The trouble is he knows it too well; he listens to himself praying, he is preoccupied with himself. Above all he judges others. As far as he is concerned about God, he sees him chiefly as the one who will recognize his merits. Set against this religiously observant man we have the publican. He makes no great prayer of thanksgiving; he confesses, not because he needs to sweep his conscience clear (the Pharisee has done that for him), nor to go back over his faults, but to express all the sorrow he feels for them. Finding nothing that could give him any assurance before his judge, he entrusts himself to the divine mercy: hoping to receive his very existence as a grace, a gift. When this humble man returned to his home, he and not the other was at rights with God. As Christians we know that a just man who has been justified, is saved by God, without regard for merit. Do we believe that firmly enough when we pray? The best revealer of God and of ourselves is still our prayer. -Glenstal Bible Missal

Prayer of the Anonymous Soldier of the Confederacy
I asked God for strength, that I might achieve –I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for help that I might do greater things –I was given infirmity, that I might do better things. I asked for riches that I might be happy – I was given poverty, that I might be wise. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life – I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for – but everything that I hoped for. Despite myself my prayers were answered. I am among all men, most richly blessed!

From Fr. Tony Kadavil’s Collection: 

1.     Be watchful servants:  

Steven Anthony "Steve" Ballmer (born March 24, 1956) has been the chief executive officer of Microsoft Corporation since January 2000. As of 2010, he is one of the richest people in the world with a personal wealth estimated at US$14.5 billion in 2010. He's Bill Gates' hand-picked successor. In 2004 he was seen crawling on the floor of the General Motors' executive conference room, trying to fix a connection that would enable him to make a pitch to GM engineers. The image of the Microsoft CEO on his hands and knees to please some customers made such an impression on the author Steve Hamm that he wrote a whole article based on this one incident. (Steve Hamm, "Why High Tech Has to Stay Humble," Business Week, 19 January 2004, pp76-77.) Corporate executives will get on their hands and knees to show customers how much they care. In today’s gospel Jesus warns his followers to be ever prepared by doing the will of God always in their lives, as the time of their death is uncertain.
2.     Privilege carries responsibility:  

Three years ago, in a game against the Washington Nationals in San Francisco, Barry Bonds whacked his 756th homer, breaking the 33-year-old mark held by legendary player Hank Aaron. This was the 756th home run of Bonds' career, breaking a record that had stood for 33 years. None of the legendary players of the game like Yogi Berra, Babe Ruth, Willie Mays or the previous record holder Hank Aaron could accomplish it. But in spite of Bond’s miraculous achievement being tarnished by allegations of steroid use, another baseball player still lives in people’s hearts. It is Cal Ripken, the former baseball player for the Baltimore Orioles. He was a sports hero of two decades simply because he always showed up and gave his best and was ready for action at any time. He got ten national awards in ten years including 1996 Male Athlete of the Year and 2001 All-Star Game Most Valuable Player. He learned the principle that faithfulness demands consistency, commitment, and hard work. He never missed a single game in sixteen years of playing baseball! He earned the nickname "Iron Man" by playing in a record 2632 consecutive major league games. The string of successive games ran from May 30, 1982 to September 19, 1998. Perhaps, Ripken's determination, and Barry Bonds’ failure, to live an allegation-free career by avoiding steroids, remind us of today’s gospel which tells us that the joy and privilege of being a son or daughter of God carries with it the more awesome responsibility of being faithful to God in our stewardship. The gospel passage also reminds us that we should avoid the temptation to put off for tomorrow what Jesus expects of us today.
3.     Look Busy, Be Busy:  

Today’s Gospel reading reminds me of the old story of the apparition on the corner of Main and Market in a busy city. It was Saturday morning when Fr. Pascucci heard a knock on the rectory door and an extremely excited lady said, "The Lord has appeared on the corner of Main and Market." Father was in the process of trying to decide if she was suffering from stress or whatever, when a second person came running, "Father, Father, the Lord has appeared on the corner of Main and Market." "When?" Fr. Pascucci asked. "He’s there right now," they both answered. So Fr. Pascucci went down the block where a large crowed had formed, and sure enough, he saw Jesus. After a while the Lord left. Fr. Pascucci didn’t know what to do, so he called a monsignor friend of his. His friend told him to call the bishop. So Father Pascucci called the bishop and told him the news, "The Lord has appeared on the corner of Main and Market. What should I do if he comes back?" The bishop thought for a while and then told Fr. Pascucci he’d get back to him. The bishop then called Rome, and, being an important bishop, he got the pope. "Holy Father," he said, "One of my priests, Fr. Pascucci, reports that the Lord has appeared on the corner of Main and Market in his parish. He wants to know what he should do in case the Lord comes back." After a few moments the pope replied, "Tell Fr. Pascucci to look busy." Good advice for us all. The Lord is coming back. How should we prepare? Not just by looking busy, but by being busy, doing good to others by humble service. (Fr. Pellegrino)
4.     “I have sent you many messengers.”  

According to an old fable, a man made an unusual agreement with Death. He told the Grim Reaper that he would willingly accompany him when it came time to die, but only on one condition – that Death would send a messenger well in advance to warn him. Weeks turned into months, and months into years. Then one bitter winter evening, as the man sat thinking about all his possessions, Death suddenly entered the room and tapped him on the shoulder. Startled, the man cried out, "You're here so soon and without warning! I thought we had an agreement." Death replied, "I've more than kept my part. I've sent you many messengers. Look in the mirror and you'll see some of them." As the man complied, Death whispered, "Notice your hair! Once it was full and golden, now it is thin and white. Look at the way you tilt your head to listen to me because you can't hear very well. Observe how close to the mirror you must stand to see yourself clearly. Yes, I've sent many messengers through the years. I'm sorry you're not ready, but the time has come for you to leave."
5.     Get ready for the heavenly trip.  

During his sermon, an evangelist asked all who wanted to go to heaven to raise their hands. Everyone in the audience did so--except for one elderly man sitting near the front of the auditorium. The preacher pointed his finger at him and said, "Sir, do you mean to tell us that you don't want to go to heaven?" "Sure I do," the old man answered, "but the way you put the question, I figured you were getting up a busload for tonight!'
6.     Grandpa ready to meet his Lord.  

