33rd Sunday C, Nov 13, Patient Perseverance


The community during prophet Malachi's time found it difficult to distinguish right from wrong anymore, since the faithless seemed to prosper and the faithful made to suffer more. Their frustration led them to wonder whether serving God was worthwhile. Malachi insists that evildoers will be punished on the Day of the Lord and the just will be the special possession of the Lord.  Their names will be written in the Book of remembrance. The righteous could look forward to vindication, healing, and the warmth of God's faithful love towards them. The just need to hold on and persevere in their faith, for God's justice will triumph and vindicate them.

Are you brave enough?
There is a moving incident in the life of St. Anthony, who, for the love of God, went and stayed in the desert. Far from the maddening crowds of men, he lived a life in communion with God. Yet he was not free from trials. One day he had to undergo intense suffering. When he emerged from his trials, he said to God, "Ah, Beloved God, where wert Thou when I was in great distress?" He heard the voice of God say, "My child, I was with you all the time, even as I am with you now! I wanted to see how brave you were!"
J.P. Vaswani in '101 Stories for You and Me'

In today's gospel Luke handles two themes: one is historical -the destruction  of Jerusalem and the victory of the gospel. The other is the end of the age and the coming of the Son of man. Our reading is concerned with the prediction of the destruction of the temple and the situation of Christians in a time of trial. While the splendid temple is doomed, Jesus distinguishes this event from the end of the world: the fall of Jerusalem will not mark the End. The language consciously echoes traditional Old Testament images of disaster and could well be applied to the destruction of Jerusalem seen as a divine intervention and as a prefiguring of the persecution they must face. Jesus warns that his followers are going to be mistreated and persecuted. But this must be an opportunity to bear witness to the Lord's teaching. Luke looks at things from the point of view of victims of persecution. We are assured that the Lord will assist his witnesses at that moment to enable them to resist and contradict their adversaries. The Lord will give them the necessary eloquence and wisdom to confront their opponents' accusations. However, among those who oppose Jesus' followers there will be people who were very close to them, thus making the situation even more painful. The call is to be faithful and persevere in trusting the Lord, and those who hold on will be saved.

The Temple destroyed
Jesus made a prediction of the destruction of the Temple, which to the ordinary Jew must have seemed impossible and unthinkable. This was no ordinary building. The temple symbolized the entire Jewish system of worship. The Jerusalem temple had a long history of building, destruction and re-building. The first temple was built by King Solomon, and it was destroyed by the Babylonians. The Second temple was built by Cyrus the Great and it was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes. Then it was renovated by Herod the Great, but later it was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. during the siege of Jerusalem. A million people were killed or died by starvation during the siege. The temple was burned to the ground. Thus Jesus' prophesy came true to the letter. (After the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem in the 7th Century, an Islamic shrine was built on the site of the temple. This shrine, along with the entire Old City of Jerusalem, was recaptured by Jewish forces in 1967 during the Six-Day War. Israel officially annexed East Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, in 1980 under the Jerusalem Law.)  - Human achievements can be fragile. It is not only a question of buildings, but also of empires and kingdoms. This temple building reduced to dust and rubble is a reminder that God does not dwell is structures of stone, wood and costly adornment. Our mortal bodies too will be reduced to dust and rubble, a reminder that God does not dwell in a cosmetically-enhanced human body. But Jesus says that the holiest of temples will last forever. What is it? It is the human heart, which is God's chosen earthly dwelling place. Therefore we must re-focus our attention on what is good for the soul. Let us focus on love, friendship and peace. Their fruits will endure forever.
John Pichappilly in 'The Table of the Lord'

Witnessing in a time of confusion and uncertainty
Anne frank was a teenage Jewish girl who lived in Amsterdam during the early years of World War II. When the Germans began rounding up all the Jews, she and her family went into hiding. For two long years, seven of them lived in the attic of their home, haunted by the constant fear of detection. So it was anything but a normal existence of the young teenage and her terrified family. During that time, Anne frank kept her famous diary, which her father found only after the war had ended. In it the young girl frankly expressed her thoughts and feelings with a maturity way beyond her years. So inspiring was that diary that it has been translated into many languages and continues to inspire people of all ages even today, almost sixty years after it was written. In one remarkably passage, Anne Frank says: "It's twice as hard for us young people to hold our ground, in a time when all ideals are being shattered and destroyed, when people are showing their worst side, and do not know whether to believe in truth and right and God. It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are good at heart. I see the world being turned into a wilderness; I hear the ever-approaching thunder, which will destroy us too; I can feel the suffering of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think it will all come right, that this cruelty will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again." In spite of her hope and optimism, poor Anne did not live to see her dream fulfilled. In 1944, she and her family were found, arrested, and imprisoned in the horrific Berge-Belsen Concentration Camp, where the Jews were exterminated and where she eventually died. What sustained Anne Frank during her ordeal was her faith in God and in humanity. - Living an authentically Christian life today certainly poses a tough challenge; but of one thing we are absolutely assured, and that is our victory through our faith in and our commitment to Christ Jesus. In the words of the famous freedom-fighter Alexander Solzhenitsyn, "A person without fear is no hero; the person who overcomes fear is." 
James Valladares in "Your words, O Lord, Are Spirit, and They Are Life"

"The hypocrites are gone now. You may begin the service."
The 2000-member church was filled to overflowing capacity one Sunday morning. The preacher was ready to start the sermon when two men, dressed in long black coats and black hats, entered via the rear of the Church. One of the two men walked to the middle of the Church while the other stayed at the back of the church. They both then reached under their coats and withdrew automatic weapons. The one in the middle announced, "Everyone willing to take a bullet  for Jesus stay in your seat!" Naturally, the pews emptied, followed by the choir loft. The deacons ran out of the door too. After a few moments, there were about 20 people left sitting in the church. The preacher was holding steady in the pulpit. The men put their weapons away and said, gently to the preacher, "All right, pastor, the hypocrites are gone now. You may begin the service." -We should not be so anxious about when the world will end but rather should concern ourselves with the preparation needed for the end of our own individual life. Can we be faithful no matter what??
Tomi Thomas in "Spice up your homilies"

The Decay of the best is the worst
Joseph Stalin was the most ruthless dictator of the former Soviet Union. He was the General Secretary of the Communist Party from 1922 to 1953. In 1928, he launched a series of five-year plans for the rapid industrialization and enforced collectivization of agriculture. As a result more than ten million
farmers were killed. He ruthlessly murdered hundreds and hundreds of the intellectuals who opposed him. He, in fact, had murdered more men than that manic Hitler. But the surprising thing is that Stalin as a teenager had joined the seminary to become a priest. He was expelled from it because of his
revolutionary ideas. A noble desire went awfully wrong.  A man who desired to
save souls became a monster who ruthlessly murdered people in millions. The
decay of the best is always the worst. -In today's gospel, Jesus foretells the
utter ruin and destruction of Jerusalem. Upon the Lord's visitation, the
inhabitants of Jerusalem and the temple authorities
rejected Him, and consequently destruction visited them. Today, let us look at
the great beauty of the temple, and also consider its ruin and the cause of it.
John Rose in 'John's Sunday Homilies'

