16 Sunday A: Weed among Wheat: Growth of the KOG

Gospel text: Matthew 13:24-3

Michel DeVerteuil 
General Comments

images of Mt 13We have three more parables this Sunday. The first is the parable about the wheat and the darnel in verses 24 to 30, with an interpretation in verses 36 to 43; this is one possible interpretation – feel free to let the parable lead you in other directions. As always when reading a parable, be conscious of the perspective you are coming from: are you identifying with the wheat that a planter allowed to grow although some enemy had sown darnel alongside it? With the man who had the trust to let both grow together? Or with the servants who wanted to pull up the darnel, even though they might pull up the wheat with it? Be conscious also of whether the parable is
– bringing back memories from your past,
– giving you an insight into what is happening to you now,
– or inviting you to trust in the future.

15 Sunday A: The Sower, Seeds, Growth

Another Indian Video Message at the bottom:

Gospel text: Matthew 13:1-23

Michel DeVerteuil
General Comments

14 Sunday A: Come to me all who are Burdened ...'

Another video of an Indian priest's Reflection at the bottom:

“Do you have any idea who I am?" 

The Los Angeles Times published the story of a commercial airline flight cancellation which resulted in a long line of travelers trying to get bookings on another flight. One man in the line grew increasingly impatient with the slow-moving line.  At last, he pushed his way to the front and angrily demanded a first-class ticket on the next available flight. "I’m sorry," said the ticket agent, “First I’ll have to take care of the people who were ahead of you in the line." The irate man then pounded his fist on the ticket counter, saying, "Do you have any idea who I am?" Whereupon, the ticket agent picked up the public address microphone and said, "Attention, please! There is a gentleman at the ticket counter who does not know who he is. If there is anyone in the airport who can identify him, please come to the counter." Hearing this, the man retreated, and the people waiting in line burst into applause.   We are like this man. We have forgotten how to wait patiently. In today’s gospel, Jesus invites us to learn his meekness and humility. (Tony Kadavil)

13 Sunday A: Radicality of Discipleship

Fr. William Grimm's Video at the end.
*** Gospel reading: Matthew 10:37-42

Michel de Verteuil
General comments
According to the liturgical practice of our Church, when a teaching of Jesus is continued over several weeks, each Sunday’s reading begins with a reminder of the context. Today’s passage therefore begins, “Jesus instructed the twelve as follows”, or “Jesus said to his apostles”. This practice reminds us that in our Catholic tradition we always read the bible “historically” – with the awareness that each book, indeed each passage, was composed in a certain historical context and is also to be read in a historical context.


Look at this scenario!

*He stood up to preach in one of the daily weekday's evening Masses. The first thing he asked the congregation to do was to go ask someone "How was your day?".*

*Everyone went around asking, shaking and patting each others back. Some even hugged themselves!

Awesome Series - Jun 2017

12 Sunday A: Do Not Be Afraid: Just Trust

Gospel  Text: Matthew 10:26-33
 Michel de Verteuil
General comments

With today’s passage we are still with the “continuous reading” of St Matthew’s gospel, although it is not strictly continuous since last week’s reading ended with verse 6 of chapter 10, and this week’s starts with verse 26 of the same chapter. Jesus is still in Galilee however, continuing to lay the foundation for his great work of transforming the ancestral religion of the Jews and eventually all religion.