God created the mule, and told him, "You will be mule, working constantly from dusk to dawn, carrying heavy loads on your back. You will eat grass and lack intelligence. You will live for fifty years." The mule answered, "To live like this for fifty years is too much. Please, give me only twenty years." And it was so. Then God created the dog, and told him, "You will hold vigilance over the dwellings of Man, to whom you will be his greatest companion. You will eat his table scraps and live for twenty-five years." And the dog responded, "Lord, to live twenty-five years as a dog is too much. Please, make it ten years." And it was so. God then created the monkey, and told him, "You are monkey. You shall swing from tree to tree, acting like an idiot. You will be funny, and you shall live for twenty years." And the monkey responded, "Lord, to live twenty years as a clown is too much. Please, Lord, make it ten years." And it was so. Finally, God created Man and told him, "You are Man, the only rational being that walks the earth. You will use your intelligence to have mastery over the creatures of the world. You will dominate the earth and live for twenty years." And the man responded, "Lord, to be Man for only twenty years is too little. Please give me the thirty years the mule refused, the fifteen years the dog refused, and the ten years the monkey rejected." And it was so. 

And so God made him to live 20 years as a man, then marry and live thirty years as a mule--working and carrying heavy loads on his back--then, have children and live fifteen years as a dog – guarding the house and eating leftovers; then, in his old age, to live ten years as a monkey, acting like an idiot to amuse his grandchildren and waiting for the Lord’s final call during the sleepless nights.
7.     Faith and believing:  

There has long been the tale of the Loch Ness monster in the highlands of Scotland. Some people claim that they have seen its dark form on the surface of the murky waters; others claim the tale is just a hoax. Well it seems an atheist was spending quiet day fishing on the lake when suddenly his boat was rocked by the monster. The beast threw him and his boat high into the air. Then it opened its mouth to swallow them both. As the atheist fell to certain death, he cried out, "Please, good God, help me!" At once the terrifying scene froze in place, with the man suspended in midair, held by some mysterious force above the gaping jaws of the monster. A booming voice was heard from the clouds, "I thought you didn’t believe in Me!" The man pleaded, "Oh come on God, give me a break! I didn’t believe in the Loch Ness monster either!"
1.     Truckee Dads 

In a far North Territory, there is a city where at one time, ten percent of working fathers were truck drivers. Those working parents spent a lot of their time on the road, sometimes weeks at a time. At home, the most common question that cried out of the mouth of the young children was, "When is dad coming home?" To reduce the pain of the little ones, the mothers would reassure them that their fathers would soon be home. They would tell the little ones to believe and have patience, to just wait and see! (Connections)
2.     Once upon a time a family was driving home from their summer vacation.

It had been a good vacation and everyone was happy about it, including the Daddy, who had a reputation of being something of an impatient man. However, the vacation was now over and it was time to get back to the real world. To this with the greatest amount of efficiency - the Daddy always prized efficiency - the family had to leave their vacation house at noon on Sunday to beat the late afternoon traffic. WELL, I hardly need tell you that, mommies and kids being what they are, they had not even begun to load the SUV at noon. Nor at 1:00. Nor even at 1:30. Finally, they hit the highway at 1:45, right on the cusp of Sunday traffic. With a little bit of luck, they would miss the worst of it, though there would be delays at the toll gates. They had driven about a half mile down the road when they saw one of those little cars that parents give their kids for graduation (an Izuzu Trooper actually) pulled over at the side of the road with a flat tire.  Melissa has a flat tire one of the kids shouted. Melissa was a teenager who had babysat for the family. We should stop and help her, the mommy said. Mommies are always saying things like that. We haven't got time, the Daddy said as he drove on. We have to beat the traffic. Someone else will stop to help her. The car was very silent the rest of the way home. (Andrew Greeley)
3.     At the height of the Civil Rights struggle Curtis Mayfield,

The lead singer of The Impressions, wrote his most memorable lyrics. Listen to the Chorus:

People get ready
There's a train, a comin'
You don't need no baggage
You just get on board
All you need is faith
To hear the diesels hummin'
Don't need no ticket,
You just thank the Lord

In that turbulent decade Curtis Mayfield was calling people to a higher purpose. The chaos of the 60's left this nation in much confusion--from the Six-Day War to Viet Nam, from the assassination of JFK to Martin Luther King, Jr. There were many reasons to be afraid during those ten years. But Mayfield, like many others, understood that something great was on the horizon. He could hear it like the distant hummin' of a diesel engine. You don't need no baggage; all you need is faith; don't need no ticket; you just get on board.

People get ready. This is the very message that Jesus is giving to his disciples. They are to be ready. They are not to be afraid; they are to sell their possessions-don't need no baggage. They are to be dressed for service and ready to open the door when the master returns.

The train is coming. One day Jesus will return and we must be ready...

4.     The beauty business is big business.  

Adorning ourselves, perfecting every perceived imperfection, curling what is straight, straightening what is curly, bleaching this/highlighting that, products that promise to make youngsters look older and oldsters look younger never lose their appeal. "Stuff" made out of low-tech squished fruit or high-tech spliced genes all promise to adorn and ultimately to transform our faces, save our skin, and sanctify our souls.

If only we will buy just this ONE product.

An Arizona based cosmetics firm calling itself "Philosophy" sells a moisturizer it calls "Hope in a Jar." The label on this jar of "hope" declares" "Where there is hope there can be faith. Where there is faith, miracles can occur." Here the cosmetics company provides (for a hefty price) the "hope in a jar." But the consumer must supply their own "faith" if they expect a "miracle" to occur.

We all KNOW that nothing we smear on our face, or rub through our hair, or massage into our "love handles" or cheese thighs is really going to defy the space-time continuum and strip away everything wrinkled, grey, or saggy. We all KNOW that if that super-secret skin serum being hawked on that late-night infomercial could really do what it claims, its manufacturers wouldn't have to be advertising it on a late-night infomercial.


And every cosmetic manufacturer in the world loves, depends, exists on this "but." BUT we do have "hope." The problem with this "hope" is that too often it is rooted in "hype." Unlikely. Unproveable. Unrepeatable. Unreliable.

Hope based on hype leads nowhere at best, hell at worst.