The world’s “canned laughter”
The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) tells a parable of a theater where a variety show is proceeding.  There are musical acts, dancers, magicians, comedians, acrobats – one amazing act after another. Each act receives thunderous applause from the audience.
Suddenly the manager comes forward. Speaking calmly, not wanting to panic the patrons, he says, “Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that the theater is on fire. Please get up and move in an orderly fashion to the exits. There is plenty of time for you all to leave safely, but please do so at once.”
The audience think this is the most amusing act of the evening, and again cheer wildly, thinking the manager is a comedian! He again implores them to leave the burning building, but he is again applauded vigorously.
Even when smoke and flames appear at the back of the stage, the audience thinks it is part of the act done for special effect. The manager soon realizes he can do no more, so he runs off the stage and out of the building. The audience, meanwhile, whistles and cheers and claps in appreciation of the manager’s “performance.”
“And so,” concluded Kierkegaard, “will our age, I sometimes think, go down in fiery destruction to the applause of a crowded house of cheering spectators.”
And so it is today.  Those who attempt to warn others of the impending doom to come are laughed at as part of “the show.”  The prophet has become a comedian, like someone out of a Monty Python skit.  The cynical world laughs at the message, believing it is all a joke.
Yet the world indeed is on fire; the whole theater is destined to be turned to ash – and one day soon. Despite the witnesses God has faithfully called — including the message of His Son – the canned laughter of the world, the mindless cheering, and the idiotic applause will continue, right up to the end of the age….
As it was in the days of Noah…. until the flood came and swept them all away….

1.     Andrew Greeley: 


The question of whether Jesus actually used the apocalyptic rhetoric attributed to him in today’s gospel is still debated. Some think that he did not, that he was more concerned with God’s love for us than he was with the destruction of the temple or signs in the heaven.   

 They argue that the rhetorical style of signs and wonders in the heavens was part of the culture of the time (and not just among the Jews) and that it meant indeed the end of the old creation but the beginning of a new creation.  

However, it is not impossible to believe that Jesus used this mode of speaking to indicate that with his message of God’s love a new creation had begun.


Once upon a time a new alderman was running in a certain city. He promised that his business would not solicit clients from the ward and indeed not accept them if they came. Moreover the also promised that he would give his aldermatic salary to the neighborhood. He’d turn it over to a committee of clergy from the ward to use however they saw fit. No one believed him. Why was he running for alderman if he didn’t want the money? He replied that he was running  because he thought he’d love the job. What are you going to live off, they demanded. Off the income from my business, I don’t need any more money.  Still no one believe him.  

All politicians were interested in making money, weren’t they? Sure they were. Look at all the scandals in the papers. Nothing ever changes. Cynicism is the only way to react to someone who promises a new beginning. Well, the candidate won in a run-off, but even those who voted for him were convinced that he was a crook.   

Funny thing, though, he did give his first year’s salary to the local clergy and he didn’t do any business with firms in his ward. Even today, people still don’t believe him.


2.     Have you ever tried to make a prediction?

Here are some predictions from the past. All from people who were trusted individuals:

Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, in 1943 said, "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."

Popular Mechanics magazine in 1949 made this prediction: "Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vacuum tubes and weigh only 1.5 tons."

There was an inventor by the name of Lee DeForest. He claimed that "While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility."

The Decca Recording Co. made a big mistake when they made this prediction: "We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." That was their prediction in 1962 concerning a few lads from Liverpool. Their band was called the Beatles.

As the disciples walked out of the Temple in Jerusalem Jesus paused with his disciples, looked back at the Temple and predicted, "Do you see all these great buildings. Not one stone will be left on another." To the disciples this was bedrock. Nothing could bring down these walls. "Look, teacher! What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!" they said to Jesus...
The smallest stones in the structure weighed 2 to 3 tons. Many of them weighed 50 tons. The largest existing stone is 12 meters in length and 3 meters high, and it weighed hundreds of tons! The stones were so immense that neither mortar nor any other binding material was used between the stones. Their stability was attained by the great weight of the stones. The walls towered over Jerusalem, over 400 feet in one area. Inside the four walls was 45 acres of bedrock mountain shaved flat and during Jesus’ day a quarter of a million people could fit comfortably within the structure.
You can then understand the disciples surprise. As they walked down the Kidron valley and up mount olive Peter James and John wanted to hear more.
Jesus’ prediction that a structure so immense would be levelled to the ground seemed implausible. But they pressed Jesus for more information. They wanted to know when. What would be the sign that this was about to take place. In their voice was fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear that their lives were about to change forever. Jesus had not made any predictions like this one. This was different. This, they could understand.
Forty years later Jesus’ prediction came true. In 70 AD the Temple was destroyed by Rome.
But the Church of Jesus Christ – founded on the bedrock of faith – still stands.
Despite persecutions, despite divisions, despite criticism, opposition and mockery, despite all the forces the world can muster against it, the Church still stands,
It may lose direction at times; it may appear to have suffered setbacks; it may have been considered to have made grave errors of judgement – but it still stands, and still seeks to do God’s will and realize Christ’s divine manifesto.
Napoleon, writing in exile on St Helena, wrote these famous words:
“Alexander (The Great), Caesar, Charlemagne and I have founded empires.  But on what?  On force!  Jesus alone founded his empire on love; and at this hour, millions of men would die for him.  He is everywhere proclaimed, loved and adored and his sway is extended over all the earth”
The Church still stands – and it always will…as long as there are people ready to profess their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
3.     Fighting back against falling back?

 Spring forward; fall back.

 These past couple of weeks your bio-rhythms have been batty, fighting back after "falling back" or maybe even "falling flat." 

Retreating one hour in order to get back to "Standard Time" is supposed to make our mid-winter mornings less dark and dismal. Unfortunately, as anyone who lives above the 45th parallel knows, those brighter "a.m.'s" come attached to distinctly darker and longer "p.m.'s." And even that extra morning light really only lasts for a couple of weeks, at best.

It isn't easy to readjust the "circadian" rhythms of our bodies. Not even by just an hour. And if you are not afflicted with SAD, "seasonal affective disorder, where the lack of daylight hours brings on depression, lethargy, and genuine "SADness," losing the light still brings all of us physical challenges and changes.

You cannot wake up "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" to birdsong when all the song birds have flown south and the only feathered friend you see on your morning commute is the occasional owl.

It is hard to argue with the family dog when the open door for a gloomy, rain-soaked "morning" walk is rejected with horror and he beats a fast-track back to his snuggly-ball doggy bed. 

