The Visitation Revisited

The days following the angel’s announcement had been the most exciting, most disorienting days of Mary’s life. With only one fresh water spring, the village of Nazareth was small. Rumors flew. By all appearances, she had fallen into disgrace. She was avoided, even slandered by her own kindred, homeless in her own hometown. The silence between her and Joseph was a yawning chasm. Yet even as whispers turned into open slander among the townsfolk, Mary’s heart beat with purpose. She remembered God’s promises. And she remembered her promise, I am the Lord’s handmaiden.

Advent 4 C: Mary and Elizabeth

Michel de Verteuil
General comments
Each year the gospel passage for this Sunday is a story of Mary’s pregnancy, and for this year it is the visitation. We meditate on this story as the second joyful mystery of the rosary, so that this could be an opportunity to go into it deeper than we usually can in saying the rosary, and this would give depth to the way we say that prayer which plays an important part in the lives of many people.

Heart of a Caregiver - Video

People are Awesome - must see

Weekend Humor on our Current Intolerance

A man at the Mumbai zoo sees a tiger getting loose and attacking a
woman! He fights the tiger and kills it with his knife and it dies!


Later the man was interviewed, he says "I'm not an Indian"
Report changed "Foreign Hero Saves lady from tiger" .

When further questioned the man says: . "Actually I'm a Pakistani ."

Breaking News: .  "Terrorist killed Innocent tiger which was playing with a Girl.."

Advent 3 C - Gaudate

Michel de Verteuil
General Comments

On the third Sunday of Advent St Luke gives us a glimpse into the personality of that wonderful person, John the Baptist. In your meditation, let him remind you of great people you have known.

Advent Hope: The fearless nun inside ‘hell on earth’

 Story By:
Neyda Rojas
For more than 17 years, a Catholic nun named Neyda Rojas has been serving God in a place that many describe as hell on earth – a Venezuelan prison.
For decades, penitentiaries here have been criticised by human rights organisations for allowing serious human rights violations to take place behind their walls.
Although the government has introduced reforms to improve living conditions, some Venezuelan prisons are still among the most violent and overcrowded in Latin America.

Advent 2 C

Michel de VerteuilGeneral Comments
John the BOn the second and third Sundays of Advent, the church gives us John the Baptist as a model of someone who knows how to wait. In this first passage we have Luke’s summary of the mission of John the Baptist. It is none other than the mission of Jesus himself and of all preachers of the gospel.
In verses 1 and 2 St Luke invites us to meditate on God’s word which comes to John in the wilderness, bypassing the powerful ones of the world.
Verse 3 is a concise summary of John’s (and Jesus’) preaching.
There are two aspects to verses 4 and 5: the fact that John lived out the vocation of Isaiah, and then the content of his preaching expressed in poetic language. We are invited to identify with both aspects.

Daily Advent reflections - 1

You need to find the corresponding dates for this year
2011 Advent Reflections for the Jesse Tree
Sunday, November 27
“But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom.”                                                                                                                 Isaiah 11:1
The first Jesse Tree symbol is a dove, reminding us of the peace and harmony of creation as God intended. You can read the full story of Jesse in Isaiah 11:110 and David in 1 Samuel 16:113. Jesse is the father of David, beginning a line of descendants that will lead to Jesus, the Messiah.

Advent - Daily Reflections - 2

Daily Advent Reflections

Longing for Peace

Advent is when peace becomes something visible. All year, of course, we long for peace, but Christians spend these four weeks preparing for the coming of the Messiah, the Prince of Peace. We long not solely for peace on earth, the absence of conflict, but also, more deeply, for the peace of Christ, “peace that surpasses all understanding” (see Phil 4:7). When we celebrate Mass each Sunday, we pray for this peace and even exchange a sign of it before we approach the table of the Eucharist.