The passionate preacher of the "Letter to the Hebrews" didn't give his spiritually exhausted congregation a message of "hope" based on hype. He didn't weave them a yarn about a perfect life that was just around the corner. Instead, he spoke about FAITH...
5.     Affluenza 

Someone recently invented a wonderful word that graphically portrays the sickness that so often comes from material abundance - affluenza. We have all heard of influenza, but have you heard of affluenza? The definitions of "affluenza" include these:

1. The bloated, sluggish and unfilled feeling that results from efforts to keep up with the Joneses. 2. An epidemic of stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness caused by the dogged pursuit of the American Dream.
3. An unsustainable addiction to economic growth.

We usually try to water down Jesus' radical commands about money. We prefer Matthew's version of the Beatitudes which says, "Blessed are the poor in spirit," to Luke's version which says, "Blessed are the poor." We typically assert that not everyone needs to "sell all and give to the poor" as Jesus advised the rich ruler. Only when acquisitiveness becomes an all-consuming compulsion does it have to be completely abandoned.

Mickey Anders, High Fidelity
6.     Back to School Good Behavior 

Even though it certainly still feels like summer across the country, many schools are back in session in the next few weeks. Here is a story for all of the teachers, students, and school personnel who are getting ready for another academic year. Lutheran pastor Larry Henning tells a humorous story about when he was in the fourth grade. He writes:

Our teacher, Mrs. Cannon, would periodically leave the room and say, I'll be back in a few minutes. Just work quietly at your desks on your math worksheets. Now, my friends and I tried hard to figure out just when Mrs. Cannon was coming back. We would take turns going to the door to see if she was indeed making her return. Why this obsession about the exact timing of her return? Because in her absence, we were throwing chalkboard erasers around the room and didn't want to get caught by her sudden and unexpected reappearance. Mrs. Cannon was a good teacher who was nice most of the time, but her wrath in response to willful disobedience was an awesome thing to behold. ... Meanwhile, our classmate Elaine never worried about just when Mrs. Cannon might reappear. Why? Because Elaine would be at her desk the whole time faithfully doing her math -- faithfully doing what Mrs. Cannon asked her to do. Whenever Mrs. Cannon would return, she would find Elaine faithfully at work. Elaine was so good! (I wonder whatever happened to Elaine.)

The purpose of sharing this story -- a story that some of us may have variations on -- is to suggest an analogy to the gospel reading. In the story, Elaine is doing the work her teacher has set before her. So whenever her teacher returns, she is busily engaged in her work. She has no need to fear the return of her teacher, unlike the boys in the story. In our lives, the Rabbi - the Teacher -- from Nazareth has given us work to do as well. We are to live as those who belong to God. We are to love as those who belong to God. If we are faithfully engaged in such work for the sake of God's realm, then we need not fear those times when Jesus enters our lives, when Jesus returns in the stranger, or alien, or outcast. We will be ready, for our hearts are turned toward God, and we have been faithfully doing the work of love that we are given.

Larry Henning, adapted by Mark Richardson, Ready to Risk
7.     If I Should Die Before I Wake 

Many of you are familiar with the childhood prayer "Now I lay me down to sleep, " but I was little surprised to learn that it is a shortened version of an Old English prayer, which goes like this: 

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John,
bless the bed that I lie on.
Before I lay me down to sleep,
I give my soul to Christ to keep.

Four corners to my bed,
four angels there aspread,
two to foot, and two to head,
and two to carry me when I'm dead.

I go by sea, I go by land,
the Lord made me by his right hand.
If any danger comes to me,
Sweet Jesus Christ, deliver me.

He's the branch, and I'm the flower,
pray God send me a happy hour.
And if I die before I wake,
I pray that Christ my soul will take.

The prayer has an important refrain, that Christ is the keeper, the caretaker of our soul. And, when we slip into the unconsciousness of the night I suppose, on a daily bases, we are never nearer death. It was out of this fear of sleep that this prayer was written. At night, when we are vulnerable, we want someone watching over us. So, we prepare ourselves with a prayer: If I should die before I wake... Our text this morning asks us to be prepared, to be dressed ready for service. We are to keep our lamps burning for we do not know when our Lord returns. 

Brett Blair,
8.     Historical Surprises 

Who would have thought that relatively powerless persons could bring shifts in history? Gandhi, an unsuccessful lawyer, adapted the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount and the writings of Tolstoy and became the key to bringing independence to India, because he was ready.

Rosa Parks, in refusing to move to the back of the bus in Montgomery, sparked the beginning of the civil rights movement of the '50s and '60s. She was a rather inauspicious person to take such a critical action, but she was ready.

Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison. He was released to bring a shift in the politics of South Africa at a critical juncture when many thought either that change would never come or if it did, it would be accompanied by a vast bloodbath. The transition to a more just society came relatively peacefully under his leadership after he was unexpectedly released from prison. Prison had prepared him, made him ready.

Mother Teresa, a rather unpretentious nun, is being considered for sainthood for her simple act of trying to rescue people from the streets who might otherwise die. She was ready!

William E. Keeney, Preaching the Parables, CSS Publishing
9.     Readiness - Watchfulness 

A U.S. Army officer told of the contrast in his pupils during two different eras of teaching at the artillery training school at Fort Sill, Oklahoma (Home of the Field Artillery). In 1958-60 the attitude was so lax that the instructors had a problem getting the men to stay awake to hear the lectures. During the 1965-67 classes, however, the men, hearing the same basic lectures, were alert and took copious notes. What made the difference in the class of 65? They knew that in less than six weeks they would be facing the enemy in Vietnam.
10.  Christ Return - Watchfulness 

There is a woman who is buried under a 150-year-old live oak trees in the cemetery of an Episcopal church in rural Louisiana. In accordance with this woman's instructions, only one word is carved on the tombstone: "Waiting." 

Philip Yancey, The Jesus I Never Knew, p. 275.
11.  Do Not Let Him Find You Sleeping 

Augustine, a man in the 5th century who became Bishop of the church and a saint in history, originally lead a life of sin giving himself over to whatever pleasures presented themselves. His mother had earnestly prayed for him his entire life that he would give his life to the service of Christ, but Augustine persisted in his sins until one day he sat with a friend on a bench weeping over the state of his life. It was at this moment that he heard a boy or girl--he says he does not know which it was--singing a song. The sound was coming from a neighboring house. The child was chanting over and over: "Pick it up, read it; pick it up; read it." Here is what happened next in Augustine's own words:

Immediately I ceased weeping and began most earnestly to think whether it was usual for children in some kind of game to sing such a song, but I could not remember ever having heard the like. So, damming the torrent of my tears, I got to my feet, for I could not but think that this was a divine command to open the Bible and read the first passage I should light upon.

