34 Sunday C: CHRIST THE KING - Liturgical Prayers

The Father has given us a place
in the kingdom of his beloved Son.
In him we gain our freedom,
the forgiveness of our sins.
May Jesus the Lord be with you.
R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant
A. Was I There When They Crucified My King?What a King we have! "He saved others, let him save himself," jeered the religious leaders of the people. A King, mocked, and dying on a cross for the sake of saving people. Even from the cross he told a repentant bandit, "Today you will be with me in paradise." Hanging there with his arms wide-open, he embraced the whole world in a gesture of love and reconciliation. This is the King we acclaim today in this Eucharist and in life.

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34 Sunday C: Christ the King

Gospel Text:  Luke 23:35-43
Michel de Verteuil
General Textual comments
In order to enter into the celebration of today’s feast, two points need to be clarified.
The first concerns the meaning of “kingship” in this context. In modern Western culture, kings and queens do not exercise much power; in the Bible, however, their power is absolute. What we are celebrating in today’s feast, then, is the power of Jesus – who never used his power to his own advantage.

33 Sunday C - Liturgical Prayerrs

Neither death nor life,
neither the present nor the future
nor any other creature
can separate us from the love of God,
the love he has made visible in Christ Jesus our Lord.
May the Lord Jesus be always with you.
R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant
A. We Are People Of Hope
In all ages there have been "prophets of doom," as the good Pope John XXIII called them. They are people so scared by the problems of their time that they think the end of the world is near. Our day is one of rapid changes, much violence and hunger and suffering. Now we know about them immediately via television and other media. No wonder that many sects arise and speculate about the end of our world. The message of today's liturgy is: don't be afraid. Keep trusting in God, be a steadfast Christian and bear witness to God's love. You are in his hands, and Christ is here among us.

33 Sunday C: End Times - Fighting back or Falling back

templeGospel Text: Luke 21:5-19

Michel de Verteuil
General Textual comments
This gospel passage is a collection of many different sayings of Jesus, all of them relevant to a situation of crisis in the present or looming in the future. You will recognize their truth from your experience of small as well as big crises.

32 Sunday C: Liturgy

1. People of the Resurrection
2. The God of the Living

Greeting (See Second Reading)
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself,
and God our Father, who has given us his love,
comfort you and strengthen you
in everything good that you do and say.
His joy and hope be always with you. R/ And also with you.