We are the Church of God - Prayer

As we read these days from the Acts of the Apostles about the Struggle and Growth of the Church

We are the Church of God 

Lord Jesus, as we read these days from the Acts of the Apostles, we are enlightened by the fact that you are alive, and that you are building your Church through each of us. Your Church is built upon your life, death, burial, and resurrection. It is through the proclamation of this message—the gospel—that the Church will either visibly rise or fall.
We see, Lord, your Church has a variety of differences, but there’s one common denominator between them all: We are justified by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Your gospel renews people who are burdened with sin and discouraged by the struggles of life. Your gospel offers hope for those who have succumbed to the darkness of despair and helplessness. And your gospel performs the greatest miracle of all: It introduces people to you, Lord Jesus, who will transform them into new creations in you.

Jesus Lord, you are inviting us to participate in your work. One of the most significant ways we are called to participate in God’s work today, we believe, is to pray for your Church. Your Church, Lord, has stood the test of time. It cannot be stopped by threat, political pressure, or even political correctness. It has weathered tumultuous years and lived through multiple heretical diseases.

You, Lord, we believe, will continue to build your church until you return in glory to redeem your bride, and absolutely nothing or no one can stand in your way. We are proud to be your Church. In Jesus’ name. Amen