So I quickly returned to the bench where Alypius was sitting, for their I had put down the apostles book. I snatched it up, opened it, and in silence read the paragraph on which my eyes first fell: "Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof." I wanted to read no further, nor did I need to. For instantly, as the sentence ended, there was infused in my heart something like the light of full certainty and all the gloom of doubt vanished away."

Had Christ returned before that fateful day, Augustine would have been caught unprepared. He would have been found asleep. From that moment on, however, Augustine was prepared. He was on the alert! He had awaken from his sins.

Brett Blair, Quote is from Augustine's Confessions.
12.  The Proper Use of Abundance 

In Luke, I don't think that a person could be a faithful follower of Jesus and have lots of possessions. The proper use of one's abundance is to give them away or share them (or the money received from selling them) for the common good. We also know that this communal structure did not last very long in the early church. Yet, a few years ago, I heard a pastor talk about his congregation living by the dictum: "There will be no needy among us." They have a fund from which members in need can use. The only way such a fund could exist is if the wealthier members give from their excess.

At another congregation, the pastor wondered if the money given for flowers that are thrown away might be better used. They established a "Good Samaritan Fund" to which people could donate "in honor of" or "in memory of" someone with it noted in the bulletin. Money from this fund is used to help the needy among them. They do not have flowers on the altar. When they asked the staffs about donating flowers to nursing homes and hospitals, the staffs did not want the left over altar flowers. It meant more work for them as they had to rearrange the flowers.

Note also that in the first century, it was believed that there was a fixed and limited amount of wealth. If someone gained wealth, someone else had to lose it. They didn't believe that everyone becoming wealthier. Malina and Rohrbaugh (Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels) state: "Acquisition was always considered stealing" (p. 359 emphasis in original). So, if the poor were to escape their poverty, it would have to come from the wealthy sharing their possessions. In essence, the wealthy would have to become poorer if the poor were to gain some wealth.

Brian Stoffregen, Exegetical Notes
13.  Offering Ourselves to Serve 

In 1972, NASA launched the exploratory space probe Pioneer 10. According to Leon Jaroff in Time, the satellite's primary mission was to reach Jupiter, photograph the planet and its moons, and beam data to earth about Jupiter's magnetic field, radiation belts, and atmosphere. Scientists regarded this as a bold plan, for at that time no earth satellite had ever gone beyond Mars, and they feared the asteroid belt would destroy the satellite before it could reach its target. But Pioneer 10 accomplished its mission and much, much more. Swinging past the giant planet in November 1973, Jupiter's immense gravity hurled Pioneer 10 at a higher rate of speed toward the edge of the solar system. At one billion miles from the sun, Pioneer 10 passed Saturn. At some two billion miles, it hurtled past Uranus; Neptune at nearly three billion miles; Pluto at almost four billion miles. By 1997, twenty-five years after its launch, Pioneer 10 was more than six billion miles from the sun.

And despite that immense distance, Pioneer 10 continued to beam back radio signals to scientists on Earth.  

"Perhaps most remarkable," writes Jaroff, "those signals emanate from an 8-watt transmitter, which radiates about as much power as a bedroom night light, and takes more than nine hours to reach Earth.'" The Little Satellite That Could was not qualified to do what it did. Engineers designed Pioneer 10 with a useful life of just three years. But it kept going and going. By simple longevity, its tiny 8-watt transmitter radio accomplished more than anyone thought possible.

So it is when we offer ourselves to serve the Lord. God can work even through someone with 8-watt abilities. God cannot work, however, through someone who quits.  
From Fr. Tony Kadavil:

1:Be watchful servants: Steven Anthony “Steve” Ballmer (born March 24, 1956) has been the chief executive officer of the Microsoft Corporation since January 2000.  He is one of the richest people in the world with a personal wealth estimated at USD 27.7 billion in 2016, and the 35thrichest person in the world.  He is Bill Gates’ hand-picked successor. In 2004, he was seen crawling on the floor of the General Motors’ executive conference room, trying to fix a connection that would enable him to make a pitch to GM engineers. The image of the Microsoft CEO on his hands and knees to please some customers made such an impression on the author Steve Hamm that he wrote a whole article based on this one incident. [Steve Hamm, “Why High Tech Has to Stay Humble,” Business Week (19 January 2004), pp 76-77.] Corporate executives will get on their hands and knees to show customers how much they care. In today’s Gospel Jesus warns his followers to be ever prepared by doing the will of God always in their lives, as the time of their death is uncertain.

# 2: “Faithful and prudent stewards” in the parish: Every so often there are people who want to make a spectacular gift to the Church — something big, something that can be seen and identified; usually it’s a gift in memory of a deceased loved one.  No one ever says, “just apply this to the budget.”  That’s understandable.  There’s nothing flashy about paying the light bill or getting the carpet clean. But there are folks in every parish who are willing to do just that: the unspectacular, the unflashy, the unnoticed things that make a big difference in the lives of the parish and the people it serves. For example, there’s the woman who is very well off who writes a sizable check to the parish every week to be used to buy gift cards at the local supermarket for poor and struggling families. And then there’s the college professor who volunteers her time every year to teach the fourth-grade religious education class.  She’d be a great addition to the adult education and RCIA programs, but she finds that teaching the kids are a great leveler in her life.  She says her rambunctious group makes her a better teacher — and a better Christian. Then, there’s the usher who welcomes parishioners to the first Mass on Sunday mornings and handles the details of hospitality.  After Mass he goes through the Church picking up bulletins from the benches, straightening out the hymnals and making sure the rest rooms are clean for the next Mass.  He’s one of the city’s most successful and respected attorneys.  He’s always generous in giving legal help to the parish — but he shies away from taking a prominent leadership position.  No, he says, this is where the need is, and he’s happy to be able to help fill it. We are all called to be “faithful and prudent servants” of the abilities and resources that the “Master” has entrusted to us and will call us accountable for — not for the breadth and depth of those gifts. (Connections).

