5 Sunday A: Be Salt and Light

light of the worldGospel Text: Matthew 5:13-16

Michel de Verteuil
General notes
Following on the Beatitudes, this Sunday’s gospel adds some more insights into the qualities of the followers of Jesus. It does this through three images – salt, light (in two phases) and a city built on a hilltop.       

4 Sunday A: Beatitudes: Blessed are you

Gospel Text: Matthew 5:1-12
Michel DeVerteuil
General comments
On this Sunday the “continuous reading” of St Matthew’s gospel (see last week’s “guidelines”) leads us to the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ long discourse which runs from chapters 5 to 7 and has always been recognised as a summary of all his teaching.

3 Sunday A: Liturgical Prayers

May Christ, the true light of the world,
always brighten and inspire our lives.?
May our faces reflect his warmth and love,?
and may the Lord always be with you. R/ And also with you.

3 Sunday A: The Light of God: Come and Be the Light

Fr. Bill Grimm:

From The Connections:

‘My Monastery Is a Minivan’

When asked our religion, most of us would describe ourselves as “Catholic” or “Christian.”  But we would tend to back away from daring to call ourselves “disciple” or “follower.”  That description rightly belongs to the great heroes of our faith: the apostles and holy men and women of the Gospel, the saints and martyrs, the Francises of Assisi, the Mother Teresas, the Thomas Mertons, the Dorothy Days, the Albert Schweitzers.  Our lives are too ordinary, our professions too worldly to dare imagine that we are doing the work of the Gospel Jesus.

Girl: Don't Give up

2 Year Old Boy Saves his Twin Brother

2 Sunday A: John Baptist: Behold the Lamb of God

World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Gospel reading: John 1:29-34

Michel de Verteuil
General notes
 As happens each year, the lectionary remains with Christmas themes (and with St John’s gospel) for one more week. It is as if the church is still enjoying Christmas and is reluctant to move on to Ordinary Time and St Matthew.