Against Religious Nationalism by Joseph Lobo

In some countries a form of religious-cultural nationalism is back in vogue. Religion is exploited both to obtain popular support and to launch a political message that is identified with people’s loyalty and devotion to a nation.[1] It is taken for granted that people have in religion a common identity, origin and history, and that these support an ideological, cultural and religious homogeneity that is strengthened by geopolitical boundaries.

John the Baptist - Nativity - Jun 24th

The Lord called me: You are my servant.

This is the second of the four “servant songs” in Isaiah. (Isaiah 40-50). These songs exalt the perfect Israelite, whose suffering saves many people. (Isaiah 53: ii). In one sense, the songs apply to Israel and to all of its great leaders; but in another sense, they apply ultimately and uniquely to Jesus alone. (Acts 3:13,26)

Birth of John the Baptist - Jun 24 - Liturgy

Greeting (See the First Reading of the Vigil) 

Do not be afraid to speak, says the Lord, for I am with you to protect you.  I am putting my words into your mouth.  Say whatever I command you.  May the Lord speak through us and be always be with you. R/ And also with you.  

Sacred Heart of Jesus and Bl. Moreau

Colgate, Kraft and Heinz were almost 100% Tithers

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Did you know that many are or have been almost 100% tithers? Among the many famous ones are William Colgate, (Colgate-Palmolive), James L.  Kraft (Kraft foods), and Henry John Heinz (Ketchup).  All three of these men started out tithing 10%, and so blessed were they by the practice, that at the time of their death, they were giving away almost 100% of their income!
Colgate and his Christian track record

Kingdom of God in Matthew (A): Sundays: 10 to 34

The Sacred heart of Jesus - Jun 19 - Liturgy

God Loved Us First 

Greeting (See second reading)
 God loved us before we could love him. He sent us his Son as our Savior and let us share in his Holy Spirit. May this love always be with you. R/ And also be with you.