# 3: “Come what may,” St. Francis answered, “I would finish hoeing my garden. “A woman once approached John Wesley (1703-1791), Anglican theologian and the founder of the Methodist denomination, with an interesting question: “Suppose you knew for certain that you were going to die and meet your Maker at the stroke of midnight tomorrow,” she said. “How would you spend your time between now and then?” Wesley replied, “Well, madam, just as I intend to spend it now. I will preach this evening at Gloucester and again at five tomorrow morning. After that I will ride to Tewkesbury to preach in the afternoon and meet with the societies in the evening. Then I’ll go home to dinner, talk and pray with the family as usual, retire to my room at 10 p.m., commend myself to God, lie down to rest and wake up to GLORY!” When he had been similarly questioned, Martin Luther 1483-1546), replied, “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my little apple tree and pay my debts.” Centuries before Luther and Wesley, Francis of Assisi (1182-1226), was hoeing his garden when one of his brothers in Christ put the same question to him. “Come what may,” he answered, “I would finish hoeing my garden.” In a sense, the Scripture readings for today invite each member of the gathered assembly to become engaged in a similar reflection. What would you do if you knew that this day would be your last? What would you not do? How would you prepare to meet God? Where would you go? With whom would you spend your remaining hours? (Patricia D Sanchez).

4)Get ready for the Heavenly trip.  During his sermon, an evangelist asked all who wanted to go to Heaven to raise their hands. Everyone in the audience did so–except for one elderly man sitting near the front of the auditorium. The preacher pointed his finger at him and said, “Sir, do you mean to tell us that you don’t want to go to Heaven?”   “Sure, I do,” the old man answered, “but the way you put the question, I figured you were getting up a busload for tonight!’

5) “Who is in the Penthouse?” A holy pastor of a very large parish died and went to heaven. He was convinced that he would get the penthouse in Heaven. ”If not I, then who? “he thought, not so humbly, to himself. Instead, he was given a   tiny one-bedroom apartment. Disappointed and not a little angry, the preacher asked St. Peter why he couldn’t have the penthouse. St. Peter replied, “We have lots of pastors and preachers like you here in Heaven, and the conveniences in your apartment surpass everything available to the rich and famous people on earth.” “Then who is in the penthouse?” the pastor demanded. “It’s a lawyer,” replied St. Peter. “What?! Why?!” Peter replied, “Until now, we have only one of them in heaven!”

21Additional anecdotes:  
1)  Historical Surprises with trusting Faith in God and readiness for action:Who would have thought that relatively powerless persons could bring shifts in history? Gandhi, an unsuccessful lawyer, adapted the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount and the writings of Tolstoy and became the key to bringing independence to India, because he was ready. Rosa Parks, in refusing to move to the back of the bus in Montgomery, sparked the beginning of the Civil Rights movement of the ’50s and ’60s. She was a rather inauspicious person to take such a critical action, but she was ready. Nelson Mandelawas sentenced to life in prison. He was released to bring a shift in the politics of South Africa at a critical juncture when many thought, either that change would never come or if it did, it would be accompanied by a vast bloodbath. The transition to a more just society came relatively peacefully under his leadership after he was unexpectedly released from prison. Prison had prepared him, made him ready.  Mother Teresa,a rather unpretentious nun, has been canonized a Saintfor her simple act of trying to rescue people from the streets who might otherwise die. She was ready! [William E. Keeney, Preaching the Parables(CSS Publishing); quoted from Kayala). (

  2) The end of the world predictions: Hal Lindsey, in his book The Late Great Planet Earth, which has sold over 30 million copies, predicted in his book that 40 years after the establishment of the country of Israel Jesus would return to earth, and 7 years after that return, the Church would be raptured to Heaven. The problem is this: Israel was established in 1948. Christ should have returned in 1988 and the church should have been raptured in 1995. In 1997 Hal Lindsey was forced to change his predictions. In the late 80’s, the Russian president, Mikhail Gorbachev, was considered by some Bible prophecy pundits as the Antichrist. But Gorbachev, far from becoming a world dictator, turned out to be the single person most responsible for the demise of Soviet Russia. Televangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson predicted that Russia was the great Gog and Magog mentioned in Ezekiel 18. When Russia collapsed in the early 90’s, losing its status as a world power, they were forced to change their positions. Harold Camping, president of Family Radio, predicted the world would end in September of 1994. Grant R. Jeffrey wrote a popular book called Armageddon stating that the year 2000 was the most likely date of the world’s end. We know that all these predictions were false ones. These false predictions suggest that we are to get ready for Christ’s second coming by trying to do the will of God every day through loving service and daily reconciliation with God and God’s children, as suggested by today’s Gospel. (

3)   Harry Andersen was ready: The day will come when we get the message saying that the time has come for us to die. We are called to be ready for this time by having Faith and Hope in Christ. Harry Andersen was ready. He had terminal cancer, but he kept his sense of Faith and Hope alive. His pastor could tell he was ready because they talked about Christ’s death and Resurrection and what this event means for us when we die. In addition, a sign of Harry’s Faith and Hope was expressed in the humor he shared with his pastor. After Scripture reading and prayer, Harry told the pastor the story of a man who was dying of cancer. He was bedridden on the second floor of his house. He could smell the aroma of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven downstairs. He loved chocolate chip cookies. As a matter of fact, they were his favorite. He forced himself to get out of bed and crawled to the flight of steps leading downstairs. Each step brought new pain to his body, but he had to have some of those chocolate chip cookies. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he crawled to the kitchen table and reached up for a cookie.       Suddenly, his wife appeared out of nowhere and slapped his hand with a spatula. “Why did you do that?” he cried out. “Those cookies are for your funeral reception,” she said. Harry Andersen laughed out loud as he told the story. The pastor rolled on the floor with laughter at the unexpected ending. (

4) Stand ready: The movie West Side Story is a modern version of Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. The setting is New York City, and the hero and heroine are Tony and Maria, two young people who belong to different ethnic groups at war with each other. Nevertheless, Tony and Maria fall in love with each other. As the story reaches its climax, they are about to escape together from the hatred of the West Side when their dreams are destroyed by Tony’s tragic death in a senseless fight. Tony never expected that night to be his last. He was anticipating his marriage to Maria and the new life they would enjoy together. He had even borrowed money to get them started. Tony was making plans to live not to die. –But, as today’s Gospel points out, death often comes in sudden and unexpected ways. Jesus said to his disciples “You too must stand ready, because the Son of Man is coming at an hour, you do not expect” (Albert Cylwicki in His Word Resounds). (