Besides over-priced trips to sunny lands abroad and fried-sun states at home, scientists prescribe doses of specific wave lengths of light, available in special light bulbs, to help our bodies fight off the SAD-slump fall-back. More recently, nutritionists have recommended we up our intake of Omega-3 oils - those "good" fats found especially in oily fish and English walnuts. Salmon, the fish with the most unchangeable body rhythm of any scaly swimmer, is especially high in these Omega-3 fatty acids. Apparently it takes a crazy, obsessed-by-tides-and-rhythms fish to help our bodies combat the changing tides and rhythms that the turning world has unleashed upon us.

Cold, dark days make us want to hunker down and veg out. The feeling that all there is ahead of us is a cold, dark future can bring on a kind of human "root vegetable" behavior. The just finished political races bombarded us with bad news. Employment numbers are slightly improving but not encouraging. The future of the economy does not look rosy. Getting up every morning, keeping motivated, giving all we have to our family, our church, our community, is not easy under these dark conditions.

The concluding commands made to the Thessalonian community in this week's epistle text addressed the threat of "idleness" to the life of the faithful... 

 4.     Stop Speculating!

Here, in my judgment, is one of the subtlest temptations that faces any Christian in any era: If we are not careful, we can get diverted here from what Christ has called us to do in this present age. This happened in Thessalonica not twenty years after Jesus died, and Saint Paul met the issue head on. Some of the folk there got so caught up in expecting and predicting the imminent return of the Lord that they had ceased to do any work and degenerated into idle busybodies who prattled only about the future (2 Thessalonians 3:11). Paul rebuked this tendency to let an over-interest in "the last things" divert us from faithfulness to "the first things." 

There is an old story about a warrior who was struck one day by a poisonous arrow. This man happened to be a speculative sort of person, so as he lay on the ground he mused to himself: "I wonder what kind of wood this arrow is made of? What sort of birds, do you suppose, the feathers come from? I wonder what type of man shot this arrow - tall or short, dark or light." His comrades, who saw his plight, could bear it no longer, but cried out in frustration: "For God's sake, man! Stop speculating and pull out the arrow!"

Need I say more?

Gary L. Carver and Tom M. Garrison, Sermons for Sundays in Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany: Building a Victorious Life, CSS Publishing Company, Inc.

5.     Consider the Joy!

Consider the story of one young man. He was often sick as a baby. He was always small, puny some would say. As a youth he was always frail and delicate. He was not able to play sports with the other boys his age. Eventually he entered the ministry. But his health was so fragile, he was unable to serve his growing congregation.

Amazingly, he did not dwell on his troubles. In fact, his spirit soared. His only real complaint was the poor quality of the hymns of his day. He felt they did not convey hope and joy. Someone challenged him to write better ones. He did. He wrote over 600 hymns, most of them hymns of praise.

When his health collapsed completely in 1748, he left one of the most remarkable collection of hymns the world has ever known. His name was Isaac Watts. In a few weeks we will be singing one of his most famous hymns, "Joy to the World!" Isaac Watts discovered joy in his life because he knew that God would never desert him. He was able to live his life with all sorts of health problems feeling close to God and Jesus. He had joy deep in his heart. 

Timothy J. Smith
6.     When All Hope Seems Lost

Fiorello LaGuardia was mayor of New York City during the Depression, and he was quite a character. He would ride the city fire trucks, take entire orphanages to baseball games and whenever the city newspapers went on strike, he would get on the radio and read the Sunday "funnies" to the children.

At any rate, one bitter cold winter's night in 1935, Mayor LaGuardia turned up in a night court that served the poorest ward in the city, dismissed the judge for the evening and took over the bench himself. After he heard a few cases, a tattered old woman was brought before him, accused of stealing a loaf of bread.

She told LaGuardia that her daughter's husband had deserted her, her daughter was sick and her grandchildren were starving. But the shopkeeper, from whom the bread was stolen, insisted on pressing charges. "My store is in a very bad neighborhood, your honor," he said. "She's got to be punished in order to teach other people a lesson."

The mayor sighed. He turned to the old woman and said, "I've got to punish you," he said. "The law makes no exception - ten dollars or ten days in jail."

But even as he spoke, LaGuardia was reaching into his pocket and pulling out a ten dollar bill. "Here is the woman's fine," he said, "and furthermore, I'm going to fine everyone in this court room fifty cents for living in a city where a person has to steal bread so that her grandchildren can eat. Mr. Bailiff, collect the fines and give them to the defendant."

The following day, the New York Times reported that $47.50 was turned over to the bewildered old woman. It was given by the red-faced store owner, some seventy petty criminals, people with traffic violations and city policemen - and they all gave their mayor a standing ovation as they handed over their money.

That's how it will be with God's world. Just when it seems that all hope is lost, and goodness and mercy shall never win, the Great Judge will come to set things right, deciding for the hungry and the meek of the earth.

Erskine White, Together in Christ
7.     With a Good Ship

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale once told of encountering a hurricane while on a cruise in the Atlantic. After the captain managed to sail around the danger, he and Dr. Peale were visiting with one another.

The captain said he had always lived by a simple philosophy namely that if the sea is smooth, it will get rough; and if it is rough, it will get smooth. He added something worth remembering: "But with a good ship," the Captain said, "you can always ride it out."

Our ship is our faith in Christ. With a good ship, you can always ride it out. Life is unpredictable. God is with us. Not a hair on our head will perish.

King Duncan, Stay Alive All Your Life, Cited by Steve Lambert
8.     The Best Conclusion

C. S. Lewis said that when the author appears on the stage, you know the play is over. This is how he understands the doctrine of the Second Coming of our Lord. It means that he who has begun a good work will bring it to the best conclusion of which he is capable. After all, no one has ever claimed that this planet earth was intended to exist forever. In what is called by scientists "the second law of thermodynamics," it is clearly predicted that the energy supply of this planet will eventually come to an end, which means that a conclusion of life as we know it here is inevitable. The concept of the Second Coming merely affirms that such a conclusion will be purposeful. The drama of history is not going to just fizzle out or end in a whimper! It is going to come to the kind of climax that he who conceived the drama wants for it.

Gary L. Carver and Tom M. Garrision, Sermons for Sundays in Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany: Building a Victorious Life, CSS Publishing Company 

9.     Don't Panic

"Don't panic!" Those are the words I frequently say when someone has come to see me and they are in the midst of a crisis. They may have lost their job, had a marital crisis, a problem with a child, or found themselves in serious financial trouble. They are anxious. It seems like the world is caving in on them. They feel lonely and afraid. They can't see any way out of their predicament.

It has been my experience over the years as a pastor that when folks are desperate they tend to run, quit or act in haste. I am not discounting their pain or minimizing the crisis, rather I am merely helping them to see that their perceptions have exaggerated the crisis. Or, they have a distorted perception of reality.

This was the case with the disciples. They were being persecuted by an oppressive government. They were powerless and under immense pressure. All seemed dark and hopeless, so much so that they wondered if the "end" was near. They were desperate, blinded by their anxiety and totally unable to see into the future.

They are no different than us. Whenever things are happening in the world of epic proportions, like hurricanes, wars, catastrophes or plagues there are those who believe that the world is coming to an end.

