God of refuge, we seek your Protection - Covid Prayer

God of refuge, we seek your Protection

Protect the vulnerable from illness: Those who are old and frail, weakened by years and struggle, those who care for others, expending their energy and love; those for whom inability to work means hardship and poverty.
Protect us from the greed and suspicion:  which snatches at our own security, stock-piling and panic-buying that deprives others of the necessities of life.

Protect us from the short-sightedness: which sees the germ in own eyes and ignores the plagues of hunger, war and violence that take so many lives each day.

Protect us from the isolation: that leads to loneliness and despair denying the inter-connectedness that links us to one another.

God our refuge, in our panic and fear may we not lose sight of our common humanity that makes us one people in you, in Jesus’ name, we ask. Amen.