Pastor Rick Warren

Life & God – Rick Warren

Pastor Rick Warren Pastor Warren is the same person who prayed for President Obama on the day of the President’s swearing in. You will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has, with his wife now having cancer and him having ‘wealth’ from the book sales. This is an absolutely incredible short interview with Rick Warren, ‘Purpose Driven Life’ author and pastor of Saddleback Church in California. In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick said: People ask me, What is the purpose of life?
And I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven. One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body– but not the end of me. I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act – the dress rehearsal.
Pastor Rick Warren delivering a speech at the Russell Senate Office Building

32 Sunday B Nov 11 - Homilies

Thomas O'Loughlin
Introduction to the Celebration  

We can gather here because each of us has heard, in some way or another, the divine invitation to become beloved daughters and son of the Father. The Spirit has moved our hearts to set out to follow the Lord, and we have started on a journey towards the Father in the way we live our lives. However, as we gather today to celebrate this journey, we are also conscious that we often fail to live life in accordance with this invitation. The gospel recalls Jesus seeing a poor widow in the temple treasury and his way of looking at this woman is a challenge to all of us who accept his invitation to follow him. 

Quotes 41 - Accomplishment

"There's a very positive relationship
between people's ability to
accomplish any task and the time
they're willing to spend on it."
- Joyce Brothers

The Old Man and His Son - A Story with a Lesson

A short story with a lesson

An old man, staying in a small south Indian town came to visit his son in Mumbai recently. The son in his early thirties is a successful businessman living with his wife and son. The father, having spent most of his life at his birthplace, hardly understands Hindi English, Marathi. But he doesn’t care. ‘I have come here to spend a few days with my son and his family. I don’t have to go out and socialize with the city people,’ he said.
But the son is very excited about his father’s rare visit to Bombay. He wants to make the best of it. He and his wife want to show him around the city. And yes, the son enjoys those evening hours too, when he and his father go out and sit in a good bar, sipping their favourite drink.
Last week he told his father ‘Let’s go to a five star hotel’s bar tonight’. It was a beautiful evening. Talking about everything under the sun they had a few drinks. As usual they were offered some salad, peanuts, wafers etc. as accompaniments with their drinks. The old man being almost toothless was not much interested in eating. But that day when they got up to leave, he simply took a handful of chana (roasted grams) and stuffed it in the fold of his dhoti. He might have thought > about munching on them, sitting in the car.

World's Largest Funerals

 Some people touch us in an amazing way. When they pass away their funeral becomes a public affair where people who have often only seen them on TV perform a public outpouring of emotion. I may be lucky to have two or three people attend my funeral. S
ome people have had a few more though. Occasionally around the world there are people whose funeral brings millions of people onto the street to mourn. Here are the biggest ones.

1. Princess Diana

Princess Diana was known as the Princess of the People. The world was shocked by her sudden death and in the UK she turned overnight from an oft ridiculed Princess, into a national heroine. The funeral of Diana was held in London on September 6th 1997. The procession drew an estimated three million mourners, who lined the streets of London to pay homage to their Princess.

Health Tips - Fruits and Vegetables

” Info You Can Well Use … ”
Whiten teeth with banana Peel
Remedy for removing dark circles
Don't cross your legs
Care for your heart while you sleep
Anti-Cancer Superfruits
Health Tips
Full ripe banana
Effects of high heel shoes

Health benefits of Bananas


” Health Benefits of Consuming Dates ”
1. Dates are free from cholesterol and contain very low fat. Dates are rich in vitamins and minerals.
2. They are rich source of protein, dietary fiber and rich in vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B5 along with vitamin A1 and C.
3. It helps improve the digestive system as it contains soluble and insoluble fibers and different kinds of amino acids.
4. Dates are great energy boosters as they contain natural sugars like glucose, sucrose and fructose. To get more advantage add dates to milk and make it a very nutritious snack.
5. Dates are very low in calories and are extremely suitable for health conscious people.
6. Dates are rich in potassium and reduced in sodium. This helps regulate a healthy nervous system. Researchers have revealed the fact that potassium intake up to a certain extent can reduce risk of stroke.
7. Dates also help in lowering of the LDL cholesterol.
8. Dates have high iron content and are very useful in treating anemia. The patients can eat many dates for better advantages.
9. Dates also have fluorine that slows down the process of tooth decay.
10. It helps people suffering from constipation. Soak dates overnight and take it along with water to have added advantage.
11. Dates help in weight gain and are beneficial for those who suffer from over slimming problem.
12. Dates are excellent for alcoholic intoxication.Cures abdominal cancer.
13. It also helps in improving eye sight and helps in curing night blindness as well.
14. It also improves the sperm count when taken with milk.
“The best thing is that it does not have any side effect on the body and is completely natural as well as it works better than medicine.”
Cosmetic chemicals in fast food

10 Ways to be happy
Health benefits of Bananas

Benefits of red fruits


How to go to Heaven - Childrens' Answer

I was testing the children

in my Sunday school class

to see if they understood the concept
of getting to heaven.

I asked them, 'If I sold my house and my car,

had a big garage sale

and gave all my money

 to the church,

Would that get me into Heaven?'
'NO!' the children answered.

'If I cleaned the church every day,

mowed the yard,

and kept everything neat and tidy,
would that get me into Heaven?'

Again, the answer was, 'NO!'

By now I was starting to smile.

Hey, this was fun!

'Well, then, if I was kind to animals

and gave candy

to all the children,

played with them and loved them

 and loved my husband,

would that get me into Heaven?'
I asked them again.

Again, they all answered, 'NO!'

 I was just bursting with pride for them..
'Well,' I continued, 'then how can I get into Heaven?'

A five-year-old boy shouted out,