Keith Wagner, Are You Having an Anxiety Attack?
10.  Tie in to the Destruction of the Temple 

In the Hobbit by JRR Tolkein, Bilbo Baggins has met Gollum for the first time. Bilbo is lost and needs to find his way out of Gollum's cave. Gollum will show him the way out if he can answer a riddle.

This thing all things devours,
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stone to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down.

Bilbo is stumped... 

Do you know the answer? Take a moment to try to figure it out before looking at the answer below.

The answer to the riddle is "time". It's so true. Time will devour all living things, as well as everything else. If you live long enough, you can see some of the effects of time. Drive through a rural area sometime and take a look at the barns, sheds and possibly even houses that are deteriorated with time. What you see there is taking place all around you. Some things perish quickly (maybe even were designed to do so). Other things, like the great Egyptian pyramids, seem to stand the test of time. But, given enough time, everything will crumble. And when Jesus returns, we'll be made aware of just how temporary the things of this life are.

"All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away, but the word of the LORD endure forever." (I Peter 1:24-25).


From Fr. Tony Kadavil's Collection:

1: The theater is on fire: The Danish philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard, tells the parable of a theater where a variety show is proceeding. Each act is more fantastic than the last, and each is applauded by the audience. Suddenly the manager appears on the stage, apologizing for the interruption. He announces at the top of his voice that the theater is on fire, and begs his patrons to leave the theatre immediately, without causing a commotion. The spectators think that it is the most amusing turn of the evening, and cheer thunderously. The manager again feverishly implores them to leave the burning building, and he is again applauded vigorously. At last he can do no more. The fire races through the whole building engulfing the fun-loving audience with it. “And so,” concludes Kierkegaard, “will our age, I sometimes think, go down in fiery destruction to the applause of a crowded house of cheering spectators” (Resource, July/August). Today’s readings warn us about a similar fate if we are not well prepared when the “Day of the Lord” dawns quite unexpectedly, marking the end of the world.

# 2: Be patient and be faithful in waiting for Christ’s Second Coming. Remember Albert Einstein’s words after the Second World War: “As a lover of freedom, when the revolution came in Germany, I looked to the universities to defend it, knowing that they had always boasted of their devotion to the cause of truth; but no, the universities were immediately silenced. Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers, whose flaming editorials in days gone by had proclaimed their love of freedom; but they, like the universities were silenced in a few short weeks. Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler’s campaign for suppressing truth. I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration for it, because the Church alone has had the courage to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced to confess that what I once despised, now I praise unreservedly.” The Church had the moral courage to resist a dictator, and it saved the lives of so many Jews because it believed in the assurance given by Jesus in today’s Gospel.

# 3: Beware of false messiahs: In 1978, the whole world was shocked and dismayed by reports from Jonestown, Guyana where the Rev. Jim Jones had led hundreds of people into one of history’s darkest mass-suicides and mass-murders. These were not ignorant, primitive savages in a far-off land. They were American citizens who had fallen under the leadership of a madman. We don’t see many signs, nowadays, of the Moonies. Their founder Rev. Moon and his Unification Church have faded into the background. At one time he boasted considerable political support. He invested heavily in the elections of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Rev. Moon built an empire by putting young people out on the streets selling flowers. Moon preached that a new messiah was soon to come. He claimed that new messiah was a man born in Korea in the 20th century. False messiahs are forever with us. We need not even deal with such self-deluded creatures as mass-murderer Charles Manson who gathered a group of seemingly intelligent young adults as his followers. Manson once said, “My philosophy is: ‘Don’t think.’” That is the philosophy subtly expressed by all false messiahs. Don’t think. Reason is the enemy of all fanatics. But false messiahs do come along occasionally. That is why Jesus warns his followers about false messiahs in today’s Gospel.

4) Judgment Day, Second Coming, WHAT A PHONE BILL! After finishing his homily on the Judgment Day, the preacher started the prayer of mercy. “Oh Lord,” he began. “One of these days we are going to wake up, and it’s going to be DARK everywhere! Deliver us, O Lord.” “Lord, have mercy on us!” responded the congregation. The preacher continued: “Then we are going to pick up the telephone and call Washington, and they are going to say, ‘It’s DARK over here too!'” “Lord, have mercy on us!” responded the congregation.” Then we’re going to pick up the phone and call London, and they are going to say, ‘It’s DARK over here!’ “Lord, have mercy on us!” responded the congregation. “Again, we’re going to pick up the phone and call Moscow, and they are going to say, ‘It’s DARK over here too!” “Lord, have mercy on us!” responded the congregation.” “Then we’re going to pick up the phone…. At this juncture, the church treasurer, who had also been caught up in the fervor of the preacher’s prayer, cried out uncontrollably: “Lord, Lord! What a PHONE BILL!”

5) Teeth will be provided in hell: Grandma told her little grandson: “Be a good boy. At the end of the world all the disobedient and bad people will be cast into fiery hell where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”  The little boy raised an intelligent doubt. “Grandma, you don’t have any teeth and you always quarrel with others. How would you gnash your teeth when you are cast into hell?” Grandma replied: “You naughty boy, don’t you know that teeth will be provided in hell.”

6) End time humor: Humorist Lewis Grizzard writes about a man in his hometown named Luther Gilroy. Luther claimed he was out plowing his field and saw a sign in the sky that said THE END IS NEAR. So, Luther let his mule and his cow out of their pens, gave all his chickens away, and climbed on top of his house to await the end. When it didn’t come, he pouted and refused to come down from the roof. Finally, his wife called the deputy sheriff, who came over and said, “Luther, you idiot, I saw that same sign. It didn’t say, ‘The end is near.’ It said, ‘Go drink a beer.’ Now come down off that roof before you fall off and break your neck.” L/19

27- Additional anecdotes

# 1: The end time predictions of scientists: Christians are not the only ones to talk about coming disasters. Years ago, it was the New Age people who were sounding the alarms. Astrologers were talking about a harmonic convergence producing chaos all over the world when the planets aligned August 16, 1987. Nothing happened. In 1979, the fear was of the space satellite, Skylab. It was falling from the sky, NASA warned, but they were unsure where. The Federal Aviation Administration closed airspace; state and local governments went on alert; companies sold helmets. Skylab burned up July 11, 1979, over the Indian Ocean and Australia. No one was hurt. In today’s Gospel Jesus speaks about the destruction of Jerusalem and the signs preceding the end of the world. (

