Easter 6th Week Thursday - Liturgical Prayers:

Introduction: Many people are lamenting because they do not feel the presence of God, particularly in moments of deep sorrow. At the occasion of the death of a beloved person one hears often: "Where is God now? He has deserted us!" It was a thought many Jews expressed during the "Shoah" (holocaust, literally "destruction,"). Yet some tenaciously held on to God, saying that it was God who suffered there at the hands of people.

Penitential Rite:
-The Lord has done wondrous deeds in our lives, for our ingratitude, Lord, have mercy
-He has remembered his kindness and his faithfulness in spite of our turning away from him, Christ, have mercy
-In the sight of the nations he has revealed his justice despite our many acts of injustice, Lord, have mercy

Opening Prayer
Lord our God, when we suffer deeply we tend to cry out: "My God, where are you?" Give to us, people who believe that your Son died for us and by your power rose from the dead, a faith deep and strong enough to know that you are with us also in the difficulties and woes of life, even in the throes of death. Give us this faith through Jesus Christ our Lord.

General Intercessions
- For those responsible for our earth, that the Spirit may guide them to respect God's work of creation, its beauty and integrity, we pray:
- For people facing death, that their hope in the resurrection may assure them that God will give them everlasting life, we pray:
- For those who suffer, that they may know that God knows and that the Spirit may turn their pain into joy, we pray:

Prayer over the gifts
Our living and loving God, when the people you had made your own marched through the inhospitable desert, you were there with them and you gave them the manna to eat. Keep us from complaining and murmuring when the difficulties of life come our way. Nourish us in our deserts with today's manna, with the body and blood of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lord our God, do not take it amiss when we cry out to you in the deserts of our pains and loneliness. Keep strengthening us with the food and the drink of joy of Jesus. And make us see your presence also in the good people around us, in their words of consolation and hope. Reassure us that you lead us to a joy and a happiness to which there is no end. Grant us this through Christ our Lord.