24 Sunday A: Forgiveness

Fr. Bill Grimm's Video Message at the bottom

Gospel reading: Matthew 18:21-35

Michel DeVerteuil
General Comments
stewart and workerToday’s passage deals with the crucial issue of forgiveness, surely the most pressing of all our human problems, as individuals, as communities and as a human family. The future of humanity is in the hands of those who can forgive.

23 Sunday A: Prayer and Reconciliation

 Gospel Text: Matthew 18:15-20

Michel DeVerteuil
General Comments
J and disciplesThis passage is very different from those of the two previous Sundays. They were dramatic stories, marked by deep emotions and with deep implications for the characters involved. This is a little gem of a passage but with little drama, a very practical, common-sense teaching on that most common and most prosaic of community problems – conflict. It is deep wisdom teaching which continues to be valid for our time. Management has become a science today, and Jesus’ teaching stands up well as a model of how to “manage” conflict in any situation.

Blue Whale challenge: 17-year-old Russian girl, alleged mastermind, arrested

A 17-year-old Russian girl has been arrested for allegedly being the mastermind behind the deadly Blue Whale Challenge, that encouraged players to commit suicide.
The teenager, who has now been arrested, allegedly threatened her victims that she would murder them or their families if they did not complete the tasks that were set.

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