# 2: “Look Master, what large stones and what large buildings!” The Temple of Jerusalem of Jesus’ time was the third Temple. Solomon had built the first Temple (966 BC) in seven years. It stood for 370 years. It was first looted of all its treasures and gold by Shishak, King of Egypt (I Kg 14:25-26) in 926 BC [Jerusalem Bible]. . In 586 BC, it was sacked and burned by the Babylonians. After the exile, the Temple was rebuilt under the order and patronage of Cyrus, the king of Persia, by Zerubbabel in 516 BC. Herod the Great rebuilt the Temple of Zerubbabel, (20 BC to AD 64). Building upon and extending beyond the foundations of Solomon and Zerubbabel, Herod nearly doubled the area of the Temple Mount, enclosing within the retaining walls an area of 35 acres! According to Josephus, Herod’s 18,000 workmen continued work until AD 63. To enlarge the Temple Mount and to enclose 35 acres, strong retaining walls had to be extended down into the Tyropoean Valley to the west and down Ophel hill to the south. Ashlars, huge building blocks, were quarried, cut, faced and fitted without cement. All were proportionally large, but the largest measures 46 feet long by 10 feet high by 10 feet deep. Weighing 415 tons, it makes the stones of the Egyptian Pyramids – a mere 15 tons – to be as pebbles! [Murray Stein, “How Herod Moved Gigantic Blocks to Construct the Temple Mount,” Biblical Archaeology Review, Vol. VIII, No. 3, Washington, D.C. (May-June, 1981), p. 42.] It was this beautiful Temple which the Roman army, as Jesus had predicted, burnt down on August 28, AD 70 – having first murdered all the Temple priests. For nearly a month, the people of the upper city held out against the siege and the power of Rome. But on September 20 the Romans overran the city, slaughtering the inhabitants and putting the entire city to the torch. Everything happened as Jesus had said. The 40-foot colonnades that surrounded the Temple Mount, the Temple itself, and Herod’s huge portico were all gone. They had been pushed down and pulled over, rolling into the Tyropoean Valley to the west and the Kedron Valley to the east, significantly lifting the levels of both valleys. For the most part, the stones remain to this day right where the Romans left them. Except for the few stones of the Western Wall, often called the Wailing Wall, there was “not one stone left upon another” that was not thrown down. Titus and his legions swept through all of Palestine, razing hundreds of synagogues to ground. (

# 3: “I never unpacked it in the first place.” You may know the story about the little boy who had returned from his first two weeks at summer camp. He showed his mother two badges that he had won: one for making improvements in swimming, the other for naming the most birds on a nature hike. There was a blue ribbon in his pocket signifying a third prize, and his mother asked him about that. “Aw,” he said, “I got that thing for having the neatest packed bag when we were ready to come home.” “I’m proud of you,” his mother said. “No big deal,” he said. “I never unpacked it in the first place.” If we are constantly looking for God to right the world’s wrongs some day in a great cataclysmic conclusion to life on this earth, we may never “unpack our bag” and realize that it is here and now where God has placed us to do our living. (

# 4: Be careful when you try to predict the future. Today’s experts turn out sometimes to be tomorrow’s amateurs. I read recently that when the city fathers of the grand metropolis New York City planned for the future growth of their city, they laid out the streets and numbered them from the center outward. When they began, there were only six or seven streets. In their planning maps, they projected how large they thought the city might grow. Reaching beyond their wildest imagination, they drew streets on the map all the way out to 19th Street. They called it “Boundary Street” because they were sure that’s as large as New York City would become. At last count, the city had reached 284th Street, far exceeding their expectations! (Rev. Adrian Dieleman, ). In 1881, the New York City YWCA announced typing lessons for women. Amazingly, angry protests greeted this announcement. Why? Many believed that the female constitution would break down under the strain. Some of you women can remember when girls were only allowed to play half court in basketball for the same reason. Nobody envisioned what today’s women athletes would be capable of. (

# 5: An old Hungarian anecdote.  A pious Hungarian king, finding himself on a certain day depressed and unhappy, sent for his brother, a good-natured, but rather indifferent prince.  To him, the king said: “I am a great sinner and fear to meet God.”  But the prince only laughed at him, treated the matter as a joke and left the royal palace without making any comment. It was a custom in Hungary at that time, that if the executioner sounded a trumpet before a man’s door, it was a signal that the man was to be led forth to execution.  The king sent the executioner in the dead of night to sound the fatal blast before his brother’s door. The prince, awaking from sleep, realized its awful import.  Quickly dressing, he stepped to the door and was seized by the executioner, who dragged him, pale and trembling, into the king’s presence.  In an agony of terror, the prince fell upon his knees before his brother and begged to know in what way he had offended him.  “My brother,” answered the king, “if the sight of a human executioner is so terrible to you, shall not I, having grievously offended God, fear to be brought before the judgment seat of Christ?  Do we not read in the Bible, ‘It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God’?” (
# 6: The great day in our lives: There is always a great deal of emotion in anticipation of “the day,” whether that be a First Communion day, Graduation day, one’s wedding day, the first day of a new job, opening day at the ballpark or our retirement day—to name but a few important days in the lives of many of us. In such cases, not only is the day enjoyed for itself, it also promises many more wonderful days in the future. On the other hand, there are some days that strike fear and dread in our hearts, such as the day we lose our job, the day of the death of a loved one, the day we are sent out to fight a war. These days thrust us into sadness and struggle with little or no light at the end of the tunnel. The Day of the Lord was always a day of anticipation for the people of ancient Israel. Originally it was perceived as a day of fulfillment. It was the moment in history when all of the promises made by God would come to completion, and the people of God would enjoy them forever, promises of peace and prosperity, of contentment and harmony. But some of the prophets warned that the Day of the Lord would first be a day of suffering or purging, referring to it as the “birth pangs of the Messiah.” Today’s readings focus on the painful aspects of “that day.” (Dianne Bergant). (

# 7: Be faithful: Some of you know the story of writer Anne Lamott. When she was twenty-five, her father died after a long struggle with brain cancer. Over the next few years Anne herself began to suffer from an overwhelming sense of desperation and fear, which she tried to suppress with alcohol and pills. Although she was managing to write and publish successful novels at the time, it was clear that her life was spinning out of control. In her memoir, Traveling Mercies, she writes about this dark period of her life. And most importantly she tells how a community of Christian Faith, a neighborhood church called St. Andrew, came to her rescue. In her book she tells the time-honored story of a little girl who was lost. This girl ran up and down the streets of the big town where her family lived, but she couldn’t find a single landmark. She was frightened. Finally, a policeman stopped to help her. He put her in the passenger seat of his car, and they drove around until she finally saw her church. She pointed it out to the policeman, and then she told him firmly, “You can let me out now. This is my church, and I can always find my way home from here.” Anne Lamott writes, “And that is why I have stayed so close to mine because no matter how bad I am feeling, how lost or lonely or frightened, when I see the faces of the people at my church, when I hear their tawny voices, I can always find my way home.” (Anchor, 2000). (

