Mary Magdalene - New Perspectives

Scholars seek to correct Christian tradition on Mary Magdalene

The sinful woman - Lk. 7
The fanciful fictions about Mary Magdalene in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code are not the only errors about the biblical saint that modern scholars are seeking to correct.
They are also trying to set straight centuries of erroneous Christian tradition regarding her that developed, especially in the West.

In A.D. 591 Pope St. Gregory the Great preached a sermon in which he identified as one person the New Testament figures of Mary Magdalene, the sinful woman who anointed Jesus’ feet and washed them with her tears, and the Mary who was the sister of Lazarus and Martha of Bethany.
Although he was only reflecting a tradition that had gained some ground in the West (and was resisted by many of the church’s early theologians), the sermon became a reference point for later scholarship, teaching and preaching in the West, Father Raymond F. Collins, a New
Testament scholar at The Catholic University of America, said in an interview.

Father's Day

Hear – Paul Anka’s song dedicated to fathers:

Potato Story

The Stinking Potatoes

A kindergarten teacher has decided to let her class play a game.
The teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag containing a few potatoes.

Prayer Life

The Ten Steps To A Good Prayer Life

Prayer is communication With God. It is not a one sided communication, it is a commitment to be in touch with the Creator of this universe. It is an opportunity to open up to God and let Him perform his interaction with you. The preparations we make will have an effect on the power of prayer in your life.

Seed and growth - Prayer - June 17

Prayer Reflection

Lord we thank you for the times that a bible passage touched us deeply.
When we first read it we knew it was a beautiful word;
so we just received it like a seed sown on the land.
Then we carried on with our daily lives
knowing that somehow the words of the passage were there within us
weaving in and out of our experience.
Gradually we began to catch glimpses of its meaning.
Then, quite unexpectedly, it all came together
and we knew that the passage was ours
and all we had to do was enjoy it and give you thanks.

11 Sunday B - Prayers & Introductions


Glory to him whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus. May the Lord Jesus be with you. R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

 A. Patience: These Are Only Seeds (Option 1) We live in a time that expects efficiency and immediate results. But a plant or a tree needs time to grow; and human relations cannot be built nor our problems solved overnight. People too need time to grow and change. Fortunately, God is patient with us. But we must become patient with one another and, with God's help, give people and the Church and God's Kingdom of justice, peace, and love the time needed to grow. We can just sow the seed and then wait in hope. If it is a good seed we sow, it will certainly grow. Jesus assures us that it will sprout and bear fruit.