Fathers' Day - June 17

2 Corinthians 5:1-10 - "A Word for Christian Fathers"

You are familiar with the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Tolstoy's marriage was a saga of bitterness. His wife carped and complained and clung to her grudges until he could not bear the sight of her. When they had been married almost a half a century, sometimes she would implore him to read to her the exquisite, poignant love passages that he had written about her in his diary forty-eight years previously, when they were both madly in love with each other. As he read of the happy days that were now gone forever, they both wept bitterly.

11 Sunday -B

Mark 4:26-34 - "The Kingdom and the Seed"
Mark 4:26-34 - "Celebrate the Small Stuff"

Most of us have planted a garden or lived on or near a farm. In my case, I grew up in Chicago where they have to put cows in zoos because so many city people are shielded from agricultural life and would never otherwise get to see one. But for eleven years I served as the pastor of a church in the agriculturally-oriented community of Davenport, Iowa. Davenport is located in Scott County which is Mississippi River land. It is reported to be some of the richest soil in the world. I learned a lot about farming while living there. I learned about soil and seeds. I learned about the need for cooperation and balance between the various parts of nature - the sun, the soil, and the rain. Having returned recently from a trip to Iowa, I was very mindful of the soil


Truth, useful for those who love cooking and also useful for good health........................
"Knowledge is the only treasure that increases on sharing"

Love in action 1 Corinthians 13

Love in action 1 Corinthians 13

love in action

“You say you love me, at least 1000 times a day. But I can’t see that love in your actions.” My wife told me in a frustrated voice, after I denied to help her with the Sunday worship service one day. I paused for a moment. Isn’t she right? This was the situation in the Church of Corinth and that’s why Paul wrote to the church of Corinth at a time they had given priority to Spiritual gifts while ignoring to love each other.
Love without actions is dead! And this passage tells us what is real love.

Simple Innovations for Humble living

The Boy and the Lightning.

One rainy day, a mother went to pick up her son from school thinking he'll fear the lightning.

On the way she found him  smiling at the sky for every strike of lightning..She asked him why.

He smiled and said,

"God's taking my picture, I have to look good."

Life's simple..Its all about the way with which we approach it

Bartimaeus - The Blind man

Lessons from Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52



Blindness was prevalent through infection at birth in N.T. times.There must have been thousands throughout Judea.Why was Bartimaeus singled out to receive his healing? I believe there were four reasons.