# 8: Question to Buddha: Rev. Richard J. Fairchild tells the story of a monk who once approached the Buddha and asked: “Do the souls of the righteous survive death?” Characteristically, Buddha gave him no reply.  But the monk persisted. Each day he would repeat the question, and each day he would get silence for an answer, until he could stand it no longer. He threatened to abandon the path to enlightenment unless this crucial question was answered.  Why should he sacrifice everything to live a monastic life, if the souls of the righteous perished with their bodies?  Then Buddha in his compassion spoke. “You are like a man,” he said, “who was dying from a poisoned arrow.  His relatives rushed a doctor to his side.  But the man refused to have the arrow pulled out unless three of his questions were answered. First, about the man who shot him – was he a white man or black?  Second, was he a tall man or a short man?  And third, was he a Brahmin or an outcast?” Many of us are in the same position as that monk. How many of us question God and   refuse to continue in our Faith until all our questions about life after death are answered to our satisfaction?  Jesus’ teaching about the end of the world, God’s judgment of the wicked and the reward of the faithful in today’s readings will avail us nothing, unless we are willing to allow Christ to enter our hearts and minister to us his life-giving word.  We must be willing to allow God to pluck out the arrows that poison our lives before we have all the answers to our questions.  The question we need to ask is not, “Why do the wicked seem to prosper?” but rather, “Will I be saved?” (

# 9: It Happened Tomorrow, and Early Edition: Years ago, a film entitled It Happened Tomorrow featured an ambitious business executive who wished that he could buy tomorrow’s newspaper today so as to take financial advantage of his privileged glimpse into the future. Suddenly, an elderly gentleman appeared before him, holding the coveted newspaper. “I’ve decided to grant your wish,” he said. The remainder of the movie details what happened to the businessman as a result of his “future” knowledge. Later a television series, called Early Edition, reprised the premise of the film and featured a young man who received “tomorrow’s paper” daily. As he read of accidents that were yet to happen and disasters that were yet to occur, he sensed a certain responsibility for preventing them by altering the circumstances and/or protecting the people involved. Though such stories are somewhat interesting and attention-grabbing, they are simply imaginative escapes into the world of fiction. We cannot know the future this way, but the future is known—by God to Whom it belongs. He alone is responsible for its unfolding day by day, year by year. We, for our part, are to be responsive to God by being responsible for God’s gifts of the present as detailed in today’s readings. (Patricia Sánchez). (
# 10: A Church without persecution dies a natural death: The late William Barclay wrote: “The crisis of the present day is not theological: it is ethical. Christian theology is not really under attack, for there are few outside of the Church sufficiently interested in it to assail it.” [William Barclay, The Ten Commandments for Today, (New York, Harper and Row, Publishers).] Gardner C. Taylor comments further: “It is astonishing how much an American family will spend on physical fitness, and how little time or interest or money it will invest in spiritual fitness. It is amazing how much attention parents will give to a balanced diet for a child’s physical growth, and how little attention they will pay to the child’s moral and spiritual growth. Bread for the body, but no food for the soul. Cultivation of the mind, none of the heart.” (

# 11: The fall of Berlin Wall: It was on 9 November 1989 that the infamous Berlin Wall came tumbling down. It was a concrete symbol of what Winston Churchill had described as the “Iron Curtain,” which for almost fifty years had divided Europe into two ideologically hostile camps. It was the era of the “Cold War.” Most people then, or at least the more optimistic, believed that someday Europe would be reunited and this wall of shame would come down. But when it happened, it was so sudden that everybody both in the East and the West was taken completely by surprise. Some of the Communist dictators, like Honnecker in East Germany, had not even time to clear their desks and hightail it, before the day of retribution was upon them. Now, so few years later, even souvenir-hawkers cannot find “a single stone left on another” to sell to eager tourists at the annual commemoration. Everything in this world, sooner or later, comes to an end. And the world itself will come to an end. In this penultimate week of the liturgy, the liturgy recalls for us the “last things.”(Biblical IE). (

# 12: “Give me one more day of life – just one day more!” Charles V was one of the last truly great European Emperors. In the 1500s, he protected Europe from the vicious and tireless attacks of the Turkish Muslim Empire. At the same time, he brought together the leaders of Europe to reestablish political and religious unity among Christians after the revolt of Martin Luther. In the prime of his life, one of his closest and most well-loved advisers, who had served the Emperor since his youth, fell ill. Charles was at his bedside as the man was dying. The Emperor was deeply moved at the man’s suffering and wanted to comfort him. He said, “My friend, you have been a faithful servant all these years. Please, let me now do something for you. Ask anything of me, and I will do it.” The dying man turned his weak eyes to his King, and whispered, “Sire, there is one great favor I desire.” The Emperor was glad at this, and leaned forward, “Tell me,” he said, “What is it?” “Give me one more day of life – just one day more!” Charles’ face fell. He answered simply, “You know that I have not the power.” The man smiled weakly, and said: “Yes, I know. Even the greatest earthly king cannot give life. And now you see how foolish I have been. I served you well all these years, but I gave no thought to my Heavenly King, and now I must go to him with empty hands. Pray for me.” (E- Priest). (

# 13: The Difference between Christianity and a Football Game: The tendency of popular culture today is to avoid thinking about the last things, the great truths like death and judgment. Popular culture tells us to enjoy ourselves while we can here on earth and not to worry about the bigger story. That is completely backwards. It’s like telling a football player to enjoy his game by sitting on the sidelines and working on a suntan. A football player enjoys the game by playing hard and doing his best to win. He knows that the fourth quarter is right around the corner, and the clock is winding down, and the last minute will soon run out. And when it does, when he makes his way into the locker room – sweaty, bruised, exhausted – he wants only two things: to know that he has won, and to know that he has pushed himself as hard as he could to do his part well. Jesus is reminding us that our lives are like that. They will come to an end. The fourth quarter is on its way. But there is a difference. A football player can give his all individually, and his team can still lose. On his way to the locker room he can be satisfied with his own performance, but disappointed at the outcome. But that’s not the case with us. If we play well, we win – automatically. If a Christian gives his all, if a Christian spends his life fighting to be more like Christ each day, in spite of hardship and persecution, in spite of opposition and enemies, then victory is assured. (E- Priest). (

# 14: Charlemagne’s Wisdom: Knowing that judgment is coming sets us free to live a full life, because it puts everything in proper perspective. The Emperor Charlemagne is one of the great figures in the history of western civilization. His empire, though not perfect, was a bright chapter in the dark ages of the barbarian invasions of Europe. He preserved western culture and advanced the cause of Christian civilization, planting seeds of holiness and prosperity that would flourish centuries later. His tomb can still be visited in the German city of Aachen [AH-ken], where his Empire was headquartered back in the 800s. He is buried in the central space beneath the dome of the imperial church there, called Aix-la-Chapelle [eye-lah-shop-ELL]. The burial chamber is a subterranean room. In the middle of the room is a marble chair – a chair on which kings used to be crowned – placed over his grave. On the chair sits a sculpted image of the Emperor, wrapped in his royal robes, with a book of the Gospels open on his lap. There he sits: cold, silent, motionless. The dead man’s finger points to the words of Jesus: “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” That was the perspective that made Charlemagne both a great man, great emperor, and also, even more importantly, a great Christian. (E-Priest). (