5)“I have sent you many messengers.”  According to an old fable, a man made an unusual agreement with Death. He told the Grim Reaper that he would willingly accompany him when it came time to die, but only on one condition – that Death would send a messenger well in advance to warn him. Weeks turned into months, and months into years. Then one bitter winter evening, as the man sat thinking about all his possessions, Death suddenly entered the room and tapped him on the shoulder. Startled, the man cried out, “You’re here so soon and without warning! I thought we had an agreement.” Death replied, “I’ve more than kept my part. I’ve sent you many messengers. Look in the mirror and you’ll see some of them.” As the man complied, Death whispered, “Notice your hair! Once it was full and golden, now it is thin and white. Look at the way you tilt your head to listen to me because you can’t hear very well. Observe how close to the mirror you must stand to see yourself clearly. Yes, I’ve sent many messengers through the years. I’m sorry you’re not ready, but the time has come for you to leave.” (

6) “To have Faith is to be sure of the things hoped for….”:When Alexander the Great came to the throne he was a worried man, as he was surrounded by enemies who wanted him dead, so he did his best to put down the rebellion in his own kingdom. However, while leading his army in battle he fell seriously ill. His physicians were scared to treat him because if he didn’t recover, they would be suspected of malpractice and put to death. Only one man, Philip, was ready to take the risk and prepared the medicine for the king. Alexander received a letter from an enemy of Philip stating that Philip had taken a bribe from a Persian king to poison his master. Alexander read the letter and slipped it under his pillow. When Philip entered his tent with the medicine Alexander took the cup of medicine and drank it, at the same time handing the letter to Philip. When Philip read the letter, he threw himself at his master’s feet, but Alexander assured him that he had complete confidence in Philip’s integrity. After three days Alexander was completely cured. Given the fact that he had numerous enemies, Alexander was trusting against the odds. But his decision to take the medicine was not a shot in the dark. Although he couldn’t see what would happen, he believed in what he could see – Philip’s loyalty – and acted on that belief. (Denis McBride in Seasons of the Word). (

7) Look Busy, Be Busy: Today’s Gospel reading reminds me of the old story of the apparition on the corner of Main and Market in a busy city. It was Saturday morning when Fr. Pascucci heard a knock on the rectory door and an extremely excited lady said, “The Lord has appeared on the corner of Main and Market.” Father was in the process of trying to decide if she was suffering from stress or whatever, when a second person came running, “Father, Father, the Lord has appeared on the corner of Main and Market.” “When?” Fr. Pascucci asked. “He’s there right now,” they both answered. So Fr. Pascucci went down the block where a large crowed had formed, and sure enough, he saw Jesus. After a while the Lord left. Fr. Pascucci didn’t know what to do, so he called a Monsignor friend of his. His friend told him to call the Bishop. So Father Pascucci called the Bishop and told him the news, “The Lord has appeared on the corner of Main and Market. What should I do if He comes back?” The Bishop thought for a while and then told Fr. Pascucci he’d get back to him. The Bishop then called Rome, and, being an important Bishop, he got the Pope. “Holy Father,” he said, “One of my priests, Fr. Pascucci, reports that the Lord has appeared on the corner of Main and Market in his parish. He wants to know what he should do in case the Lord comes back.” After a few moments the Pope replied, “Tell Fr. Pascucci to look busy.” Good advice for us all. The Lord is coming back. How should we prepare? Not just by looking busy, but by being busy, doing good for others by humble service. (Fr. Pellegrino) (

8)A trusted steward: That’s the kind of promise that our Lord has given us upon his return. He will sit us down at his banquet table, and satisfy the needs of us –  His servants. Donald Trump, the famous businessman, has a net worth of 2 billion dollars. Wouldn’t it be nice to have him as a personal friend? There is a story about Trump’s generosity with a stranger. It is said that Trump’s limousine broke down on the Garden State Parkway on the way home from Atlantic City during a weekend excursion. An unemployed auto mechanic stopped to help, succeeded in getting the limo running and then refused to accept any payment for his services. Trump was so impressed that the next day he sent flowers to the mechanic’s wife and a certified letter stating that the man’s mortgage had been paid in full. Trump was asked about the incident and refused to confirm or deny the story or say exactly what he did for the Good Samaritan mechanic. “I don’t do those kinds of things for publicity,” he said. (

9) Privilege carries responsibility: Three years ago, in a game against the Washington Nationals in San Francisco, Barry Bonds whacked his 756th homer, breaking the 33-year-old mark held by legendary player Hank Aaron. This was the 756th home run of Bonds’ career, breaking a record that had stood for 33 years. None of the legendary players of the game like Yogi Berra, Babe Ruth, Willie Mays or the previous record holder Hank Aaron could match it. But in spite of  the tarnishing of Bond’s miraculous achievement by allegations of steroid use, another baseball player still lives in people’s hearts.  It is Cal Ripken, the former baseball player for the Baltimore Orioles. He was a sports’ hero of two decades simply because he always showed up and gave his best and was ready for action at any time.  He received ten national awards in ten years including 1996 Male Athlete of the Year and 2001 All-Star Game Most Valuable Player. He learned the principle that faithfulness demands consistency, commitment, and hard work. He never missed a single game in sixteen years of playing baseball!  He earned the nickname “Iron Man” by playing in a record 2632 consecutive major league games. The string of successive games ran from May 30, 1982 to September 19, 1998.   Perhaps, Ripken’s determination, and Barry Bonds’ failure to live an allegation-free career by avoiding steroids, remind us of today’s Gospel which tells us that the joy and privilege of being a son or daughter of God carries with it the more awesome responsibility of being faithful to God in our stewardship. The Gospel passage also reminds us that we should avoid the temptation to put off for tomorrow what Jesus expects of us today. (

