Ascension 2016

 Michel de VerteuilGeneral Textual comments

The Ascension of Jesus was an essential stage in his relationship with this followers. He had walked with them in their moments of strength and of weakness, and now he was leaving them.

Eating Small Amounts Of Chocolate Daily May Lower Heart Disease, Diabetes Risk

By Jereal Cawis, Tech Times   

Chocolates are known to be related to many weight disorders such as obesity. However, a new study revealed that small amounts of chocolates taken every day could lower the risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

Easter 6 C - Liturgy

As the Spirit reminds us of Jesus' teaching,
may the love of the Father and the Son
and the peace of our risen Lord
be always with you.
R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant

A. The Farewell Gifts of Jesus

Every now and then you hear about an old person, aware that death is not far away, giving advice to his or her daughters and sons: When I will be gone, do this and that for your own good and happiness. Jesus' parting words are also meant for us; they are a sort of testament. Jesus is saying that if we find that elusive true peace which he alone can give, we have to love him and the Father, and also one another. We have to keep listening to the Holy Spirit reminding us of Jesus and his teachings.

Easter 6 C:: Peace I Leave with you

Michel de Verteuil
General Textual comments
In this second extract from the last discourse of Jesus we see various aspects of the spiritual life being brought out. The aspects are interconnected, but you can look at them separately if you like.

Easter 5 C - Liturgy

Greetings (See Second Reading)
God lives among his people,
he makes his home among us
in his Son Jesus Christ.
In Jesus, may he be our God-with-us.
The Lord be with you.
R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant
A. Love Is Inventive

We are often surprised because of the things people who love us do for us or give us: it amazes us how inventive love can be. Look at God, the origin of all love: he lets his own Son become one of us; Jesus astonishes us by his love for sinners, for misfits in life, for those who suffer. He gives up his life for us. And it is that inventive love which he makes the heart of our faith and our life. If we only had a bit of love like that we could make ourselves and our world all new. It is this inventive, renewing love which Jesus comes to share with us in this eucharist.