Pope's Homilies and Speeches - Jun 4

Pope's Homilies and Speeches- Jun 25

14 Sunday C: Liturgy Alive

Greetings (See Second Reading)
Peace and mercy to all
who become new in Christ.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant
A. Disciples Must Be Missionaries
How many people belong to our Church? Catholics number less than 18% of the world population. Yet Luke says that Jesus tells us today: "The harvest is rich but there are few laborers. Pray to the Lord to send us harvesters." And then, whom does Jesus send? Not just the leaders, but the disciples too. And where are they sent? To all nations and to all peoples, for they are seventy-two, as many as there were peoples known in those days. And how are they sent? In all humility receiving the people's hospitality and kindness and proclaiming to them the Kingdom of God. Let us ask Jesus to make us suitable messengers.

14 Sunday C: The Kingdom of God is Near: Go

**** Discipleship in Jesus
Michel de VerteuilGeneral Textual Comments
In order to make a fruitful meditation on this passage, we must set ourselves some guidelines.


The Taj hotel group in India had invited Mr. Masai Imai from Japan to hold a workshop for its staff.    The staff were very skeptical - the hotel is doing excellent business, this person from Japan has no exposure to hotel industry - what exactly is he going to teach?  
But everybody gathered as planned for the workshop in the conference hall sharp at 9 am.   Mr. Masai was introduced to them - a not so impressive personality, nor the English all that good; spoke as if he was first formulating each sentence in Japanese and then translating it into rather clumsy English. 

Diabetes Treatment: Hoax or True

13 Sunday C - Liturgy Alive

Greetings (See Second Reading)
Christ has called us to freedom,
to serve God and one another.
May his liberating Spirit be always with you.
R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant
A. On The Way With Jesus
A farmer who looks back while he is plowing will certainly make crooked furrows and perhaps not plow some parts of the field at all. Jesus invites us again today to follow him and to do so by going his way, not our crooked one. Once we have accepted his invitation, we should not look back to regret our choice or to dwell on past mistakes. Let us go ahead with Jesus, also when the going is rough. We ask the Lord to give us the strength to follow him all the way.