10) “I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow.” A couple from Minneapolis decided to go to Florida to thaw out during one particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the very same hotel where they had spent their honeymoon twenty years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their flights, so the husband left Minneapolis and flew to Florida on Thursday with his wife scheduled to fly down the next day. The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife. Accidentally, he left out one letter in her email address and without realizing it, sent the email message to the wrong person. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband’s funeral. He was a minister of many years who was called home to glory following a sudden heart attack. The widow decided to check her email since she was expecting messages of condolence from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she fainted. The widow’s son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor and was amazed by what he saw on the computer screen. To: My loving wife. Subject: I’ve arrived. I know you’re surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now and you are allowed to send emails to your loved ones. I’ve just arrived and have been checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then! Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was. P.S. It sure is hot down here! The widow wasn’t ready for that message. It was a mistake. The time will come when we get the message saying that the time has come for us to die. It won’t be a mistake. We are called to be ready for this time by having faith and hope in Christ. (
11)  Readiness – Watchfulness:A U.S. Army officer told of the contrast in his pupils during two different eras of teaching at the artillery training school at Fort Sill, Oklahoma (Home of the Field Artillery). In 1958-60 the attitude was so lax that the instructors had a problem getting the men to stay awake to hear the lectures. During the 1965-67 classes, however, the men, hearing the same basic lectures, were alert and took copious notes. What made the difference in the class of 65? They knew that in less than six weeks they would be facing the enemy in Vietnam. (Quoted from Kayala). (

12) Offering Ourselves to Serve: In 1972, NASA launched the exploratory space probe Pioneer 10. According to Leon Jaroff in Time, the satellite’s primary mission was to reach Jupiter, photograph the planet and its moons, and beam data to earth about Jupiter’s magnetic field, radiation belts, and atmosphere. Scientists regarded this as a bold plan, for at that time no earth satellite had ever gone beyond Mars, and they feared the asteroid belt would destroy the satellite before it could reach its target. But Pioneer 10 accomplished its mission and much, much more. Swinging past the giant planet in November 1973, Pioneer 10 was hurled by Jupiter’s immense gravity at a higher rate of speed toward the edge of the solar system. At one billion miles from the sun, Pioneer 10 passed Saturn. At some two billion miles, it hurtled past Uranus; Neptune at nearly three billion miles; Pluto at almost four billion miles. By 1997, twenty-five years after its launch, Pioneer 10 was more than six billion miles from the sun. And despite that immense distance, Pioneer 10 continued to beam back radio signals to scientists on Earth.  “Perhaps most remarkable,” writes Jaroff, “those signals emanate from an 8-watt transmitter, which radiates about as much power as a bedroom night light and takes more than nine hours to reach Earth.'” The Little Satellite That Could was not qualified to do what it did. Engineers designed Pioneer 10 with a useful life of just three years. But it kept going and going. By simple longevity, its tiny 8-watt transmitter radio accomplished more than anyone thought possible. So, it is when we offer ourselves to serve the Lord. God can work even through someone with 8-watt abilities. God cannot work, however, through someone who quits.   (Quoted from Kayala). (

13) Plan for eternity too: We as Americans are very good at thinking about the future. We prepare for a myriad of WHAT IFS by the various insurance policies we hold: Life, Car, House, Boat, etc. We plan for retirement with various investments and funds. Some people even make all of their funeral arrangements, years in advance with a hometown funeral home even though they are in perfect health. We begin to plan for the education of our children even though it may be nearly 2 decades away. We save and save and save for summer vacations,or maybe even for the purchase of a vacation cottage or cabin. High school students are beginning to think about colleges earlier and earlier in their High School careers. Special SAT Prep classes are offered now for freshman and sophomores in order to get a head start. College students start accumulating résumé data as soon as they enter college anticipating the days when they will be walking into interviews wearing their power colors, firmly shaking hands, and handing over an impressive résumé. We are already good at thinking about the future. Jesus encourages us in today’s Gospel to take that skill and to extend it to the reality that He will indeed come again at the end of time. (Fr. Mazzone). (

14) Stand ready: Mary Adele lived all her life in small native communities. But after some years Mary discovered that her homeland was being used for low-level flying for testing weapons of war. For more than five years, Mary took an active part in the struggle to stop this low-level flying. She soon discovered that another battle was going on inside her -a battle with cancer. Mary Adele knew the seriousness of her illness, yet she did not fear death. When the Son of Man came for Mary Adele, she was ready and willing. This ordinary woman with great courage knew that her priorities had always been to do God’s will. She had lived up to them to the best of her ability. After a short life of forty-eight years Mary Adele had accumulated few material possessions. She did have, however, a wealth of treasured experiences of love and service which she cherishes today in Heaven. -Today’s Gospel spoke clearly to Mary and she responded with her life. As Christians we need to ask the same questions. What are our priorities? What’s most important in life? (Jim McCaffery in Living in Christ; quoted by Fr. Kayala). (

15) God searches for us: According to legend, Queen Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world, was captured and carried away and became a victim of amnesia. She became a prostitute in the streets; she didn’t know her name or the fact that she came from royal blood. But back in her home her friends didn’t give up hope for her return. An old friend believed she was alive and went to look for her. He never lost faith. One day wandering through the streets he came to a waterfront and saw a wretched woman in tattered clothes with deep lines across her face. There was something about her that seemed familiar, so he walked up to her and said, “What is your name?” She gave a name that was meaningless to him. “May I see your hands?” he pursued. She held out her hands in front of her and the young man gasped, “You are Helen! You are Helen! Do you remember?” She looked up at him in astonishment. “Helen!” he yelled out. Then the fog seemed to clear. There was recognition in her face. The light came on! She discovered her lost self, put her arms around her old friend and wept. She discarded her tattered clothes and once more became the queen she was born to be. -–God searches for God searches for us in a similar way. He uses every method possible to look for us and to convince us that we are worthwhile to Him. In today’s Gospel from Luke we have a collection of disjointed sayings of Jesus all related to the theme of waiting for the Lord and being ready to serve him. (Anonymous; quoted by Fr. Botelho). ( 

16) The ill-fated Air India Express Flight 812: 22 May 2010, The Air India Express took off from Dubai and headed towards Mangalore (India), with 160 passengers and 6 crew members. The original reservation chart had the names of 169 people. In that nine people cancelled the trip. One of the passengers had just returned from India on 20th but was called back by her ailing husband. So she boarded the next available flight. Out of 166, 158 died when the plane overshot the runway and crashed, while landing. 8 passengers survived the crash. Others were not so blessed. None of them knew that 21st night was his/her last night on the earth, that they would never see the sunrise again. They took the flight to their hometown with great dreams and fantastic plans for the future. There were men who were returning after three or four years of hard toil in the blazing deserts to join their dear ones. There were young men who boarded the flight with dreams of their bride, the wedding celebrations and the joys of building up a new family. All these dreams crashed along with the plane. Today’s readings remind us too, to be ready to accept the call any day. (Fr. Bobby Jose). (

