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Holy Trinity -Prayers


Holy Trinity B

Fr. Tony Kadavil:  


The mystery of the most Holy Trinity is a basic doctrine of faith in Christianity, understandable not with our heads but with our hearts. It teaches us that there are three distinct persons in one God, sharing the same divine nature.  Our mind cannot grasp this  doctrine  which  teaches  that 1+ 1+ 1 = 1 and not 3. But we believe in this mystery because Jesus who is God taught it clearly, the evangelists recorded it,  the Fathers of the Church tried  to explain  it and the Councils  of Nicaea and Constantinople defined it as a dogma of Christian faith.

Just Remind You to Be More Careful

Just Remind You to Be More Careful

Answer the phone by LEFT ear
Do not drink coffee TWICE a day
Do not take pills with COOL water

Health Benefits of Cold Showers

The best way to beat the summer heat is a cold shower, but there are more uses to a cold shower than we realise.

For one, a cold shower will cool your mind after a hot hard day in the city. You ought to know cold showers can help improve metabolism, prevent post-workout injuries and regulate uric acid levels in your body. This is just the tip of the iceberg, read further to learn about how cold showers can rejuvenate you.

Male fertility: Very few men may know this fact but heat is bad for your testes, it can potentially lower the sperm count. If you want a child, it's time to shower in cold water, plus you're saving electricity. So next time you visit the sauna you may want to think again.

blood circulation to eliminate toxins:
This requires some concentration – when cold water hits the surface of your skin, the blood vessels under the surface contract. This reduces the circulation of blood, but at the same time your body's automated blood pressure mechanism kicks in and targets the tissue. This causes the blood to circulate with extra boost, hence the blood flows with vigour improving the circulation.

Builds immunity: Do you want to increase white blood cells? Take a cold shower, it will increase your metabolism, which in turn increases the body heat, therefore invigorating your
immune system, releasing white blood cells.

Increases metabolism: When you're cold you reach out for a sweater. Similarly, when your body is cold it automatically generates heat, putting the metabolism into fast gear. That's when carbs and fats are burned to keep you warm.

Avoid sport or workout injuries: After you have over exercised your muscles, that is when they are inflamed and you need them to relax. To improve strength and muscle mass your muscle fibers expand and contract, hence to prevent ruptured fibers due to over training, cold water showers are advised.

Additional benefits: Cold showers can decrease chronic pain, reduce body aches, improve your hair health, improve kidney function, reduce swelling and edema,
heal and tone skin and regulate your autonomic nervous system.

Cold water and body rhythm: It deepens your
breathing. If you're tired, a cold shower will do the trick as it helps to fight fatigue. Can't sleep? A cold shower will help you hit the snooze button. If your hair products are not giving you the desired sheen, try cold water. Who knew cold showers had so many health benefits!

World’s Most Beautiful Restaurant Views

World travelers and foodies far and wide, feast your eyes on our list of the top restaurants with some of the world’s most beautiful views! The phrase, “location is everything” rings true with these top ten places that not only titillate your taste-buds with signature dishes, but aesthetically mesmerize everyone who visits with magnificent vistas tucked in the most alluring reaches of the Earth. Pack your bags, (knives, forks and spoons included) and prepare to be amazed.

The World's Most Beautiful Restaurant Dishes

Feast your eyes on some of the most beautiful dishes from restaurants around the globe—from California to Tokyo and everywhere in between! These eye-pleasing creations prove that the kitchen leaders in these restaurants aren't just top chefs; they're also amazing artists.

Hanging by the hooks on her bare back

What Is She Doing?  

Considering that this girl is smiling through this entire experience she must be getting a lot of pleasure out of it.

1What the Hell Is She Doing?




Pentecost B

From Fr. Tony Kadavil:

Pentecost  literally  means  50th.  It  is  a  feast  celebrated  on  the  50th   day  after  the Passover feast by the Jews and a feast celebrated on the 50th day after the feast of the Resurrection of Jesus by the Christians. The Jewish Pentecost was originally a post- harvest thanksgiving feast.   Later it was celebrated to remember God’s covenants with Noah after the Deluge and with Moses at Mt. Sinai