Pope's Letters and Exhortations

Pope: "Amoris Laetitia," or "The Joy of Love,"

Pope Francis calls on the world's Catholics to support families in crisis

Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News
"Amoris Laetitia," or "The Joy of Love," is a new letter from Pope Francis on what people must do to support successful family life. (DepositPhotos)
"Amoris Laetitia," or "The Joy of Love," is a new letter from Pope Francis on what people must do to support successful family life. (DepositPhotos)
People need to nurture their relationships with family members, friends and neighbors and resist the tendency to give up or turn away from individuals in need, Pope Francis declared in a letter on family life, released Friday.
The pope explained that self-absorbed behavior threatens the family unit and harms those who rely on community support, such as people with disabilities and the elderly.
"No one can think that the weakening of the family … will prove beneficial to society as a whole," he writes in "Amoris Laetitia," which is translated in English as "The Joy of Love."

Easter 3 C - Liturgical Prayers

Greetings (See Second Reading)
To the One who is sitting on the throne
and to the Lamb
be all praise, honor, glory and power.
May the Risen Lord be with you all.
R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant
A. Encountering The Risen Lord
Perhaps we envy the apostles for having seen and experienced Jesus after he had risen from the dead. There is no reason to be envious of them: If we have faith, we too experience him as risen, alive, present, and sharing our life. If we have faith we know he is there when we suffer mishaps and failures or when we rejoice. If we have faith, we know Jesus is there when we strengthen and encourage one another. If we have faith, we know Jesus is with us when we share a meal of friendship, and, especially and deeply, when we eat together from the table of the Eucharist. Lift up your heads and be happy: the Risen Lord is with us in life.

Easter 3 C: Do you Love me?

Introduction to the Celebration 

Chinese Doctor and American Lawyer

A Chinese Doctor can't find a job in a Hospital in the US, so he opens a clinic and puts a sign outside 'GET TREATMENT FOR $20 - IF NOT CURED GET BACK $100.' An American lawyer thinks this is a great opportunity to earn $100 and goes to the clinic. Lawyer: "I have lost my sense of taste." Chinese: "Nurse, bring medicine from box No. 22 and put 3 drops in patient's mouth." Lawyer: "Ugh. this is kerosene."