33 Sunday B - End Times

by Fr. Tommy Lane
After the Gulf War in 1991 black snow fell in parts of the Middle East caused by the smoke from all the burning oil in Kuwait. With nuclear weapons humanity possesses the power now to create a nuclear winter where the sun’s light would be blotted out due to so much smoke in the atmosphere. It is sobering to think that we now have the power to fulfill Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel when he said the sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness, stars will fall and the powers in the heavens will be shaken (Mark 13:24-25). Jesus made that statement not to frighten us but to remind us that there is nothing permanent in this world and to live with an eye on the End because when he comes again the world and the cosmos will be dissolved. Jesus said those words to give us a second chance, a second chance at living as he asks, a second chance at preparing for judgment, a second chance at preparing for our death.

A Little on the Lighter Side - Quotes

Johnny's Copper Coins

They called this deaf man an 'idiot'and look what he went on to build

They called this deaf man an 'idiot'and look what he went on to build 


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The neighbourhood kids in Saji Thomas's remote Idukki village used to call him 'potten' (idiot) and not just because, as children often cruelly do, he was born deaf and mute but because he was also constantly trying to piece together junk into something new.

Sudha's Copper Coins: True Story

Sudha Murthy, chairperson, Infosys Foundation is known for her ability to glean interesting stories from the lives of ordinary people. The following is extracted from her latest collection, 'Bombay to Bangalore':
It was the beginning of summer. As I boarded the Udyan Express at Gulbarga, I saw that the 2nd class reserved compartment was jam-packed with people. I sat down and was pushed to the corner of the berth. The ticket collector came in and started checking people's tickets. Suddenly, he looked in my direction and asked, what about your ticket? 'I have already shown my ticket to you', I said.

32 Sunday B: Poor Widow's Copper Coins

Treating the 10 Most Common Home Accidents

 Everyone knows that most accidents happen at home, which is not surprising. Our home is where we spend most of our time. We cook our meals there, we spend time with our family, and we lay down our weary heads after a long day. All of these activities increase the likeliness of getting hurt, which is why it is important to know how to deal with each of these injuries. The tips below will introduce you to the most common injuries and the proper way to treat them. Remember: acting quickly and correctly can greatly reduce the chances of complications.

God in My Life

The story of a courageous woman, an Army wife, Deepa Malik

If you think the Soldiers fighting for the Nation are the toughest, think again !!

The WOMEN behind them are equally strong. Of all the numerous tales of courageous women who are with Men in Uniform here is the life journey of one of a kind dare devil Deepa Malik.

The proud & most deserving recipient of the Aravali Samman by Maharana Mewad Foundation 31st Annual Recognition Award on 26th February 2012, Deepa Malik, 42 yrs, a mother of two who has been paralysed for the past 12 years after 3 major spinal surgeries is no less than a super woman.

Make a Rotten Banana Fresh Again!