Lent Sunday 5 B - Liturgical Prayers

Christ, the Son of God,
learned to obey through suffering;
and so he became to all who obey him
the source of eternal salvation.
May this Lord Jesus be with you always. R/ And also with you.

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Lent Sunday 4 B - Liturgical Prayers

It is by grace that we have been saved,
not by anything of our own,
but by a gift from God.
We are God's work of art,
created in Christ Jesus.
May the grace and light of the Lord Jesus
be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Lent 1 Sunday B: Liturgical Prayers

The Lord Jesus is among us today
and speaks his word to us:
"The right time is now:
the kingdom of God is close at hand.
Repent, and believe the Good News."
May we listen to his word
and may he always be with you. R/ And also with you.