# 15: Facing Death for Christ: Before the breakup of the Soviet Union, Christians of all denominations were routinely persecuted for their Faith by the Communist regime. One small group of believers used to meet in a family home every Sunday. They would arrive at different times, to avoid suspicion. On one particular Sunday they were all safely inside the building, with curtains drawn and doors locked. They had been singing and praying for a while when the door burst open and two armed soldiers crashed in. One shouted, “Everybody up against the wall. If you wish to renounce your faith in Jesus Christ, you can leave now and no harm will come to you.” Two people left right away, then a third and fourth straggled out. “This is your last chance!” the soldier warned. “Either turn your back on this Jesus of yours or stay and suffer the consequences!” Two more slipped outside, crying and ashamed. No one else moved. Parents with small children trembling beside them looked down reassuringly. They fully expected to be gunned down on the spot, or imprisoned. After a few moments of silence, the soldiers closed the door. One of them said, “Keep your hands up – but this time in praise to our Lord Jesus Christ, brothers and sisters. We, too, are Christians. We were sent to another house Church like this several weeks ago, and we became believers.” The other soldier added, “We are sorry to have frightened those who left, but we have learned that unless people are willing to die for their faith, they cannot be fully trusted.” In times of trouble our Faith is tested, and we have a chance to do for Christ what he did for us: love him to the end. (E- Priest) (

# 16: The Emperor Moth: A man found a cocoon of an emperor moth and took it home to watch the moth come out. One day a small opening appeared. The man sat and watched the moth for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. The man thought it was stuck and decided to help. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that the moth could get out. Soon the moth emerged, but it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch, expecting that in time the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would simultaneously contract to its proper size. Neither happened. In fact, that little moth spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It was never able to fly. The man in his haste didn’t understand that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the moth to get through the tiny opening had a purpose. They force fluid from the body into the wings so that the moth can be ready for flight once it emerges from the cocoon. Just as the moth could only achieve freedom and flight as a result of struggling, we often need to struggle to fulfill our life’s mission. This life on earth, for us and for the Church as a whole, is like the moth’s life in the cocoon. The struggles God permits us have a purpose – by facing them bravely, with Faith and with the help of his grace, we and the Church will become what he created us to be. (E- Priest). (

17) “The hypocrites are gone now. You may begin the service.” The 2000-member church was filled to overflowing capacity one Sunday morning. The preacher was ready to start the sermon when two men, dressed in long black coats and black hats, entered via the rear of the Church. One of the two men walked to the middle of the Church while the other stayed at the back of the church. They both then reached under their coats and withdrew automatic weapons. The one in the middle announced, “Everyone willing to take a bullet for Jesus stay in your seat!” Naturally, the pews emptied, followed by the choir loft. The deacons ran out of the door too. After a few moments, there were about 20 people left sitting in the Church. The preacher was holding steady in the pulpit. The men put their weapons away and said, gently to the preacher, “All right, pastor, the hypocrites are gone now. You may begin the service.” -We should not be so anxious about when the world will end but rather should concern ourselves with the preparation needed for the end of our own individual life. Can we be faithful no matter what??
(Tomi Thomas in Spice Up Your Homilies; quoted by Fr. Botelho). (

18) The Decay of the best is the worst: Joseph Stalin was the most ruthless dictator of the former Soviet Union. He was the General Secretary of the Communist Party from 1922 to 1953. In 1928, he launched a series of five-year plans for the rapid industrialization and enforced collectivization of agriculture. As a result, more than ten million farmers were killed. He ruthlessly murdered hundreds and hundreds of the intellectuals who opposed him. He, in fact, had murdered more men than that manic Hitler. But the surprising thing is that Stalin as a teenager had joined the seminary to become a priest. He was expelled from it because of his revolutionary ideas. A noble desire went awfully wrong.  A man who desired to save souls became a monster who ruthlessly murdered people in millions. The decay of the best is always the worst. -In today’s Gospel, Jesus foretells the utter ruin and destruction of Jerusalem. Upon the Lord’s visitation, the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the Temple authorities rejected Him, and, consequently, destruction visited them. Today, let us look at the great beauty of the Temple, and also consider its ruin and the cause of it.
(John Rose in John’s Sunday Homilies; quoted by Fr. Botelho). (

19) Film –The Day After: When the movie The Day After was shown on television in 1983, it caused quite a controversy. This was because it was focused on the ultimate what if- the event of a global nuclear war. What if the population of Kansas City is instantly reduced to vaporized silhouettes; what if the blistered wounded are doomed to die; what if some survivors are surrounded by radioactive fallout that settles like a fine white dust all over the earth? The Day After was intended primarily to provoke serious reflection and discussion about nuclear disarmament. But it also provokes questions about our Faith. Would a good God allow such a terrifying evil to happen? Why do we have to die at all? Is there really a resurrection? –Today’s readings suggest some answers to these questions — not in the sense of complete explanations, but in the sense of strengthening our Faith in Jesus Christ, the Risen Son of the Living God. We don’t get a satisfying answer from the Scriptures to the question, “How can a good God allow such terrible evils like the slaughter of the seven sons of the Maccabees family? Or the death of innocent people in terrorist attacks? But we do get an affirmation of our Faith in an afterlife. No matter how terrifying death may be, whether at the hands of terrorists or nuclear weapons, life will be restored. No matter how much destruction a nuclear holocaust may cause, the day after will never be the last day. A new heaven and a new earth will appear because our God is a God of the living and not of the dead. With Christian Faith and Hope we are strong enough to survive any today, and, if need be, any day after. Jesus portrays for us graphically the destruction (Albert Cylwicki in His Word Resounds; quoted by Fr. Botelho). (

20) Have you ever tried to make a prediction? Here are some predictions from the past, all from people who were trusted individuals: Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, in 1943 said, “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” Popular Mechanics magazine in 1949 made this prediction: “Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vacuum tubes and weigh only 1.5 tons.” There was an inventor by the name of Lee DeForest. He claimed that “While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is impossibility.” The Decca Recording Co. made a big mistake when they made this prediction: “We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.” That was their prediction in 1962 concerning a few lads from Liverpool. Their band was called the Beatles. But today’s Gospel presents predictions made by Jesus, many of which have already been fulfilled while the remainder will be fulfilled. As the disciples walked out of the Temple in Jerusalem Jesus paused with his disciples, looked back at the Temple and predicted, “Do you see all these great buildings? Not one stone will be left on another.” (Fr. T. Kayala). (

21) The Best Conclusion: C. S. Lewis said that when the author appears on the stage, you know the play is over. This is how he understands the doctrine of the Second Coming of our Lord. It means that He who has begun a good work will bring it to the best conclusion of which He is capable. After all, no one has ever claimed that this planet earth was intended to exist forever. In what is called by scientists “the second law of thermodynamics,” it is clearly predicted that the energy supply of this planet will eventually come to an end, which means that a conclusion of life as we know it here is inevitable. The concept of the Second Coming merely affirms that such a conclusion will be purposeful. The drama of history is not going to just fizzle out or end in a whimper! It is going to come to the end and to the kind of climax that He Who conceived the drama wants for it. [Tom M. Garrision, Sermons for Sundays in Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany: Building a Victorious Life, (CSS Publishing Company); Gary L. Carver, quoted by Fr. T. Kayala.] (