17) “I never have had clarity, but only trust: Long ago, when I spent a month working at the House of the Dying in Calcutta, I sought a sure answer to my future. On the first morning, I met Mother Teresa after Mass at dawn. She asked, “And what can I do for you?” I asked her to pray for me. “What do you want me to pray for?” I voiced the request I had borne thousands of miles: “Pray that I have clarity.” She said “No.” That was that. When I asked why, she answered that clarity was the last thing I was clinging to and had to let go of. When I commented that she herself had always seemed to have the clarity I longed for, she laughed: “I never have had clarity; what I’ve always had is trust. So, I will pray that you have trust.” (Fr. John Kavanaugh; quoted by Fr. Botelho). (

18)The Man Who Lost HimselfIn one scene of Osbert Sitwell’s novel The Man Who Lost Himself, the hero of the novel trails a man to Paris. He thinks he knows at what hotel the man is staying but is not sure. So, he devises a plan to find out without arousing anyone’s suspicion. He decides to give the hotel clerk his own name and ask if a man by that name is in the hotel. Then as the clerk checks through the register, he’ll watch over the shoulder for the other man’s name and room number. When he goes to the hotel and gives the room clerk his own name, to his utter surprise, the clerk doesn’t check the register. He simply says, “Yes, he is staying in room 40; he’s expecting you. I’ll have the bellhop take you to his room.” Well, the hero is flabbergasted, and he has no choice but to go, so he follows the bellhop to room 40. When he knocks at the door and it opens, he can hardly believe his eyes. There standing before him, is a man who is his exact double, except that he is greyer, and about twenty years older. The man turns out to be the hero himself, twenty years into the future. The story is pure science fiction, but it contains an important truth: there is a person out there in the future waiting for us, that person is we ourselves as we will be 10 or 20 years from now. The question is what kind of a person will we be then? What will our life be then? The future is in our hands; right now, only Faith will tell. (Anonymous; quoted by Fr. Botelho). ( 

19) Do not let Him find you sleeping: Augustine, a man in the 5th century who became Bishop of the church and a saint in history, originally lead a life of sin giving himself over to whatever pleasures presented themselves. His mother had earnestly prayed for him his entire life that he would give his life to the service of Christ, but Augustine persisted in his sins until one day he sat with a friend on a bench weeping over the state of his life. It was at this moment that he heard a boy or girl–he says he does not know which it was–singing a song. The sound was coming from a neighboring house. The child was chanting over and over: “Pick it up, read it; pick it up; read it.” Here is what happened next in Augustine’s own words: Immediately I ceased weeping and began most earnestly to think whether it was usual for children in some kind of game to sing such a song, but I could not remember ever having heard the like. So, damming the torrent of my tears, I got to my feet, for I could not but think that this was a divine command to open the Bible and read the first passage I should light upon. So I quickly returned to the bench where Alypius was sitting, for their I had put down the apostle’s book. I snatched it up, opened it, and in silence read the paragraph on which my eyes first fell: “Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof.” I wanted to read no further, nor did I need to. For instantly, as the sentence ended, there was infused in my heart something like the light of full certainty and all the gloom of doubt vanished away.” (Confessions,VIII, 12). Had Christ returned before that fateful day, Augustine would have been caught unprepared. He would have been found asleep. From that moment on, however, Augustine was prepared. He was on the alert! He had awakened from his sins. (Brett Blair,; quoted by Fr. Kayala). (

20)  One day at a time.This phrase is a popular A.A. slogan. In researching this I came across this article. I imagine that this is the very first slogan that found its way into the original Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Can’t you just picture a frantic newcomer talking about how difficult he was finding sobriety? I can almost imagine the conversation: Newcomer: “What am I going to do? Next week I have to go to the office Christmas party – how will I ever stay sober there!” Old-timer: “Slow down! It’s not next week yet. Take it One Day at a Time! “And a slogan is born – because it’s got some real wisdom in it. For in truth, each one of us has only one day at a time – or one hour or one moment. In the first few rocky days of recovery, just abstaining for that moment, hour, etc. is truly all we can do. If we can’t do that, there’s no point in worrying about tomorrow, or next week, or whenever. The One Day at a Time philosophy has benefits far beyond the early days in recovery. It can keep us grounded in the present – that Holy Instant that is so easy to miss in a busy and productive life. Unfortunately, though, some in 12 Step Groups have taken the philosophy to mean we shouldn’t plan. This is patently false. A major promise of the Program is to restore us to sanity, and that includes planning. We need to set goals, make appointments, and design our lives. But planning doesn’t mean we have to leave One Day at a Time behind –the trick is to watch for expectations. (Derrick Tuper). (

22) Whispering God: There is a story told about a young man and an old preacher. The young man had lost his job and didn’t know which way to turn. So, he went to see the old preacher. Pacing about the preacher’s study, the young man ranted about his problem. Finally, he clenched his fist and shouted, “I’ve begged God to say something to help me. Tell me, Preacher, why doesn’t God answer?” The old preacher, who sat across the room, spoke something in reply – something so hushed, it was indistinguishable. The young man stepped across the room. “What did you say?” he asked. The preacher repeated himself, but again in a tone as soft as a whisper. So, the young man moved closer until he was leaning on the preacher’s chair. “Sorry,” he said. “I still didn’t hear you.” With their heads bent together, the old preacher spoke once more. “God sometimes whispers,” he said, “so that we will move closer to hear Him. This time the young man heard, and he understood. We all want God’s voice to thunder through the air with the answer to our problem. But God’s is the still, small voice… the gentle whisper. Perhaps there’s a reason. Nothing draws human focus quite like a whisper. God’s whisper means I must stop my ranting and move close to Him, until my head is bent together with His. Then, as I listen, I will find my answer. Better still, I find myself closer to God. Today is the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Scripture Readings of today speak of God’s kindness and His saving presence amidst trials and afflictions. (Fr. Albrt Lakara). L/19 (