10 tips for a happy life, according to Pope Francis

 Pope Francis attends a meeting of prayer at the Isernia's cathedral on July 5, 2014 in Isernia - Campobasso, Italy. (Franco Origlia/Getty)

Earlier this year, Pope Francis outlined a ten-point plan for happiness. The Top 10 list appeared in an interview for the Argentine magazine Viva, which was released to celebrate Francis' first 500 days in office. As the National Catholic Register reports, Francis was interviewed by Pablo Calvo, "an old acquaintance" of his, which added a familiar and off-the-cuff quality to the interview. Calvo also noted that Francis rarely referenced God during their 77-minute conversation.

Here are Francis' 10 steps for a happy, healthy life.

1) "Live and let live"

The first step to peace and happiness, said Francis, is following the ancient advice of the Romans: Campa e fascia campĂ , or, "live and let live." This advice is an echo of his now famous "Who am I to judge?" line, which was spoken in the context of his view that the Church should not "interfere spiritually" in the life of any person, gay or straight.

19 SUNDAY B - Living Bread

Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
In this passage, Jesus again draws lessons about life from the feeding of the five thousand.
I remind you that all teaching of Jesus recorded in the gospels is intended to speak to experience, and we must therefore appeal to our experience to discover its truth. This can be difficult with passages like these: one reason is that the language is not the kind that we use ordinarily. Some expressions – such as “eternal life,” “being drawn by the Father,” “living bread,” “flesh” – you will have to bring down to earth for yourself, applying them to what you have lived yourself.

18 Sunday B Homiles--Jesus, the Bread of Life

Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
With this gospel we begin the series of teachings of Jesus which draw lessons from the miraculous feeding, all under the general theme of Jesus as Bread of Life.
The language in these passages comes across as vague and abstract, and we must make a special effort to let the passages speak to our experience as all gospel passages are meant to do.

The Most Important Medical Test : pH: Acidic VS. Alkaline Ratio

 Dr. Sudhir V. Shah M.D., D.M. (Neurology) Consultant Neurologist, Prof. And HOD, Neurology, V.S.G.Hospital, Ahmedabad.  Director of Neurosciences, Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad.

Recently I spoke at a health conference. There was one general reaction that came through loud and clear: surprise. 

You see, I talked about the number that is THE most telling indicator about your state of health and is arguably the most important number to pay attention to if you want a life free of pain, inflammation and disease.

17 Sunday B - Give them Something Yourself

Like the crowds we have gathered here to hear the message of Jesus.
Like those crowds we have gathered here to be fed from his hands.
Like on that hillside, Jesus takes our loaf, gives thanks to the Father, and gives it to all of us who are sitting around ready to be fed by him.

16 Sunday B: Leadershiip: Disciples & People

 Michel DeVerteuil
Textual Comments
Today’s passage, like those of the last two Sundays, is an account of the ministry of Jesus and contains several messages that are important for us today. We can feel free to identify with one of the three characters in the story:
–  Jesus,
–  the apostles,
–  the crowds.
Verse 30.  Jesus highlights the contrast between two aspects of teaching:
– “what we do”
– “what we teach”.
These are two distinct realities and in our teaching we should reflect on both. We need to share how we feel about things – within ourselves, with one another, and finally with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.