The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ

Michel de Verteuil
General Textual comments

Corpus Christi is an occasion for us to celebrate the sacrament of the Eucharist.
It should also be an occasion when we enter into the symbolism of this great sacrament, letting it teach us deep lessons about life, our relationship with God and with one another.

Funny but heart opening life facts…

👉Airports have seen more affectionate kisses than Wedding Halls..

👉The walls of Hospitals have heard more sincere prayers than the walls of Temples, Masjids & Churches…

👉Good Days or Bad Days depend on your thinking. What you call ” Suffocation” in local train becomes an “Atmosphere” in Disco…

Holy Trinity - Liturgy

Greetings     The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    the love of the Father
    and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
    be with you all.
    R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

    A. Experience God with the Heart

    At this celebration of the Blessed Trinity, perhaps we ask ourselves how we can understand this one God with three faces, the Trinity. Our human mind is too small to grasp this mystery. But the Bible, already in the Old Testament, shows us that wisdom is not mere knowledge but the art of life, understanding with the heart as we reflect on our experience. And that experience tells us: God is love, and comes to us in many ways, with fatherly and motherly concern and care, with forgiveness and life brought us by Jesus, with courage and joy, hope and light poured out on us by the Holy Spirit. May we grow in this experience in this Eucharist.

Holy Trinity

Points For Reflection: 

1)     Missionary in Africa brings a sundial. Chief insists on putting it in the centre of the village. Later they built a roof over it.
2)     Imageries: St. Patrick – 3 leaves of the clover shamrock on one stem; St Ignatius 3 notes but one sound; water with three forms – ice, steam and liquid; 3 vows of the religious: poverty to the Father, chastity to the Son and Obedience (listen attentively) to the Spirit.

Pentecost - Liturgy

Greeting (See Second Reading)
In the one Spirit we were all baptized,
and one Spirit was given
to us all to drink.
May the Holy Spirit be given to you
and be always with you.

Pentecost - 2016


General Textual comments
Jesus is about to leave his apostles and as he gets ready to do this, he begins to speak to them about something that will happen and which will be of tremendous importance for them and for understanding him and where he is coming from.

Weekend Humor: Burial for the Dog

A dog 🐕 died and the owner took it to a pastor. He asked the pastor if he could organise a funeral service for the dead animal.