Lent 1 Sunday A: Liturgical Prayers

A. I Will Serve
B. Forty Days to Easter 
We are gathered in the name of Jesus.
He brought us life instead of death;
by his obedience he made up for our disobedience.
May his grace and peace be always with you.

R/ And also with you.
Introduction by the Celebrant
A. I Will Serve 

Lent 1 Sunday A: Temptations to Pleasure, Power and Living Irresponsibly

Fr. Bill Grimm:
1st Lent A from Jaimelito Gealan
Gospel text : Matthew 4:1-11

Jesus in desertMichel DeVerteuil 
General Comments
Like all who see their lives as a grateful response to God’s call, Jesus must make the basic choice to trust God, whatever the circumstances he finds himself in. In this story, under very great pressure, Jesus makes his choice. Who does he remind you of at this moment of decision?