22) Witnessing in a time of confusion and uncertainty: Anne Frank was a teenage Jewish girl who lived in Amsterdam during the early years of World War II. When the Germans began rounding up all the Jews, she and her family “went into hiding in some concealed rooms behind a bookcase in the building where Anne’s father worked” [Wikipedia], and lived there, haunted by the constant fear of detection. So it was anything but a normal existence of the young teenage girl and her terrified family. During that time, Anne Frank kept her famous diary, which her father found only after the war had ended. In it the young girl frankly expressed her thoughts and feelings with a maturity way beyond her years. So inspiring was that diary that it has been translated into many languages and continues to inspire people of all ages even today, over seventy years after it was written. In one remarkable passage, Anne Frank says: “It’s twice as hard for us young people to hold our ground, in a time when all ideals are being shattered and destroyed, when people are showing their worst side, and do not know whether to believe in truth and right and God. It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are good at heart. I see the world being turned into a wilderness; I hear the ever-approaching thunder, which will destroy us too; I can feel the suffering of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think it will all come right, that this cruelty will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again.” In spite of her hope and optimism, poor Anne did not live to see her dream fulfilled. In 1944, she and her family were found, arrested, and she and her sister Margot were imprisoned in the horrific Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, where the Jews were exterminated, and died there, probably in February, 1945, according to recent scholars writing in 2015 [Wikipedia]. What sustained Anne Frank during her ordeal was her Faith in God and in humanity. – Living an authentically Christian life today certainly poses a tough challenge; but of one thing we are absolutely assured, and that is our victory through our Faith in and our commitment to Christ Jesus. In the words of the famous freedom-fighter Alexander Solzhenitsyn, “A person without fear is no hero; the person who overcomes fear is” (James Valladares in Your Words, O Lord, Are Spirit, and They Are Life). (

23) Childhood’s End is a science fiction novel written by Sir Arthur C Clarke. In this novel, he describes that humanity is visited by aliens who resemble Satan. The aliens, named in the novel as the Overlords, are seen in the role of “heralds” for a god-like force named the Overmind. A transformation occurs in the last human generation, which ultimately merges with this Overmind, resulting in the destruction of the earth and the solar system. All the religions have their own beliefs about the end of the world, the triumph of good over evil and Judgment Day. In Christianity, the End Times are often depicted as a time of tribulations that precedes the Second Coming of Jesus, when Jesus will usher in the Kingdom of God and bring an end to suffering and evil. In Islam, the “Day of Resurrection” or “the Day of Judgment”, Allah’s final assessment of humanity, is preceded by the end of the world. In Judaism the term “End of Days” is taken as a reference to the Messianic era and the Jewish belief in the coming of Messiah. In the First Reading from the Book of Malachi, we heard the Lord say, “‘See, the day is coming.” (Fr. Bobby Jose). (

24) A Shining Witness: Shahbaz Bhatti was born to Catholic parents in Lahore, the provincial capital of Punjab. His father was an army officer and then became a teacher like his mother. The couple had six children, five boys and one girl. His father, who died after a protracted illness, was the main source of strength for Shahbaz. In 2002 Shahbaz formed the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance and became its first leader. He also joined Benazir Bhutto’s Party, and such was the respect in which he was held that he was appointed Minorities Minister that same year. In his acceptance speech he said he was accepting the office, “to help the oppressed, down-trodden and marginalized, and to send a message of hope to the people living a life of disappointment, disillusionment and despair.” He went on, “Jesus is the nucleus of my life, and I want to be his true follower through my actions by sharing the love of God with poor, needy and suffering people.” And he was as good as his word. Christians make up only 1.5 percent of Pakistan’s 185 million people. He decided to campaign against the country’s draconian blasphemy law, knowing that in all probability it would cost him his life. It was his defense of one woman in particular, Mrs. Bibi, that sealed his death warrant. Mrs. Bibi was falsely accused of insulting Mohammed, and was sentenced to death by hanging. Bhatti’s support for Mrs. Bibi was the last straw for his enemies. After a visit to his elderly mother, his body was riddled with bullets in Islamabad on March 2, 2011. He was only 42. Later a video he had made in view of such an eventuality was released. In it he said, “I am living for my community and for suffering people and I will die to protect their rights. I want to share that I believe in Jesus Christ, who has given his own life for us.” Everybody loves life. Bhatti loved life too, but he did not cling to it at all costs. For him the real life was eternal life. Faith in eternal life enabled him to sacrifice his life for Christ.
(Flor McCarthy in New Sunday & Holy Day Liturgies; quoted by Fr. Botelho). (

25) Never give up: When the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939, they immediately attempted to suppress the Catholic Church. Over the course of the next several years, they killed a third of the Polish clergy and outlawed Faith education. One Polish layman, Jan Tyranowski, decided to do something. He began a secret group, called the Living Rosary, to instruct people in their faith. He faced numerous obstacles, including the certainty of execution if he were discovered. However, he persevered, and, over the course of time, 10 of the young men who attended these groups became priests. One of those priests is known to history as Saint John Paul II. Imagine if Jan Tyranowski had given up. Imagine how different the world might be today without Saint John Paul II. In the same way, our holiness isn’t a matter of indifference. A saint is a sinner who keeps on trying. And that trying can change the world. (E-Priest). (

26) Perseverance pays off: Michael Jordan is considered one of the best basketball players in history. However, at one point in his career, he decided that his free-throw shooting wasn’t as good as it needed to be. He had already cemented his status as the greatest player of his generation, and it would have been easy to let that flaw slide. However, Jordan decided not to ignore it. He committed to making 500 free-throws before he left the gym after each Bulls practice. Not shooting 500 free-throws. Making 500 free throws! The dedication paid off. Michael Jordan finished his career as an 84% free-throw shooter. He persevered. Knowing that judgment is coming sets us free to live a full life, because it puts everything in proper perspective. (E-Priest). (

27) Charlemagne’s wisdom: The Emperor Charlemagne is one of the great figures in the history of western civilization. His empire, though not perfect, was a bright chapter in the dark ages of the barbarian invasions of Europe. He preserved western culture and advanced the cause of Christian civilization, planting seeds of holiness and prosperity that would flourish centuries later. His tomb can still be visited in the German city of Aachen [AH-ken], where his Empire was headquartered back in the 800s. He is buried in the central space beneath the dome of the imperial church there, called Aix-la- Chapelle [eye-lah-shop-ELL]. The burial chamber is a subterranean room. In the middle of the room is a marble chair – a chair on which kings used to be crowned – placed over his grave. On the chair sits a sculpted image of the Emperor, wrapped in his royal robes, with a book of the Gospels open on his lap. There he sits: cold, silent, motionless. The dead man’s finger points to the words of Jesus: “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” That was the perspective that made Charlemagne both a great man, great emperor, and also, even more importantly, a great Christian. (E-Priest) ( L/19