Jesus Litany

 Jesus Litany
R/ We praise / thank/ adore you, 0 Lord
R/- Sing Praise him/thank him…..after 9 verses –bold letters

01) Jesus, Word of the Father, (we thank you, etc)           Jn 1, 1.
02) Jesus, eternal Wisdom of God.                                 I Cor. 1, 24
03) Jesus, Son of God.                                                   Rom. 1,4(R/)
04) Jesus, Son of Man.                                           Mt. 8, 20
05) Jesus, Son of David.                                         Mt. 21, 9.
06) Jesus, Son of Abraham                                     Mt. 1, 1. (R/)

07) Jesus, Son of Mary.                                                 Mt. 1, 25.
08) Jesus, Son of Joseph.                                               Mt. 1, 16.
09) Jesus, the Carpenter.                                             Mk. 6, 3 (R/)
10) Jesus, the Messiah.                                           Jn. 1, 41.
11) Jesus, the Emmanuel.                                       Mt. 1, 23­
12) Jesus, the one who comes in the name of Lord   Mk 11,9 (R/)
13) Jesus, light of the world.                                          Jn. 8, 12.
14) Jesus, sun of justice.                                                Mal. 4, 2.
15) Jesus, morning star.                                                 Rev 22,16 (R/)
16) Jesus, the Way to the Father.                             Hebr. 10, 19.
17) Jesus, our Life.                                                 Jn. 11, 25.
       18) Jesus, our Truth.                                             Jn. 14, 6 (R/)
19) Jesus, the Holy One of God.                                     Acts 13, 14.
20) Jesus, the Defender.                                                 1 Jn. 2, 1.
21) Jesus, the just judge.                                                2 Tm 4, 6‑8(R/
22) Jesus, the new Adam.                                       1Cor. 15, 45
23) Jesus, the Just One                                           Acts 13, 14
24) Jesus, our resurrection.                                     Jn. 11, 25. (R/)
25) Jesus, priest of the New Covenant.                           Hebr. 8, 6.
26) Jesus, merciful high priest.                                       Hebr. 2, 17.
27) Jesus, our mediator.                                               1Tim. 2, 5(R/) 28) Jesus, the good shepherd.                                     Jn. 10, 11.
29) Jesus, the gate for the sheep.                           Jn. 10, 7.
30) Jesus, lamb of God.                                        Jn. 1, 29. (R/)
31) Jesus, prophet of the Most High.                              Lk. 7, 16.
32) Jesus, our Master.                                                    Mk. 9, 5.
33) Jesus, meek and humble of heart.                             Mt. 11, 29 (R/)

34) Jesus, our peace.                                            Eph. 2, 14.
35) Jesus, our Redeemer.                                     1Cor. 1, 30.
36) Jesus, ransom for our sins.                           Mk 10, 45(R/)
37) Jesus, our Saviour.                                                   Mt. 1, 21.
38) Jesus, Prince of Life.                                               Acts 3,15
39) Jesus, Author of our faith.                                        Hebr. 12,2 (R/)
40) Jesus, light of life.                                          Jn. 8, 12.
41) Jesus, bread of heaven.                                   Jn. 6, 35.
42) Jesus, living water.                                         Jn. 4, 10 (R/)
43) Jesus, our justice.                                                    Acts 3, 14
44) Jesus, our holiness.                                                  Hebr. 12, 10
45) Jesus, our redemption.                                           1Cor 1,30 (R/)
46) Jesus, beloved Son of the Father.                    Eph. 1, 6
47) Jesus, the firstborn among many.                    Rom. 8, 29
48) Jesus, our Amen to the Father.                        2 Cor. 2, 19(R/
49) Jesus, cornerstone of the Church.                              Acts 4, 11.
50) Jesus, rock of Israel.                                                1Cor. 10, 4.
51) Jesus, husband of God's people.                                2Cor 11,2­ (R/)
52) Jesus, Our risen Lord.                                     Rom. 10, 9
53) Jesus, Saviour of the world.                            Jn. 4, 42
54) Jesus, king of justice.                                    Mt. 21, 5. (R/)
55) Jesus, marvellous Counsellor.                                   Is. 9, 6.
56) Jesus, our example.                                                  Jn­13, 15.
57) Jesus, Prince of peace.                                             Is. 9, 6. (R/)
58) Jesus, faithful witness.                                 Rev. 1, 5.
59) Jesus, firstborn from among the dead.           Col. 1, 18.
60) Jesus, ruler of the kings of the earth.             Rev. 1, 5. (R/)
61) Jesus, image of the invisible God.                             Col. 1, 15.
62) Jesus, splendour of God's glory.                               Hebr. 1, 3
63) Jesus, heir of all things.                                          Hebr. 1, 2. (R/
64) Jesus, the true vine                                      Jn. 15, 1.
65) Jesus, the firstborn over all creation.                         Col. 1, 15.
66) Jesus, bead of the body, the Church.             Col. 1, 18. (R/)
67) Jesus, the First and the Last.                                     Rev. 1, 17
68) Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega.                              Rev. 1, 8
69) Jesus, the Beginning and the End.                          Rev. 22,13(R/)