19 Sunday C - Liturgy

1. Stand Ready in Faith
2. God Is with Us

Greeting (See Heb 3:14)
The Lord Jesus is here with us.
We are all partners with him
if we hold on to the trust
we had in the beginning.
May he always be with you. R/ And also with you.

19 Sunday C: Be Awake and Alert

Michel de Verteuil
Textual comments
The gospel passage for this Sunday consists of sayings of Jesus, so it would be good to look first at some general principles that must be respected in interpreting sayings.
Remember, first, that in gospel meditation a passage must be read very slowly. I mention this because the sayings of Jesus are short, and often people tend to read them quickly. This happens especially in a passage like this, where we have several sayings on one general theme. It is, however, not a logically constructed teaching, but a collection of sayings, each one different and with its own way of putting across the theme. We must therefore take them separately, letting each one in turn rest in our hearts. Each one is like a special wine, and God invites us to be connoisseurs who take time to savour each one and discover its distinctive flavour.

18 Sunday C - Liturgy

There is only Christ:
he is everything  and he is in everything.
He has brought us back to true life.
May his grace and peace be with you.
R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant
A. What Are We Living for?
What do we consider most important in life? The message of today confronts us with this question. And it is basic for our Christian living. Are there more important things for us than money, goods, and power? Do we find love of God and neighbor, friendship and affection, and concern for each other greater and lasting and worthy of living for? What is the answer we give Jesus today?

18 Sunday C: True Treasures & Riches

Script Reading
Gospel Text: Luke 12:13-21

Judge the Three Persons

Can you judge who is the better person out of these 3 ?

Mr A - He had friendship with bad politicians, consults astrologers, two wives, chain smoker, drinks eight to 10 times a day.

I have Learned ..... from Life

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